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Everything posted by SPAMBOT4000

  1. Shit. The Peeps targeted me. I'm sure. I was boosted twice. There were two separate descriptions of it. Once by Tales 'something entered your mind' and someone else but I felt a 'joyous sprinkling from above' which is the description I got when boosted on night one. And I'm sure it was The Peeps who said he targeted me then. If someone could check that would help, I'm on my phone now and it's awkward as hell. If one mafia needs to do the kill then surely that just leaves Eddie? Although who did you target Nintendohnut?
  2. I was super... Ultra charged so I think I was targeted twice. I'm also fairly certain I'm the turquoise, dark teal and red Pokemon that glares in the wrote up. Interesting point, Yvonne. Jimbob has been out as a protector for a couple of nights now (?) Although I'd say that might be the mafia realising we find him suspicious and just allowing us to off him in a town lynch. If he WERE mafia protector then surely Nintendohnut would be gone by now.
  3. Change Vote: Zell Just because not lynching anyone isn't really helpful and relative silence is bad for the game regardless of alignment.
  4. I'm currently voting for Yvonne. Not voted for Diageo at all yet.
  5. I only thought that Pokemon could have been me because it does match with Bronzong but the only red is in its eyes. I suppose it does match more with who Jimbob claims to be but in that case I'd have no idea who I was in the write up.
  6. Sounds a bit odd. Like 'Come on guys! We gotta lynch SOMEONE! Even me! Look at how pro-town I am! I'm totally townie! I'm even telling you to lynch me for the good of the town so that makes me definitely TOWN! Right?!' Vote: Yvonne Just so I've gotten my vote in. Very willing to change it later on depending what he says.
  7. Ah sorry, must have missed it. Yup I got a PM about it. I get that but a few posts before you stated you were neutral, though looking back on it you just seem to go along with Nintendohnut and say you're a neutral townie rather than say you're neutral. Can we hear a bit more from Yvonne? That all sounded VERY odd until the attention was turned toward Diageo. Note how quiet Yvonne goes. (although, granted, a lot has happened in the last four hours and work & things get in the way of Pokemafia, but still, something to consider) I almost believe Diageo is town for the sole reason that if he IS mafia, BOY is he playing a bad game. He's almost incriminated himself too much. I don't think a mafia would be as obviously withholding?
  8. As we're all 'coming out', I might as well too. I'm Bronzong. When I target someone, whoever else is also targetting that person will reach them, regardless of roleblocks, redirections or the target's own defensive powers. Targets. Night 1: Cube Night 2: Dud (Shiny Orb redirected to Cube) Night 3: Maddog Night 4: Eevilmurray (Which is probably why Nintendohnut's investigation wasn't fooled by Eevil's 'psychic facade') Night 5: No Target (Didn't see the point as noone was particularly suspicious at this point) Night 6: Jimbob Peeps' post is definitely interesting. Enough to make me Remove Vote until we've heard more from Diageo. I'd still like a definitive answer from Jimbob regarding whether he is neutral or town though. I think Yvonne is also definitely starting to sound fishy. ALSO, I'd like to hear the target list from the other superchargers. I was supercharged on one of the nights. Though it didn't give me the ability to target two people, it just made my powers effect me.
  9. Ahh I see what you did now but I hardly think that that's proof. If he was mafia, you saying that would have just been an easy way out. Even if he is a neutral, that doesn't necessarily mean he can be trusted, they could have their own win condition. He's definitely been lying quite a bit and that makes me suspicious and seen as though we don't currently have any other leads, my vote still stands. Also, the pokemon that "strikingly glanced" at a fidgeting pokemon could also have been me.
  10. Like who? Okay, well read it again because I was talking about Nintendohnut targetting you. But I thought you were neutral? About?
  11. I'm also going to Vote: Jimbob As nothing has really changed from yesterday aside from Nintendohnut declaring him neutral for no reason but then admitting that he didn't actually target him last night. Which is ALSO a little fishy IMO. I also don't buy the no win condition.
  12. I think I'm in the write up this time. Did anybody get anything?
  13. After night two I got a PM saying I found a shiny orb which caused me to target someone other than my original target (DuD). So, not on the night Jimbob claims he protected me BUT on the same night he said he protected DuD ... a mafia. It definitely seems like the orb was a redirect rather than a pure protective power. I'd say that Jimbob is a mafia redirector. He said that last night an orb caught his attention but I reckon he knows about the orbs because he's the one dishing them out. If you really WERE the town protector than why in hell would you protect ME two nights in a row? Surely, Nintendohnut, who has given us straight leads on two mafia would be the obvious target for your protective powers? Sorry, you've tried to divert attention away from yourself to four other people on this page alone. That reeks to me of a mafia who is clutching at straws because they've been found out.
  14. I'm not convinced Jimbob. Telling us that you're a protector instantly makes you a mafia target. But then being hasty about telling us your role because it'll reveal your allegiance? Hmm something doesn't add up. You're either mafia or a neutral with their own agenda. Vote: Jimbob
  15. Get your questions in now: BORDERS & JAMIESON: AGONY UNCLES
  16. The only time I've received a message from Rez this game is when I was distracted by an orb.
  17. Not sure. Gonna have a look at our web stats and see if I can see where the ip address came from.
  18. Ha! Facebook has just got me scared! It'll be fine! Haha yeah I saw that. I'm sure it's just someone we know being a twat though.
  19. Ha! Yes... I am becoming very in two minds about whether that post is 'too far'. I personally found it very funny but... seen as someone was arrested over a joke bomb threat tweet and another bloke arrested for a racist comment tweet... Hmm.
  20. Towns Smaller Than Jennifer Ellison's Forehead: Special Edition!
  21. Hmmm ... I targetted DuD the night before the day he was lynched and was told that I found a shiny orb which caused me to target somebody else. Maybe it's the mafia protection ... Either way, evidence is stacking up ... Vote: EEVILMURRAY
  22. I thought I was dead too actually as I didn't get a PM.
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