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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Yea, but Mai is the main character... Tate nevertheless is close behind. Oh, and you should watch the anime- in my opinion it's much better than the manga.
  2. When they made the program, Yamauchi had already quit, which is why everyone looks so confused when they ask for him.
  3. Hmmm... It seems to be about half and half. To me it seems that cats run only on instinct; they're as freindly as a robot, and everything they do seems to be predetermined by their "program". They are, howver, less like this when they are kittens.
  4. To be honest, I'm suprised this thread hasn't been made before (if it has, I don't remember it). I'm not going to make a poll, because they just annoy everyone. I've always found that people either love cats and hate dogs or hate cats and love dogs, with very few in between. Personally I'm a dog fan. Discuss.
  5. Well... thanks to Christmas I now have samurai champloo vol 2 and cowboy bebop vol 1, which are good as ever.
  6. A dolphin is for marriage, not just for Christmas.
  7. Is it one of those ones that breaks the rules? I think they still used that in my textbook as an example of a planar triangular molecule, which just confused everyone. Quantum... *sigh*
  8. That guy saying "can I have your controller at least?" is hilarious.
  9. I wish gaming was more geeky, because then we wouldn't have the market twisted by popular (but stupid) demand.
  10. The only country I really care about going to is Japan, but I'd also like to visit America and Australia.
  11. Disney don't do animation any more. As for chicken little, when I saw the trailer with some friends at the cinema, we all thought it looked crap.
  12. I was woken up by the explosion, even though I'm more than 10 miles of Hemel Hempstead. I thought something had landed on the roof, but I went to bed when I couldn't find anything and didn't realise what had happened until I got up.
  13. I was woken up by the explosion, even though I'm more than 10 miles of Hemel Hempstead. I thought something had landed on the roof, but I went to bed when I couldn't find anything and didn't realise what had happened until I woke up.
  14. The bang woke me up, even though I live more than 10 miles from Hemel Hempstead. It sounded like something had fallen over or landed on the roof, but I couldn't find anything so I went back to bed- I didn't realise what had happened until the evening.
  15. I think their description was "anyone who could name more than 4 characters in Star Trek"... To be fair, they asked each of the people to name a close family member or whatever who could make a really important decision on their behalf, and then asked that person if it was alright. Personally, I think the show is hilarious.
  16. I only use them when I get really, really stuck. Also to get items sometimes.
  17. How far are you into it? It's worth bearing in mind that it gets better exponentially.
  18. At least you're not eating reat [/obscure reference] Anyway, I like my steaks with no red whatsover- to the extreme of well done.
  19. I am absolutely crap at all traditional first person shooters (not including metroid). Especially Halo/Halo 2.
  20. That's just being pedantic; I was trying to get my point across- nice try. Anyway, the full Oxford English dictionary defines it as: "the final cessations of the vital functions of an animal or plant" Note it says final- there are no more.
  21. I define dead as when you can no longer be brought back to life.
  22. http://www.rinkworks.com/dialect/dialectp.cgi?dialect=hckr&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.revo-europe.com%2Fforum%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D2697 Much better.
  23. Are you trying to emulate the guy in your avatar then? In my opinion, I think it's stupid when people say that they've "died" when their heart stopped and they stopped breathing- surely if you're dead, that means that you can't be brought back. But anyway, I've never had anything close to a near death experience- I've never even broken a bone or lost concioussness(sp?).
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