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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Bleh, too much chance, not enough skill. It's still pretty fun though.
  2. That is of course against the rules, but Shorty was talking more about images that break the size limit and so on.
  3. Don't you mean 2 9 18 20 8 4 1 25?
  4. For me, the will to type correctly never goes... even when I'm hammered, I type perfectly.
  5. For confused foreigners - there's a method that's (almost) guarranteed not to irritate anyone, whatever part of the British Isles they may be from: call people from England "English", people from Wales "Welsh", people from Scotland "Scottish", people from Ireland "Irish", etc.
  6. Grand Arcade/Lion Yard or the Grafton centre? Either way, it's not really that odd to dream of a town you know... I think on the whole, dreams involving death and so on tend to mean very little.
  7. Related things, and a slightly less awesome diagram here.
  8. Good day. Parents away on holiday, spent a while trying to show why the sentence "Who is the fact that she met worrying?" is ungrammatical using Government and Binding theory, and managed to crack it - nice and satisfying. Got a postcard, and heard that my friends got the letters I sent them. Also drank some coffee, which was of course awesome. Anyway, congrats Jordan! I suppose all the boring time spent working payed off.
  9. It depends very much on the person/people and situation... suffice to say, I don't think I'd meet the heroic ideal of sacrificing myself for a random person, but then again, I think most people wouldn't.
  10. The other night, I had a dream that Richard Dawkins bought me a pair of goggles.
  11. Muse, and also Franz Ferdinand. (yay lack of credibility)
  12. I can think of a couple of Firefox apps - Taboo, which saves tabs and things in a cool way, and Rikaichan, that lets you hover over Japanese words and look them up in a dictionary.
  13. Happy birthday, you homing shell you.
  14. Hmm, I have to say I've always been slightly sceptical of some of the foundations of even standard ecology - the idea of artificially maintaining an unstable state of high biodiversity always seemed a bit odd. That said, there are countless advantages to greater diversity, but I don't see why these can't be achieved to at least some extent by saving species that are dying out (and it's not like we'll ever have saved all of those), rather than by cutting down shrubs on sand dunes to maintain a deferred climax. As for deep ecology... well. It seems all very morally pure (hence the hippy accusations, I suppose) but I can't see it achieving a great deal, and on closer examination, it's more than a little crazy. I'd argue that humans today are pretty much an r-selected species, (that's right - I disagree with Wikipedia!) and it's futile attempting to stop them dividing. Humans have an ecological niche, and they occupy it well... it just turns out that that involves them dividing like mad. Plus, I don't think it's necessarily selfish to prioritize humans over other animals - we are humans, so it's somewhat understandable. Then don't post anything.
  15. Meh, things like Myspace annoy me. I have Facebook because it's kind of obligatory, and it's pretty useful/funny.
  16. Ayup, I was only joking... I chose Cambridge because their science course is more general, and now I'm doing linguistics, and you can only do that combined with a language at the other place. Anyhoo, Warwick is cool, though I never got a chance to have a look around the place. Like Fish says, I'd go for city universities over campus ones, but I'd put the most priority on course. And jayseven, I walked past Hallam, it looks cool. And like I said, it's known to be good for your course, so I wouldn't worry too much.
  17. Yep, but there are also all sorts of extensive government records, which is why Icelandic people are used so much in genetic studies.
  18. Ah, you Icelandic and your well documented family trees...
  19. I've been off since 10th June, and lectures don't start again until about 7th October, meaning nearly four months off... and I'm bored already.
  20. Have a look at uni number one in the two. :wink:
  21. I drink my coffee Dan Dare style, or failing that I have espresso. Anyone who fancies something even more hardcore should try ordering "un cafe solo" in Spain. I reckon 90% of my friends at uni are addicted to caffeine... I must remember to get a cafetiere thing for next year so I can have real coffee.
  22. I'm pretty sure the first cinema film I was Aladdin... Wikipedia says I would have been about 3, unless I saw a later screening. I think 3 is about right though.
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