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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I was so happy when I heard about Billie Piper leaving... this new one looks a little better. In fact, why does there need to be a companion at all; David Tennant is a good enough actor on his own. (unfortunately good script writers are also needed...)
  2. I heard that he's leaving one million to each of his kids, then giving the rest to charity. And that notepad thing is weird... the message that comes out appears to mean nothing in both types of written Chinese, and it definitely isn't Japanese. Does it just convert roman letters to Chinese ones or something?
  3. I forgot about that one... it's quite good, and I pick it up when I see it. (which is hardly ever)
  4. I used to read NGC, but since it became crappy I only occasionally buy it. I have found all official incarnations of Nintendo magazines to be dire (including ONM), but I like Edge and would probably read it if I could be bothered and/or had enough money to buy it. So other than that, I only read New Scientist.
  5. Katanas are sharper and lighter than Western swords, so they're better at attacking lightly armoured people, such as samurai. Western swords are blunter and have more weight behind them, so they're better at attacking heavily armoured people, such as knights.
  6. You know, providing his school isn't too strict, he might actually be able to win with that...
  7. I have a blunt one from ebay... it looks quite nice, obviously can't cut a thing, and is slightly poor quality... However, it was only about £15, so I guess you get what you pay for.
  8. I think it was supposed to be a cut; they swapped places in the gap. Either that of she was "beamed up" or something by the tardis.
  9. Doesn't Mokong-XC have a triforce on his shoulder? Anyway, anyone getting a tatoo should wait a few years, as soon they're introducing a new type of dye that allows them to be removed completely with only one laser treatment (so more effective and cheaper). Personally, I'd never get a tatoo.
  10. Dokuro-chan is so mental that it's brilliant... I stopped watching it when I realised that I was listening to Queen and thinking "hey, they stole that from the Dokuro-chan OP"... Did you know that the seiyuu Chiba Saeko voices both Dokuro-chan and Kuga Natsuki? (from Mai-HiME) You know, this thread is gonna need a 56K warning soon...
  11. "I could I tale unfold whose lightest word would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres, thy knotted and combined locks to part and each particular hair to stand on end, like quills upon the fretful porpentine" So yeah, porpentine is great.
  12. The funny thing is that he has 100% positive feedback. Also, did you see some of the answers to the questions: "there are two types of mermaid, one is friendly, and the other hates the human race".
  13. Actually, if you've seen the extras on the Look Around You series 1 DVD, the faceless people look like "The Helvetica Scenario" has occured... (that's in calcium, by the way).
  14. Yeah, I think they're funny... I think I once saw someone on this forum who sort of missed the point; he thought they were chavs, and then when someone else tried to explain, he said "well if they act like chavs, then they basically are chavs".
  15. I think it will always be impossible to achieve perfect realism; we don't understand many of the things that make our own world appear "real".
  16. The ood look like what Dr. Zoidberg would look like if he wasn't a cartoon.
  17. I bought a copy of that on ebay, was watching the opening and thinking "wow", and then it froze just as Squall gets slashed in the face... (this happened every time I tried the game, no matter how much I cleaned the disc) I sent it back, and haven't got round to buying another copy.
  18. I love that picture of Mai... HiME is so great; all the charaters either die or go insane (pity about the ending). As for my favourite anime character, probably Osaka from Azumanga Daioh (as in my avatar).
  19. Your opinion... but meh. An ENTP is supposed to get into an argument about it... but it was a pretty crap test (I was tired ).
  20. You are completely wrong... (this is a test to see if you're a true ENTP)
  21. I've heard about these before- as Jungian personality types they're not pop psychology like most of the internet. I'm ENTP- basically lawyer, scientist etc. Edit: By the way, Munky... Einstein and Newton were INTPs.
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