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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. Spoilers: they haven't de-babified the escalators. Megaton revelation. @Glen-i having an inward drifting bike explains a lot.
  2. The touch screen could be the size of a windscreen and I'd still be banging up against the edges.
  3. Theatrhythm is so good, isn't it? I've only got the first one and I still find myself firing it up for a few tunes every 12-18 months. Each time I'm left wondering the same thing: was I playing with a particular goal in mind before? I think at release when I was playing it regularly, I'd got to a point where I was grinding the chaos shrines--sort of like the grottos in DQ IX if you will--but beyond that, I can never remember what I wanted out of them or why. Just experience? Looking for a particular item to drop? Grinding for shards to unlock the last remaining characters? Dunno, so a few tunes from the challenge menu does me fine. It's sad to see some of my high scores dated from summer 2012 get replaced with 2022. I was looking at the DLC for Theatrhythm and Curtain Call (3DS DLC is never far from most of our minds these days ) and, man, Curtain Call originally came out too soon for me to be ready for an expansion, but now? I'm kind of up for it. Were the FMVs retooled for 3D? Some Chrono Trigger tunes to tap and swipe through would be bliss. Not only that but the FF music (and scenes!) has got me hankering for some classic FF. Might have to dust off the GBA Micro if S-E isn't for bringing those games to the eShop. I still want that 3D version of FF 1 brought over. In the meantime, you'll find me musically battling on the big bridge.
  4. Wouldn't have minded a bit more gameplay in that trailer... but yeah, looks all right!
  5. They've gone and outed themselves as pro-Catalunya now. Are your dogs throughbreads?
  6. My main concern is that they have the right components to make joysticks that don't drift. Those rooftop Super Mario Party parties got heated enough before drift started wreaking havoc with player control.
  7. Think it's newcomer friendly--like you'll miss/not appreciate whatever finer aspects connect it to the first 2, but you'll not be lost with 3 as a standalone game. That's my understanding anyway, even if I would like to have 2 under my belt first. One thing you will need to do is tear yourself away from the Steam Deck though.
  8. * Treasure hunt. So true! Would have thought it wouldn't be too difficult to narrate the trailer in a way that would avoid this.
  9. Seems to dial it back on the real-world inspiration this time. Aldea is a small village so... P for Pokémon? Not planning to comb through it so I'll leave it to @Ashley to take us through the rest. I see this and I think... let's skin up, emote up and get ready to board the battle bus. Think it said three story options to pursue with one being the eight gyms and victory road. If it's that good I'll count it as a win!!
  10. Did you play the original on Wii? There's plenty more to slog through yet.
  11. Ring Fit does not skip legs day confirmed.
  12. Come on Ring Fit, that ninth spot's there for the taking!
  13. And all the fans ever wanted was a Pokémon quiz show. If only Game Freak would get the message.
  14. I listened to one and a bit yesterday and a bit and one today. Seemed all right without going overly in-depth. I quite like that they take time to touch on their own experience of discovering Nintendo rather than just regurgitating the news of the week. Makes it a bit more personable. Another voice in the mix might be nice, you're probably right about that.
  15. In the coming days--the 4th of August in particular--some games will no longer be on sale. This includes: SteamWorld Dig -- £1.39 SteamWorld Heist -- £2.19 SteamWorld Dig 2 -- £2.99 Virtue's Last Reward -- £3.99 (Demo available) And some Harvest Moons though I'm unsure if those are the good ones or not, so you'd be better doing your own research first.
  16. All signs seemed to be pointing to the fourth Pikmin colour being blue. Just got it and it's something different... a gamechanger!
  17. Ah, right. You were there day -1. I got XC:DE after XC3 was announced and I've been keeping an eye out for 2 in the meantime. The eShop card is all I ever see so I was wondering if you'd bought it recently. This one is news to me. Just checked it and it's a bit of a treasure trove for games I've been unable to get off Amazon or Game. Thought the ship had sailed on these. Thanks very much for bringing it to my attention!
  18. https://nintendoeverything.com/tetris-99-30th-maximus-cup-announced-with-selection-of-returning-themes/ Catch-up event. Handy as I think I missed a few of those before. Hoping it's not US-only though I think these normally run in tandem across the regions?
  19. Poorly implemented. Clunky. Forgettable. Bring back underwater exploration with braille codes to crack and then we're talking. And yes, I'll be wanting an instruction manual to go with that.
  20. Sorry, I meant where did you get it from? Seems to not be in stock in the places I've checked.
  21. The quality doesn't seem to be there, imo. They've got their template and that's how it's going to be, it seems. Already can't remember the general consensus on Moon Knight but I thought it was decent enough. A bit different, anyway! I'm not dying to see X-Men, prefer them to hold off and bring them back when it's ready rather than rushing it. I'd like to see Rogue done well, a good Cyclops and get Gambit and Jubilee in there for crying out loud. Afaik, the films routinely do a billion at the box office? Reckon as long as people continue to lap it up, they'll keep on making them. They'd be idiotic not to. Just a pity there isn't more substance to em. They could easily scale back the one-liners and let the weight of some moments be felt more. What a botch job. Such a lack of patience. With their stable of characters they should have been able to build a decent DCEU by now. You're right in that they should just have committed to the shambles they had and set about getting their act together from there. Also enjoyed Shazam! though I'm not too excited about the follow-up after the trailer. Yes, I knowwww. Unpopular opinion. But as you note there, comic book films weren't exactly on a hot streak and for me, that trilogy sucked all the fun out it. Like I said, I'm open to an eventual rewatch as I might now view it as a nice contrast from the MCU stuff. Ey! I liked WandaVision well enough so I'd rather have had a proper Wanda film without Cumberbatch stinking the joint out. I liked what Raimi brought to that film visually + Wanda but the whole thing, in general, was just so superficial. Opted out of the new Thor off the back of it and as mentioned, I'll just pick and choose a few things from the next phase chart. Set yourself free too!
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