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Everything posted by SPAMBOT4000

  1. You've been asking for this in your hundreds, and now, here it is ... THE CONTINUING ADVENTURES OF SUPER TEACUP!!!
  2. The latest MUST VIEW feature on bordersandjamieson.com - DRAWINGS MY DOG DID
  3. Framlingham - Towns Smaller Than Jennifer Ellison's Forehead
  4. Yeah sorry, We've got to go on an investigator's info. Even just to see if they're a dumb cop or not. Vote: DuD
  5. Hmm. Seems like somebody else has been infected with the swearing curse! I don't really have much except I found a shiny orb which caused me to target somebody different.
  6. Totally! The Adventures of Super Teacup
  7. Err ... It does what we need it to do? Which is post shit on the internet without too much faffing about. Wordpress is far from being an out of date or underpowered CMS but even if it were - so what? What alternative do you suggest?
  8. As we currently have absolutely no ideas I'm going to go with ... Vote: No Lynch.
  9. Definitely see myself there (I think). No information to share, but then, there's no reason I'd have any. Anyone get anything?
  10. This blog will last for all eternity. Or at least until we stop paying for the domain. But yeah, it'll last a while I'm sure. I'm really quite excited about it. I think the main difference is that with a blog it's easy to crank out a quick post, a video series involves a lot more effort. Not that we won't have videos, we absolutely will. We came up with a shit load of awesome ideas during around 5 minutes of initial brainstorming and there will definitely be a lot more to come.
  11. MY FIRST PORN REVIEW Thought I'd also try my hand at professional pornography reviewing.
  12. Haha aw thanks guys Think I'll only be back properly for the mafia though. Rez bullied me into it. And by bullied I mean he asked me once and I said "HELLS YEAH".
  13. Whoop, I see you have already signed me up. HUZZAM! The password you suggested worked BTW
  14. I agree again but that was the other sketch that I filmed and abandoned from the potential Sorry Mum Episode 2. Also in that context I would have had other sketches in between clips of Daniel Crawford so it wouldn't have been as much all in one go. I'm also glad only the outside bits seemed improvised as it was practically all improvised, I just had more time to film a few takes of the inside parts as it wasn't as awkward to do solo and it also wasn't as freaking cold! (Filmed it on spur of the moment in January time :s) That is freaking creepily awesome. I love the expression of horror on the kids face at the end.
  15. Me: "Woah, did you hear that there is a new VideoBin video out?!" You: "OMG NO WAY I FREAKIN' <3 THE VIDEOBINS!!" Me: "Yeah, you can watch it right here: "You: "FUCK YES! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT SINCE A WHOLE THREE DAYS AGO WHEN THE LAST VIDEO WAS RELEASED!!!! But I wish there were an easier way to watch it. I really cba clicking a link..." Me: "There is... "
  16. Very much agree with this actually. I did that clip originally for a potential Sorry Mum 2 but kinda lost interest with it as it definitely needs something else. Yeah you're right, the joke is at the start and then there's not much after. Kinda thought it was alright for the videobin though. I reckon it's gonna end up being a bit more experimental than our other efforts which should hopefully encourage us all to do moar content. I've quit so many video ideas mid way because something wasn't quite right it's crazy. Also with us doing one sketch idea per video it'll give us more time to expand ideas. I always found it hard to do something interesting and punchy for CR so hopefully I'll have more luck here
  17. £4.04 for the complete Half Life collection. Wowzers. Played all the games to death on xbox and old PC's but that right there is a frigging bargain you cannot miss out on.
  18. Loved it.
  19. Yush, I do think so
  20. 2 for £1.10 at Tesco. Mmmmm
  21. Anyone do it?
  22. I analyse everything around me in stupid detail. I analyse why people choose to use certain words as opposed to others. And I wish it didn't ever make sense but it always does. People slip up on their word choices all the time and reveal more than they mean. I am constantly thinking about thing and it drives me insane. I wish I could switch my brain off and be ignorant for a while but i just can't.
  23. That's so good to hear. My exam moment realisation was when I realised that what I did my course on was more of a hobby to me than a career and that I really didn't want to persue it at all. That was my third year final exams last year. I now work in a coffee shop...
  24. Daft, I've had that exam moment realisation except I never did anything about it. Major props to you that you did.
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