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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Hallowe'en I think, as a v has been elided. Apparently the "-ing" is allowed to vanish without an apostrophe, I suppose because "even" was in use at the time. Edit: Oh yeah, my day. Woke up before 12 without an alarm clock, which is a first for this term. Had a cool supervision (Inuktitut phonology and the like), then a lecture, which I got soaked walking to, but then rain is awesome, so I'll forgive it. Should probably do some more reading around about now. Edit 2: Yep, seems even was used in place of evening, so says OED. e.g. 1600 A.Y.L. II. iv. 69 "Peace I say; good euen to your friend." There's a quotation from 1843, albeit for "e'en", but it's obsolete now. (1843 A. BETHUNE Sc. Fireside Stor. 279 "Daylight, done at four o'clock, Yields to the lang dark e'en.")
  2. I'm afraid I'm a bit too straight for us to start the next cross-European NE love affair. :wink:
  3. Ayup, ポルトガル looks right. Regarding the initial question: what you've posted is either in Chinese (either traditional or simplified, I'm afraid I don't know much Chinese), meaning that the characters are hanzi rather than kanji, or it's completely meaningless. From a Japanese perspective, they're just odd sequences of characters, only some of which carry (a relatively random) meaning. But then a fair bit of Chinese looks like this from a Japanese perspective.
  4. Sorry, just chose the first example that came into my head - it helps that my field is one where you can make hypotheses about yourself. Another hypothesis I have tested myself and will call "true" is that white light consists of a mixture of different colours of light. And yes, your point 2 is completely correct - if you think I was arguing with it, then you simply don't understand Occam's razor. Let's state it: The hypothesis resting upon the fewest assumptions is the most likely to be correct. This is a handy method to ensure that your current theory is the best one. Hence we have the scientific modeling process - I propose a model about the universe, and perform experiments to test this model. Based on the results, I modify the model, and repeat until I have a hypothesis that explains my observations. This is still a hypothesis, as is everything in science, but there are some things for which there is such a massive amount of evidence that we might as well say they are "true" - indeed, I'd argue that the semantic definition of the word "true" itself covers such cases. I am far surer of many of the "truths" derived by the scientific method than I am of, say, whether you are an artificial intelligence. Apologies for any errors in the above; I'm somewhat inebriated.
  5. When speaking English, I aspirate my unvoiced bilabial stops if they're in syllable initial position. And to counter my argument, you must give a possibility which rests on as many or fewer assumptions - Occam's razor and all that.
  6. Speak for yourself. And no, of course I haven't validated everything I know. But scientists openly explain their methods - ever heard of the peer review process? And anyone can (and does) read the resulting papers. The vast majority of scientific discoveries about the universe are made through indirect methods, such as looking at seeming irregularities in the movements of stars and so on. Anybody can make these observations for themselves. And if we haven't learned things from science, what have we learned from? Frankly, I have far more confidence in many scientific hypotheses than I do in facts about my own life. I can use Occam's razor, and see that scientific theories rest on far fewer assumptions than do conspiracy theories. Erm, I've seen him a fair few times. We live in the same city and went to the same school.
  7. Occam's razor - it's kind of a foundation of the scientific method. Also: House gets it fundamentally wrong.
  8. Yeah, I think that one is fairly specific to me. I can see why you buy swords - actually I have an imitation katana thingy that looks pretty cool. What I really mean is that I wouldn't mind much if I was only able to buy food and books.
  9. Urgh. One of the things that annoys me the most about this sort of video is that it treats you like an idiot. I'm sorry, but if I want to find out information on something, I would like it presented as text that I can read at my own rate, instead of a video with a phrase flashed up every minute or so along with music and barely related pictures, shown in a montage to "build atmosphere". (which, incidentally, is tantamount to brainwashing - what other reasonable purpose could it have?) There's a reason this stuff looks absurd if you extract the meaningful information. Anyway, yeah. The proposition seems to be "oh noes the antichrist is coming", though what exactly this antichrist is, I don't seem to be able to gather. I'm told his coming has been predicted by most civilisations. I would like some actual evidence of this, and an explanation of how such a thing can be predicted in the first place. What is it supposed to be anyway? Regarding materialism/mass media indoctrination: I'm generally of the opinion that the only things in life that are really worth spending money on are books and food, though of course other things are often helpful. I thus spend most of my time reading about obscure things, so presumably by their criteria I'm not one of the ones who is being indoctrinated. Yet I still think they're spouting total bollocks. Funny that.
  10. Oh dear, clearly because some poorly made videos on Youtube are telling me conspiracies in Star Wars text, the scientific establishment as we know it is a thread of the wool pulled over our eyes by big cooperations everywhere. Seriously, this is silly. Yes, we take information about such things for granted, but that's because academics are interested in truth, and if you really don't believe them, feel free to do some research and find out what leads them to their conclusions, and then decide for yourself. Of course, this is likely to be difficult and complex, which is why most people leave it to others who really enjoy doing it, but to reject the beautifully reasoned hypotheses of modern science for some bullshit that an idiot has knocked together to scare people is frankly an insult to the scientists who dedicate their lives to finding out more about the universe.
  11. Saw Clannad 3, was awesome as usual. We're fully on Sunohara's arc now, meaning the arcs they currently haven't covered are Kyou, Yukine, Sanae, Yuusuke, Akio, Koumura, Misae, Kappei, and of course after story proper. I don't think Kyou or Yukine would be possible with the situation as it is, but they'll probably do about half the remainder. (I'd guess they'd axe Koumura and Kappei most readily) Anyway, then we can get on the best arc of all.
  12. Cool, will watch tomorrow while I'm supposed to be reading about grammar of some kind.
  13. Talking of e e cummings: why must itself up every of a park anus stick some quote statue unquote to prove that a hero equals any jerk who was afraid to dare to answer "no"?
  14. My lecturer: Can anyone give an example of interfixing in English? Me: Abso-bloody-lutely. Lol.
  15. Decent friendships don't form in a few weeks - it took me at least a few months to make any proper friends at university, and the best part of a year to establish a friendship group. However, you should be able to find people to hang around with easily enough - they act as a substitute for friends while you're settling down. If you enjoy your course and can get along with the people around you, then you should at least be able to survive - if you can't get past this stage, maybe try meeting new people. Either way, your first year has only just started, so it's far too soon to decide that university isn't for you. Stick with it a bit, and see where things go.
  16. Hehe, got sent an awesome tree drawer site thing: Edit: lol, that structure is wrong.
  17. Thanks - I actually ended up getting pulled away for guitar hero and pizza before I could make anything.
  18. Right guys, what can I put with gorgonzola in a baguette? I need fast answers - Sainsbury's closes at 10.
  19. I wish I had that much experience in putting on trousers.
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