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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. In a similar vein to the 0.999rec=1 thread, I shall post the proof that 1>2 1/2 > 1/4 log(1/2) > log(1/4) log(1/2) > log[(1/2)squared] log(1/2) > 2 log(1/2) 1 > 2 Can anyone find the error?
  2. It used to happen to me loads (hence my post count of 500 after 3 years), but its not as bad now.
  3. I've realised the problem with this thread. The people who are mathematically orientated know that 0.999rec = 1, and provide proofs to show this. The people who aren't mathematically orientated don't believe this is true, but won't accept mathematical proofs to the contary because they're not mathematically orientated. It be a vicious circle I tell thee!
  4. As I have already said, SOAL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TOS. And TOS could well be in my top ten.
  5. Only if you take it a bee as a lump of mass, rather than colection of muscles etc. And to Hal_9Million, aren't you being "smart arsed" yourself trying to disprove what you don't understand?
  6. Well I did just write a long post pointing out the flaws in his argument, but IE crashed on me. After changing to firefox... My basic point was that the body of his post was both irrelevant and incorrect, and if 0.999rec wasn't equal to 1, then calculators and computers wouldn't work properly. There was also no need for him to be so bilious.
  7. Hear hear! As I said before, I've had to do maths questions where the exam assumes that you know 0.999rec is 1.
  8. Actually, Miyazaki films are very easy to understand as they use simple language and much of the plot is portrayed by actions rather than words. I could understand about 40% of the Japanese is Spirited Away without subs.
  9. Dabookerman is wrong; it's not rounded, it simply is 1. With each 9 added, it gets closer to 1. You have to stop writing it out somewhere, as it is recurring and you would run out of space. At the point where you stop writing, it isn't equal to 1, but taken as a whole, the number is. And 0.333rec isn't an approximation of 1/3- try dividing 1 by 3 with long division and see what comes out. This means that this proof does work, and although I personally think it is the neatest, the others work too.
  10. I was about to post Monopolyman's solution, but he beat me to it. Anyway, most mathematical people (ie. my teachers) seem to think that 0.9999... is equal to 1, and I believe some exam papers (I've definitely tried some practice papers where this is the case) require that you will assume this in order to get the right answer to the question.
  11. To be fair it is his middle name. As for Replika..... 6/10- it's a little boing but the K improves it quite a lot.
  12. I was going to see it, but my local cinema has only got it with dubs, which is, in my opinion, not worth watching, so I'll wait until it comes out on DVD. I read a review in the paper saying it was the best Miyazaki yet, and that other than the American dubs, it was perfect. Although I like Miyazaki films, I don't think that they're the best anime ever, perhaps because they're aimed at kids.
  13. You might, however, get a dodgy connection.
  14. I was the first person to post this on the forums! And that was about a year ago...
  15. Probably not. There are a few more titles, discoveries and sidequests, and one big sidequest. I also heard somewhere that you could change ships in the DC version, which you can't do in the GC version.
  16. Yeah, but the stuff underneath isn't, and that's what would rot if the body rejected it.
  17. Yeah, probably- I couldn't remember it properly and was thinking along the lines that Vigoro ripped them off.
  18. I already said half that stuff... :aww:
  19. Well in the screenshot she's saying something like: - Spirits...isn't it? Don't you think it's your (when talking to Sagi, the boy) legend of the possesing spirit? - This must be about the guardian spirit.
  20. The dancer has less clothing, cigarette and alcohol are removed, the dancer is wearing less clothes and SPOILER When Aika is attacked in the cell she is wearing less clothing, implying that the admiral is trying to rape her. END SPOILER
  21. The video says the Japanese release is in December. I wonder how much longer it will take to get to Europe...
  22. I be Supergrunch, who nobody knows despite me being on the previous boards for over 3 years.
  23. Okay, the boy is called Sagi and the girl's called Mirii. That box on the first screen has options of "just right" and "no, wait", so it looks like a return of you as the spirit guardian. That's all I can quickly translate, but I might have a go at the rest.
  24. But I've already made a Baten Kaitos one... :no:
  25. This game deserves a new thread, so here it is. I'm still playing it, and am up to the tower thing.
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