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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. "I'd worry more about cleaning up your Avalanche skills first." Yeeeeeooo.
  2. Thanks, everyone. That was great.
  3. Just wondering if you followed the link to see the selected games before sharing that... Bonanza indeed.
  4. Now you mention it, I think I read you saying that in the Conquest thread. Not an easy task for me to imagine playing FE without the peril of wondering if I'm going to be crit'd to death at any moment, and need to restart the encounter. What's the cost/ penalty for doing so?
  5. Sounds like you've made great time on that. Assuming characters going down in battle is final, have they added a restart battle option or are you still having to reset the game?
  6. Possession predictions for tonight's match? 80-20?
  7. I could kind of see where you're coming from if I hadn't just finished the game in a matter of days so I'll have to beg to differ as in my experience it was short and fairly breezy. Actually, I wouldn't have minded if it lasted me another few days! Imo there was a good mix of levels that took a minute or two versus others that had me scratching my head and mentally reverse engineering a route. There was probably only one level it felt unexplained which I put down to me not having spotted an interaction previously. Otherwise, exploring different options and toying with the pull of gravity was made easy thanks to the rewind button which rarely left me reaching for the reset button. As I alluded to, there were occasions I felt I reached the exit through suboptimal means (rewinding and tweaking it to manoeuvre the character with extreme precision) but I got there nonetheless. In some ways, I was reminded of Donkey Kong ('94) and Mario v DK as I played. I think for an indie game to have me recall those indicates it's probably on the right track. Perhaps you were nodding off with motion controls enabled which left it all topsyturvy when you woke up with the controller lolling off to the side.
  8. Everfrost Peak... Walrus Cove... Snowball Valley... FROSTY VILLAGE. Yep, it's time to pull the blinds and play DKR until you're shivering.
  9. Loaded up another unplayed eShop purchase I pounced on one time it was on sale in years gone by. The Bridge. 2D puzzle game where you're goal is to get to the exit door. Easy to grasp. Sometimes you need keys, always you'll need to rotate the stage to utilise gravity and build momentum. Walls and ceilings are all potential floors. There are also some boulders to avoid (that look like the Chomp rocks in Yoshi's Island crossed with the moon from Majora's Mask), vortices to contend with, buttons to press, and some other bits and pieces get added into the mix as you go. Like all good puzzlers, it starts off basic and gradually turns the screw with each passing chapter. Before you realise it, the old grey matter has been eased through the gears, half the game is done and you're loading back in for the mirror stages. It wasn't until the last two levels of the first half that I found it taxing, then the back half got devious enough at points that I'm not even sure I got through some parts using the intended solution. With gravity and momentum being in play there could well have been different ways to get to the exits. Due to the hand-drawn style of the graphics (it's really nice looking), there are times when it can be difficult to discern what's foreground or background but if you find you've walked around half the stage just to be blocked off by a pillar, or tipped the level in a way that's left you floating off into oblivion, pressing and holding B rewinds the puzzle. So you can easily get back to where you want to diverge from your previous actions without needing to restart the whole thing from scratch. Pretty nifty. I've crossed the bridge though I didn't come away with all the achievements in this one. Still, definitely got my money's worth--this and Paratopic are very much examples of the kind of games I trawl through the eShop to unearth. Brisk and memorable. There's a demo if anyone wants to check it out.
  10. Saw the vid on YouTube. Think this game needs more than three waves, tbh. Daisy: Technique, hard to barge over, should have been in the game from the start Shyguy: All-rounder Desert Ruin Stadium if that's your thing Knight gear: strength and shooting up Safe enough predictions. Would be nice if they continue to add to it beyond the confirmed three waves.
  11. You can only use what you have so if your wardrobe lends itself more to the Rab C Nesbitt or Onslow look, then, by all means, work away! Got the bunker kitted out nicely in advance.
  12. Some WFH tips from me are to wear a sports t-shirt as the fabric will allow your body to breathe a bit and when having your breaks consider turning off your electronics to give them some downtime to cool off as well--even check your router and other things you wouldn't normally worry about to see how warm they are. Then in general, if you feel you're reaching the point where the heat is becoming unbearable, keep in mind you can hop in for a cool/ cold shower. Depending on your tolerance levels they're great (at all times of the year). Don't worry, it'll all be over soon.
  13. Give them some credit. Your cats wouldn't just sit in the heat like a dog...
  14. They'd be offended to hear you think that way. That's a good point. When I'm looking for Nintendo news N-E never comes up.
  15. There was plenty that needed to be reworked. I think I found it more interesting at the beginning when you're getting a glimpse at what his life became before the call to action kicked in and it goes from naff to naffer on a scene-to-scene basis. It was a pity that most of the time I was laughing at it rather than getting invested in it. Perhaps what they went for would have worked in the Clone Wars style though I've just come away with a feeling of meh, why bother if this is the end product? If they take lessons from it as you say, then great. But if they just keep cranking these series out in this state... Episode I on the road to redemption. I'll never look at my Postman Pat tapes in the same way.
  16. I see the Resident Evil games are back on sale on the eShop, however, it doesn't feel like the right time of year for another one of those, so I had a dig* through to see what unplayed eShop bargains I have (from previous years ). Paratopic. Tis the season for this no more than it's the season for a Resi game. It's an award-winning horror/suspense sort of thing with a 32-bit graphical style where you walk, talk, shoot (a weapon and photographs), drive and interact a bit with your surroundings. You play in first-person and for a short game, it gives you plenty of time to drink it in and look around for clues of environmental storytelling. It's designed to be completed in one sitting which I've done several times over the course of the weekend. And man, I'm not much the wiser as to what's going on in it. I became a wee bit more familiar with it and gleaned some different details on repeated playthroughs by exploring in different directions and choosing different dialogue options, but the overall story? I've probably interpreted it differently to the next person. It's a pretty freaky game. I was unsettled and chilled when something happened and it snapped me to another scene with no explanation. The game recommends headphones which I'm sure would pull you in and put you more on edge. The sound effects, speech and music are surreal enough without them. Achievements have been left in the Switch version. I got around half during my first go and nearly cleaned up in my second just by, as I mentioned, doing things like going right where I went left and trying different dialogue options. It wasn't long until I got all the achievements, making Paratopic the first game I can think of where I've done that. Maybe worth a look if you're on the prowl for a weird one when the nights are drawing in if you spy Paratopic on sale. *I've still got one SteamWorld game to polish off, another to start and the rest to buy...
  17. How did the Yoshi yarn shorts?
  18. Have you managed to push through? I haven't got Three Houses so I do wonder if it's justified that the game expects you to go through it three times or does it come across as being needlessly drawn out?
  19. Got finished up with Obi-Wan. I've enjoyed The Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett however I found this Obi-Wan storyline was something I just didn't need to know about. Obviously, there was never going to be any true jeopardy because spoilers, the characters all star in A New Hope, but I still thought they'd be capable of slotting in something that provided a bit of decent insight into things. Especially with the low episode count, you don't expect these series to be filler/ inconsequential. Sadly, it seemed poorly thought out, cheaply put together, and I just was never properly able to suspend my disbelief and get drawn into it. Tala was probably the most interesting, imo.
  20. And four. Thanks for the scud.
  21. Careful England. 2-0's the most dangerous scoreline in football.
  22. Salah all smiles having ousted Sadio and succeeded in securing his pay rise. Just bagged a deflected goal. .Hadn't heard that. They'll be hoping it doesn't destabilise them for the knock-out rounds. A lot of the players there going to be called up for the World Cup or what.
  23. Yeah, just the thought of golden boot aspirations has me dreading tonight. Cricket score incoming. First up is Liverpool v Crystal Palace. Maybe that's a conversation for the 22/23 thread. The Pool are going with a stronger starting XI than the other day against Man U where they must have used ~30 players over the 90 mins as they rotated the team every half hour. Man U were 10 days further ahead in their preparations and looked a bit more settled, plus they want to show their worth to the new manager. No Diogo or Becker today, and I think I heard them mention someone else--either Joe (Gomez) or Joel (Matip)? Jurgen's still going to chop and change but it's not going to be a game of three halves like the other day. Maybe see a bit more structure at the back today as they work the cobwebs off. Not sure what to expect from Palace. Hopefully see a decent kickabout where the promise of things to come shines through.
  24. England manager says she wants to avoid changing the team too much to keep momentum up and Kenny Shiels wants NI to take it to England. It's going to be 25-1 isn't it.
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