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Everything posted by SPAMBOT4000

  1. I am here. If you will let me.
  2. Couldn't agree more. The only thing I'd add that I also think people are forgetting is that parody (also known as "making fun of") is FARRRR easier to do than coming up with original material. Not a massive fan of parody comedy in the mainstream myself as it usually relies completely on the viewer being familiar with the original material. That said I did enjoy EEVIL's video a lot (the smug look bit especially was awesome) but I'd rather see a video of original material rather than another CR parody.
  3. Oh FFS I wrote an entire breakdown for this episode but I went to quote something and it deleted it all. Bah. Basically, I loved the twists you did on some of the regular features (nein nein, Paynus... etc) Tom Cruise dissing is always a win and the pun was good. Subtitles is just a frankly genius pun imo. Anything featuring a jew is awesome. I enjoyed Phil's Quiz. Enjoyed my bit but ONLY because of what you did to what I sent you. I seriously in all honesty couldn't be bothered this week because of stuffs. Left it far too late to produce anything decent. One of these days I'll get my segment to you on time. Splash Claire was just epix. I'd read comments about it before seeing the ep but no way did I expect you to spit a gobful of water at her! Amazing. It just shows the potential of a full on hidden camera stylee CR episode. One day we shall make it happen. I know this makes me sound like a sour lemon and I fully realise my segment was shit this week (it would have been a lot worse had Rez not edited it into something resembling lulz) but you're still clearly just pissed at me because you took my rant the other week to heart (even though it was aimed at anyone but you as even though your criticism is generally negative, it's done in a funny and helpful way rather than just OTT & for the sake of it.)
  4. Bought it, finished it and loved it. Really inventive game. Just a shame the first half of it is far more creepy and ambiguous than the second.
  5. Feck yes! YOU ARE GOING YES?
  6. I enjoy a live laughter track. It's nice to laugh along with "others" Though a good show is funny with or without it.
  7. Exactly! There is no greater fun than a good board game with good company. I love the things. I just wish more people around me did too.
  8. I used to love Pogs so hard. I think I have a knitted postal bus full of the things in the attic (don't ask)
  9. I happen to enjoy board games as well as video games. By board games I mean games OTHER than Monopoly (a complete game of chance, no skill required) Some board games I enjoy are... Carcassone Ticket To Ride Hive Khet Pandemic Settlers of Catan Agricola I kinda recommend everyone to try a couple from that list, especially Ticket To Ride and Carcassone. There are amazingly fun board games around but everyone bases their opinion of board games on Monopoly (which is notoriously shit, predictable and non-interactive.)
  10. I suck too. I only have my Pa to play against and he really does suck. I once beat him in ten moves.... Oops.
  11. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Also: House.
  12. Probably, but Mac Messenger sucks balls. Damn Microsoft/Apple.
  13. Twin Peaks. La La Land. Marion & Geoff
  14. Mainly Chess With Friends on teh iphone but also occassionly on yahoo... (pseudo_psycho_freak)
  15. I love this game. My battlenet name is 'Jonny' I've not played too many multiplayer games. One I lost as I tried playing Zerg and had no clue about the new units. The others, I all statistically won but my shit connection timed out making me lose. Which is slightly annoying. Anyone wanna add me, please go ahead.
  16. I already had it on my Mac from the indie game bundle but I also downloaded it to t'iphone, It's awesome. Nuff Said.
  17. I'm SPAMBOT4000 (obvs...) on chess with friends if anyone else has it. Danny, I knew you'd love it. Add me yo! It's a shame more people aren't into it. Chess is the ultimate board game.
  18. XKCD and Dinosaur Comics FTW... I also have The Perry Bible Fellowship bookmarked in hope that it'll be updated more often. I hate how he released a super special edition of his book barely a year after Colonel Sweeto.
  19. That is a fucking awesome colour green, I cannot beat it.
  20. Yeah clearly the hottest one. C'mon Chair, post her personal info and shit yo! Thread is useless without proof and all that
  21. Ooo Flink, you into chess? CHESS WITH FRIENDS YO? I need some more peeps to play against.
  22. I guess I collect Board Games. I have shit loads that I've never played... ... ... ... ... ... Cause noone will play with me!
  23. umm Am i too late?! EDIt... Oh clearly I am... DOH!
  24. Aww I wanted to be there so so baaad . Mini meet soon anyone?
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