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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. The other ones are called Knife Edge and Checkmate, and yes, they're similar (but a little more disturbing).
  2. Happy birthday... I think I have you in my Mario Kart list but I've never played you...
  3. I don't like fruit but I do like apple juice. And yes, water is boring.
  4. Care to explain why? (and if I were you, I wouldn't make judgements if you haven't read on the Origin of Species... although you may have, it's likely that you haven't)
  5. Apple juice is the King of soft drinks... but I also drink diet coke...
  6. I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Evolution didn't really happen for a reason (in my opinion), it merely happened because it did- as soon as organisms reproduce, they are bound by the constrains of natural selection. Also, if Darwin hadn't discovered evolution, then it wouldn't mean that it didn't exist.
  7. Yes, I like that series, but I thought that she never managed to make the final 2 books as good as the original.
  8. Well... Why should things happen for a predetermined (or determined at all) reason? Surely everything could merely depend on the freewill of individual people, and before that by other factors which have to happen, such as evolution (without it, there could be no animals) and simply random occurences. I don't necessarily hold such an extreme view of this, but I'd imagine that as an atheist, it would be hard to hold different views.
  9. Yes, I also like Murakami. If you haven't read Norwegian Wood, read it now. (also read Ghostwritten by David Mitchell... )
  10. If that's the one by Arthur Miller, isn't that a play?
  11. To the thread creator: You appear to work on the philosophy that "everything happens for a reason", implying that you have a very external locus of control. Yet you also say you are an atheist. If you believe in no "higher being", then where does the control originate? Thus, everything only happens for a reason if you subscribe to at least some form of spiritual identity. I am an agnostic tending towards an atheist, and as far as I'm concerned, humans have no real purpose; the very idea of a "purpose" as such seems pretentious. Humans are in no way different to any other animal- the fact that we are intelligent is as arbitary as the fact that wasps are black and yellow. However, perhaps the presence of this intelligence puts the onus on us to use it- not because it is our responsibility, but for purely selfish means: to avoid the destruction of our species, and indeed our habitat, at all costs.
  12. Later on his cat had kittens, and he cut a smaller hole in the door for the kittens to go through... And Ford, I think that fact, although true, does not apply to birds- they live far longer than they should. I remember seeing a programme on TV where people were trying to find out why this was, and managed to extract a substance that made worms live twice as long as normal.
  13. Bah! Mine had no illustrastions... I got very into it though- I remember my English teacher couldn't believe that I'd read it in 2 days. (I must have been about 10)
  14. The ad was terrible. Not only was it offensive, it was awfully cheesy, and completely failed to be funny.
  15. That is a good book. Did you read it in German? (being English, I read a translation)
  16. In no particular order (I'm not choosing an absolute favourite; these are just three very good books. Ghostwritten by David Mitchell- Too complex to describe acurately in this space. Also too brilliant. Gets better every time you read it. Actually I can't think of anything more now, and I'm not changing the rest of my post.
  17. I also dislike coke zero, but that's because it tastes like coke, which I dislike (in comparison to diet coke).
  18. I think you can get worms from anything that have worms eggs on- if someone with worms touches something when they haven't washed their hands, then the thing that they touch will get worms eggs on it.
  19. 1st- Shino- Matrix thingy. 2nd- Substeinar- Brokeback mountain. 3rd- RedShell- Ant & Dec.
  20. Birds have one general hole, for pee, poo and sex... As for the grape thing, microwaves have a frequency set so that the radiation increases the rotational energy of water molecules by a quantised level, so only things with water in them are heated. Microwaves do funny things to metal because it reflects the waves or something. I reckon a grape would explode (but not all that spectacularly) due to the expansion of the water inside (as it would have more energy). I'd imagine that this would be a bit like how sausages explode is you don't pierce the skin.
  21. Surely just ants, due to their abundance of of formic acid (HCOOH). They also live in a formicary. And to quote Ogden Nash- "How could you be calm and placid / If you were full of formic acid?".
  22. I won't do that, but you've given me an idea... Sorry about the tiny size, I couldn't find a big one.
  23. And the cross of a t is called a jot... hence the expression "not one jot or tittle".
  24. I have a friend who can make himself sneeze by looking at the sun.
  25. And there I was thinking it was after the guy who wrote Inferno... Or not.
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