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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. A great website for learning Japanese is http://www.thejapanesepage.com. I've been learning Japanese for a while, and I know it to a basic level. Firstly, can everyone see this on their PC/mac?: 光る風の中夢の羽根舞い折るよ。 (Kudos if you get the reference) If not, you need to install Japanese on your computer.
  2. #184 sounds like f-zero, but I'm not sure which game.
  3. That's definitely true with celery, I suppose because it's so crunchy... Personally I dislike gherkins, but I might acquire a liking for them if I eat enough.
  4. I don't actually download BBC stuff; I was just pointing out the flaw in Asheley's argument. Anyoway, who's seen the preview for ep 24 of otome?... disturbing stuff.
  5. That's not really the same idea; this thread is about monumentous images. Plus your exclusion of anime automatically makes the thread invalid.
  6. Flatterland is a tribute to flatland, but its more complicated and much more physics based, despite being written by a mathematician. You might find some of it a bit simple though; e.g. it has a whole chapter explaining i and how you can use it to make mandelbrots. It's also childish, although I think that's fairly tounge-in-cheek.
  7. I wouldn't be suprised if he did; I easily understood the theory of dimensions at that age. And yes, it doesn't make sense to a 3D brain, but being able to understand it is realises this and working from there.
  8. No, the bbc only advertise themselves; they're not taking any fee from advertisers.
  9. It depends how you define sport; if you have to exert yourself then darts etc. isn't sport, whereas football is. However, the line is unclear; you still need good hand eye coordination and arm muscles (to a degree) to be good at darts, so you might as well call it a sport. It gets even more complex when you include examples like chess.
  10. That's a common misconception; time is a fourth dimension, not the fourth dimension. And KingJoe, have you ever tried painting a hypersphere?- you end up trapped in a sphere of paint. (Not that that's relevant, just interesting). Good books to read on dimensions are Flatland, by Edwin Abbot Abbot, and Flatterland, by Ian Stewart.
  11. So it should then, in theory, be legal to download bbc programmes? And by the way, dabookerman, am I right in thinking that you're both a ninja and a pirate at the same time?
  12. Well the net of a hypercube looks like this: Now you have to fold it up into the 4th dimension so that each outer face touches the others.
  13. I think the moral ground for importing stuff is also pretty dubious, as you're not supposed to be able to play region 1 DVDs. It's safest not to watch any anime at all...
  14. They should make a bob to go with this one.
  15. I don't think anything will neccessarily stop; as long as there is a market for them then new ideas will evolve. (This doesn't just go for gaming).
  16. I thought the point of using the force was so that you don't actually have to touch peoples necks...
  17. I have a 20gb Creative Zen Touch, which is definitely better than an ipod. And this thread should be in Tech talk.
  18. Don't you realise that differences in a few genes can have huge effects- just because their parents and siblings don't have different skeletons doesn't mean that they won't. Look at something like Down's syndrome; it's perfectly possible for normal parents to have several children, only one of which has the syndrome. They are therefore not "mentally disadvantaged"; they have physical abnormalities.
  19. To be honest, all I ever ate was normal ice cream.
  20. It is Japanese... I can't really make sense of what they say, and the quality is too bad to properly read the katakana menus. The bottom one on the list is "item" though.
  21. I always get my coursework done early, but it doesn't stop me hating it. I wish that everything depended on the exam; coursework doesn't teach you anything (except for my GCSE electronics, which taught me how to bullshit). Anyway, luckily my choice of A-levels (biology, chemistry, double maths) has minimised my amount of coursework; I've worked out that for both AS and A2 I only have to do a total of 3 pieces- 2 chemistry and 1 maths. I have to do 2 of those three in this half of term though...
  22. Yes... I am so pleased (although I already knew this). It means she's not just gonna appear in the last ep. And also, ep 21 looks like it will be good.
  23. That really didn't spoil it. And for the record, I've put my spoiler in tags now.
  24. I felt that spoiler tags were not needed for a series that finished a while ago.
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