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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I go once or occasionally twice a day, but when I wa younger I only needed to go 2-3 times a week. I started shitting a lot more often around the age of 16-17, and have heard others say the same. Erm, isn't that just stress on your coccyx? I always thought that was normal - if it's what I think it is, everyone gets it. Might be something else though.
  2. Initial response: "Fuck off Ashley, not now I'm doing a non-vocational degree." Seriously though, I really don't know. I'd love to go into linguistics, apart from the fact that the pay's dreadful.
  3. Got a 2:1 for the first year, meaning I can change to linguistics. Yayness. We get kicked out if we get ordinaries - mind you, they're pretty damn hard to get, especially in essay subjects. I think you'd have to vomit on the script and hand it back in or something.
  4. Had a go at writing a Pushkin sonnet, I love their sense of rhythm: A walk, inside your own reflection, Great streaks across an open sky, A mass of things; a fine collection, Devices for suggesting why, A clutch of thoughts, all strewn asunder, Remnants of a crack of thunder, Panic, worry, black frustration, Clean wrought hopes of reformation, But something more, among the medley, I see it shimmer in the dust, Much like the glittering of lust, Yet this one is somehow more deadly. It lies forgotten - nothing much, But rue the day you feel its touch. Edit: And a randomish Sestina: It seems I've been presented with a mystery. I look at it and frown - what's in this funny box? There is a keyhole, yet I have no key to open it with. I slump, sigh, and scratch my head, and think - what can I do? There must be some way I can crack this bastard open. Of course, some "simple" methods would open the damn thing. That'd solve the mystery for good. But, if I were to do it like that, there wouldn't really be much point - it'd just destroy the box. Plus, it's a nice looking thing. I wouldn't want to scratch it - much more satisfying to get in with the proper key. And therein lies the problem. I have no such key. And without one, I have no idea how I'll open it. I search the surface for a telltale scratch. I need something odd, some hint of mystery. It brings to mind those Persian things - a box with a little secret catch. Of course, there doesn't seem to be anything. Damn Persians - their boxes had tricks. Much better than a bloody key! As it is, what can I do? Great, another useless box to litter the place - and this one won't even open. I don't know - in a way this is the worst kind of mystery. No solution at all, however far you decide to scratch beneath the surface. God, I could almost scratch my own eyes out with frustration, but there wouldn't be much point. The dammed mystery would still be there - a box, without a key. I could scream in rage - "open sesame, open you fool!" But that'd do nothing to this silly box. Giving up, I narrow my eyes and glare at the box. And it's at this moment that I hear a little scratch. I look at the thing in wonder as it swings open - all that trouble, and it does this now? And look, there! I've discovered the location of that blasted key: it's right inside the box. Ha! No more mystery! And that's how I opened the box. You thought I'd used a cunning technique, but there was nothing of the sort - I heard a scratch, and there was the key. So, I suppose that's all for that mystery. Any other boxes you want me to open?
  5. I don't get the mood thing, but at the moment what is annoying me is that I'm not at university, and almost all my friends are miles away... giving me nothing to do whatsover. I am seeing people next week, thank God. *can't wait to go back to uni*
  6. You're a cool poster - you engage brain before reaching for the keyboard, which is better than many. And you write posts that want to be read.
  7. Ayup, unless you say otherwise, everything you write becomes copyrighted to you automatically. I suppose you could always try complaining and see if they do anything.
  8. warandchaos: Deserts are defined by low rather than no rainfall, and DVD stands for both Digital Versatile Disk and Digital Video Disk. Also, while correct, the dolphin thing arises from an urban legend about only dolphins and humans deriving pleasure from sex - to quote Jack Cohen, the reproductive biologist, "loads of animals love sex!" Moogle: Your quiz is crazy.
  9. I've never had this problem, what with always having shelves with edges and more books than shelf space, but I imagine I'd just put massive books at each end of the shelf - The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language at one end, and the New Japanese to English Character Dictionary at the other, and you're sorted. :wink:
  10. So, it seems The_fish is now 18, able to bask in the joys of alcohol, cigarettes, and porn, go to war, model for porn, and vote. (thanks, Wikipedia) Whichever of these you decide to do, happy birthday!
  11. When I joined this site (C-E back then), the gamecube was yet to be released, and I had just started at secondary school. I'm now about to go into my second year of university. That amount of time and variation in circumstances is bound to change anyone, I suppose I'll have a go at explaining how. For a start, I was a total nintendo fanboy back then. I was also an idiotic poster - for instance, I remember making a poll along the lines of "Can you ride on yoshi in Mario Sunshine? yes/no" way before the information was known. I also constantly tried to be funny the whole time, and probably came across as a bit of an annoying n00b. Now... well, it's up to you whether or not you still think I'm an annyoing n00b. As for real life, I've obviously grown up a bit, and learnt more. I think I've also become more independent, and more competent socially. I suppose I'm also probably happier now - my life is great at the moment.
  12. Prepare to be pwned. *has no idea of chess strategy* It's so boring being at home... I'm already looking forward to going back to uni.
  13. I forgot about Garfield minus Garfield... it is brilliance of the highest degree.
  14. When is this Sheffield thing? I have an IRL friend in Sheffield...
  15. I've read all of PBF and avidly follow xkcd, and like others wish the first was still being updated. I used to like CAD, but not really sure why these days... Other than that, I occasionally read dinosaur comics, which are cool.
  16. Sounds like it was great, pity I couldn't really go. Ah well, maybe another time...
  17. This whole finale gets a big fat meh from me... I look forward to Moffat's stuff though.
  18. You might want to question the statistical validity of drawing your sample from a nintendo forum. (is not a first-born and so cannot answer the questions)
  19. Lost touch with what's going on regarding games a bit now, but I was fairly good at melee, and you can play this online right? Sounds cool.
  20. Went to Cambridge to buy linguistics books for next year... came away with several kilos worth.
  21. You guys are going to grumble at me for this, but I probably won't be coming, for the following reasons: 1 - I'm too poor. (cheap ticket, but still) 2 - I have a load of student finance stuff to sort out fairly urgently. 3 - I have a load of linguistics books to read. 4 - I'm really tired. 5 - Ah! Internet people! (this one is minor) Sorry...
  22. Happy birthday to Dyson and other assorted people, who may or may not be vacuum cleaners.
  23. I think that was kind of the idea for the official NE quiz... must resurrect that some day.
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