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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Actually, that's a good point - missing a couple of weeks of a term would cause me a ridiculous amount of trouble and extra work... Oh well, it'd be fun to do it in the holidays.
  2. I have to say this thread is nicely demonstrating why I'm a pacifist.
  3. I would love to do this, but have never been called.
  4. Due to flat feet, long sightedness and various other problems, I wouldn't be able to join the army, navy, RAF or police force even if I wanted to. Conscripting me would be wholly stupid - I'm useless at anything physical (and dire at FPS games - despite the many times I've played Halo, my kills probably sum to about 20), and would just end up being a burden and/or getting killed. I'd be far better placed working on the tech front or somesuch. However, I'd be a conscientious objector and refuse to do this - yes, this gets you sent to prison, but it's what I'd choose.
  5. Supergrunch


    Public appeals against this kind of thing ensure that you'll be unsuccessful, as it says in the rules. [locked]
  6. What's one of those? (you presumably don't mean prepositional phrase, which is what PP means for me...)
  7. Talking of Dr. Horrible, I had a dream that he drove me home from... something involves airports and sleeping in many tiered bunk beds. And he had an English accent. That was a really odd dream.
  8. We've discussed this in the past, and decided to keep manga discussions in the anime thread. *merges*
  9. I am currently wearing your t-shirt (yay Threadless)... upside-down photo in it coming soon.
  10. Happy birthday to the great Tphi... will he honour us by posting outside a staff forum?
  11. Yes, yes it is. Observe Dan Dare the alpha male in his natural habitat, and watch as he gathers his harem.
  12. Bleh, I'm going to say I'll play anyway, and hope this carries on for a while past 11th September... plus, I suppose I might be able to get some pictures in Japan. Anyway, I'll send in a list once I've thought of one.
  13. All the best groups on facebook are the secret ones.
  14. Question D was my favourite, with E close behind. Have a look at D, then have another look once you know it's:
  15. Blarg, spent just over 3 hours doing this, which was great fun but damn hard. Kinsa hach'a challwa paya challwallampiwa challwataxa!
  16. Both good... I really must finish Kafka on the Shore sometime, I'm right near the end. Anyway, alright day. Communed with real life people using the interwebs (!), cleaned up my parents' kitchen (so much filth and out of date rubbish) and made a noodly stir-fry thing.
  17. ReZourceman Reveals Sublime Flowery Accessories.
  18. As far as I know, Scottish highers come out today, A-levels a week on Thursday (14th August), and GCSEs two weeks on Thursday (21st August). Good luck people!
  19. That thing is a different shape, has larger bubbles, and I think the chocolate is slightly richer. (i.e. has more milk in it)
  20. That buttons thing is strange, I only found it out when my sister borrowed one of my shirts (I forgot why) and asked why the buttons were on the wrong side. Tradition I suppose.
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