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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Or you could use The Sunday Times good uni guide... fuck Oxford. Regarding laptops, etc. - I know various people who get all that stuff, it's usually relatively justifed. Fun fact: if you drop out, you get to keep it all! Of course, I get nothing. Oh yes, Fish, "half deaf" is a bit of an odd term to use, as just about nobody classed as deaf can hear nothing at all. It's usually measured in terms of level of hearing loss, i.e. moderate, severe, profound, etc.
  2. I voted coffee... great as a drink, horrible as a Revel.
  3. I'm about 1/16th Danish, and 1/32nd French, and there's probably a little hint of Arabic somewhere. Other than that, I'm mostly English (read: unknown), and that's the nationality I consider myself to be.
  4. Er, what? You've velar nasaled it all up - the en of "england" is [iŋ] (said ing), the en of "N" is [ɛn] (said en), the an of "angle" is [æŋ] (said ang) and the an of "animal" is [æn] (said an). And the "AEn" thing is [eɪn], be it in Icelandic or English. [/pedantry]
  5. Yeah, I think you've got the wrong end of the stick there... it's a group to greet freshers, not a real family. *is actually monogamous* It can sound really bad, last year I was talking to my friend in a cafe and he shouted out "your brother pulled your mum?" The joys of incest...
  6. Lol, "that sort"? Families are just groups of friends really, it's standard at my college to have a minimum of two dads and two mums... random, nonetheless.
  7. Do any of you guys have families at your universities? As in, second years to welcome freshers. I'm in one, but I have four wives and a husband...
  8. It's not pronounced "nidib"? ...I don't know what to say.
  9. RETCON! Seriously, please stop this pointless arguing... I'm feeling somewhat grumpy today, don't give me an excuse.
  10. Welcome back Tendo, I definitely remember you.
  11. But... how can you prefer non-primes to primes? Primes are all primey and indivisible and nice colours.
  12. I needed to read books, but was able to look at them in libraries, and bought very few. Later years are more reliant on papers as opposed to books, but to get higher marks I think you'd still need to read stuff. (changed from this course after the first year to linguistics, which appears to involve far more books)
  13. I should probably point out that no statistician (correct me if I'm wrong Odwin :wink:) takes IQ seriously. It's a random measure of... something, which isn't intelligence, though is arguably vaguely related to some sorts of reasoning skills. The idea is to make a statistic that is nomally distributed with mean 100 and variance 225, meaning that the outliers have IQs above 130 (historically "geniuses") and below 70 (historically "morons"), the 98th and 2nd percentiles respectively. Of course, the tests never work this accurately, and all end up giving different results, and as they're all asking different questions, what do they actually end up telling you? It's neither a measure of intelligence nor an accurate measure of IQ, whatever that actually is. In my opinion, the worst fallacy is that IQ suggests that intelligence is linear.
  14. And then your university takes it most of it away again and you're left with hardly anything. Can't imagine it being so fun when you have to pay it back, either... Ah well, it's still fun when you see the money coming in.
  15. No, I deleted three posts. I don't really have any reason to get especially worked up if the site goes down...
  16. Meh, not sure then. There may be various levels of account deletion... either way, banning is standard. I think Ray Falling requested to be deleted. (so did dynastygal, but the ban overrode that)
  17. It's standard procedure to ban rather than delete accounts, so that all the banned member's posts don't vanish, which can make threads confusing.
  18. Guys, shut up. This would be moved to questions, but I only have control of general chit-chat, though that doesn't stop me infracting you.
  19. He was Harribo... not sure about the post count thing.
  20. There's a tiny little hair inside my laptop screen that I'm unable to shift, but it sometimes moves an inch or so when I transport the laptop long distances. It's really annoying.
  21. Actually, you might be on to something there. It reminds me of: for some strange reason...
  22. Stop it Caris. [locked]
  23. Egh, even if it was started in earnest, this has basically become a spamfest. And it is somewhat similar to the other thread... [locked]
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