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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Yeah, I meant more in terms of it being a different facet of her power, like the Hatian who can supress abilities and erase memories. Well, there are some theories for time travel which are arguably physically valid, such as Kip Thorne's idea of creating a traversable wormhole then twins paradoxing one end through space before bringing it back. Alternatively, you could slow light to around walking speed by passing it through Einstein-Bose condensate near absolute zero, and create a loop of light cones and thus a closed timelike curve. Either way, you get the possibility of backwards time travel, but not to before the creation of your "time machine". Some scientists argue that in such cases the parallel worlds theory would resolve parodoxes, but this is controversial. Incidentally, travel forwards in time is definitely possible, and not just by waiting around - it's a fundamental part of special relativity. Spacetime is apparently far more flexible than the speed of light. Anyway, what with Heroes being science fiction and all I see no real problem with them using parallel universes in their treatment of time travel. What's more of a problem is that they apply this inconsistently, so that sometimes timelines merge, and sometimes parallel universes are produced. They should really decide whether lines are mutable or immutable, rather than having both at once and using whichever they please.
  2. Nah, I was writing it as I would have pronounced it (pretty much RP, so not SSE at all), which was apparently not how you say it at all. Also put a instead of æ by mistake... Anyway, it's: /pɑːdʒ 'miː nɑː/ At a guess, SSE would be: /padʒ 'mi na/ Not that it's relevant or anything. [/pointless diversion]
  3. Happy birthday! /padʒ'miːnə/ = pajmeena (correct, I think) /paʃ'miːnə/ = pashmeena (wrong, I think) Information on phonetics here, here, and here.
  4. I used an expanded version of the same dictionary you quoted from, just to point out that dictionaries only give you examples of how words are used, and there are almost always going to be variants. I am arguing with you just for the sake of it, as I love this kind of thing, but ultimately I take issue with you prescribing the semantics of a word simply because the way someone uses it offends your vegetarian sensibilities. We've determined people don't always mean "fish" when they say "meat", now get over it and stop getting angry with people who don't use the language in exactly the same way as you, especially when English isn't their L1. Regarding cucumber: this stuff is generally really nice, but occasionally can have a really bitter or acidic taste, which makes it nasty. I love mushrooms though.
  5. In your dialect sure, but that's not really the point. Given you're playing the dictionary game, I'll turn to the full OED definition: 1. a. Food, as nourishment for people and fodder for animals; esp. solid food, as opposed to drink (but see quots. c1450 and 1575). Now arch. and regional. ... 1996 R. ALLSOP Dict. Caribbean Eng. Usage 378/1 Meat, fodder (grass, vines, cane stocks, etc) for livestock or horses. Hmm, that's a fairly recent variant use in a different dialect... 4. a. The flesh of animals used as food, esp. excluding fish and sometimes poultry, and usually in contrast to the bones and other inedible parts; {dag}a dish of this (obs.). ... 1987 Sunday Express Mag. 2 Aug. (Best of Britain Suppl.) 10/1 The Cistercian monks ate fish not meat, and had fishing rights in the River Dee. And this example disagrees with you - as the defintion says, meat doesn't always mean fish. So don't assume that the meaning you apply to the word is the only possible one; if you really want to be pedantic, be so about something you can prove. Edit: I don't want people getting the idea that dictionaries dictate how you should use words - instead, they merely act as documentation for some uses. If your definitions of words are different, then go ahead and use whatever meanings seem natural, but remember that others may be doing the same. Now on with the thread!
  6. Hidden Valley → My friend actually saw this sign...
  7. The meanings of words change, depending on era, dialect, and individual, so your argument is a little pointless - for a start, the word "meat" used to mean food in general, such as in: "[a merchant] cam in to an hows and axed for mete and specyally he axyd after eggys. And the good wyf answerde that she coude speke no frenshe. And the merchaunt was angry for he also coude speke no frenshe, but wolde haue hadde egges and she vnderstode hym not." -William Caxton I don't imagine your definition also includes eggs, so there's no need to get worked up if people need clarification, especially when English isn't their first language.
  8. An all female Phoenix Wright opera, starring: (well, I assume Phoenix is the star...)
  9. Yeah, I never said they actually read what they're supposed to. They mostly read what they can then use summaries and the like, but a few somehow seem to manage everything. Is that 170 hours for the term? I think I was supposed to do 50-60 hours a week total last term, but a lot of that was timetabled, and I never really managed it.
  10. First off, that was great, and a big improvement on most of season 2.
  11. Looks way too attractive and much more irritating than me:
  12. Some of my friends are expected to read multiple books a day...
  13. I tried pot noodles once... never again. I usually like disgusting junk food stuff, but not them, apparently.
  14. I vaguely know a guy who does a lot of this... the resulting beer is supposed to taste disgusting, but then I think that of most beer.
  15. What's a real life man? Apparently that's what they were tested on, as opposed to real live men...
  16. So yes, I watched Air... for KyoAni Key adaptions, my judgement is: Kanon < Air < Clannad So yes, I'd put Air in the "quite good" category. It had a few great moments, but I found it a little disjointed.
  17. Yum yum... But yeah, a half Japanese friend of mine was desperate for me to try it. Once you get past the smell and appearance, it's okay really, but not nice enough for me to go out of my way to eat it.
  18. The only thing I truly despise is tuna mayonnaise... its smell, taste and texture all repulse me. Other than that, there's little I would never eat, though I'm not keen on the odd thing, including various guises of tomato. Any of you people tried nattou? I found it alrightish, which was a bit of an anti-climax.
  19. I was a bit like that - it gets easier as time goes on.
  20. Heh, I bumped into someone I know in real life online today - I thought that was supposed to happen the other way around. Anyway, I'm getting really into Guitar Hero, and can now play reasonably on medium, ye gods. When I first started I lost on easy every time....
  21. This meet sounds like it was awesome, I really want to go to one now. Might be able to make a London one, provided it's in term time and at the weekend... (damn busyness)
  22. For Knebworth: This is actually closer to Stevenage, but called Knebworth house. Knebworth Park Cricket Club Also Stevenage. First suggestion: knebworth robbie williams Yeah, there was a Robbie Williams thing... For Cambridge: Funny view... The backs, but I'm not sure which college. Maybe Kings. Cambridge Journals Online Lol at this, seen it before though. The college with the American guy who doesn't get the joke and the guy in front of the white house is mine. Suggestion: cambridge university
  23. Last year: 12 lectures, two 6 hour practicals and one 2 hour one, and four to five supervisions a week. This year: 5 lectures, one 2 hour practical, and one to two supervisons a week. Man, last year was crazy...
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