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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I'm insured on a 1.5 (or something) focus... and it's an estate.
  2. It says "I really like higurashi" (the anime). It's a kind of pun on the higurashi logo. I like the gothic drawing style in your sig, but your name doesn't stand out quite enough. 8/10.
  3. It's quite a good collage, but the colours aren't varied enough and I don't like the dashed line on the right. 7/10.
  4. Have you got your licence yet? I'm still learning, but I'd buy a car if I had the money. (I'm also 17 and going to uni in a year)
  5. Well... that's a bit crazy... 6/10 (needs something extra).
  6. I read the first volume of both the GTO and Love Hina manga, and didn't like either.
  7. If you want the actual genetics: All genes are in pairs, made up of two alleles. Everyone has some faulty alleles, but these are not expressed as they are usually recessive and paired up with a normal allele. However, close family are likely to have very similar genes, and therefore have the same genes with faulty alleles. There is therefore a chance that with incest, two faulty alleles could pair up, and the dodgy version of the gene is expressed.
  8. It does irritate me when they do stuff like that... they should leave the Japanese. It's like when they translate honorifics. They should just explain it somewhere else. (good morning musume is a reference to the J-pop group ne?)
  9. Indeed. Does anyone know if the manga is any good? I haven't read it... yet.
  10. Watashi wa chiyo no otousan desu. and "ah, but that's a real cat" *about to cry* "no, you're a real cat too" "That's not what made me sad, it's that you are saying that there are cats and some are real whilst some are not..." Or something like that.
  11. No, he's saying that other search engines other record IP's, whether they're static or not, whereas AOL keeps a log for each user.
  12. But with AOL (and lots of other providers) the IP is random.
  13. I think other search engines do do it- it's automatically recorded. However, I think they should delete logs as it's a little too big brother for my liking. Also, are they able to identify users from their numbers?
  14. Who actually uses the internet to decide how to kill someone?
  15. Surely Higurashi is better than Powerpuff girls and digimon?
  16. 8/10, but that's because I love school rumble.
  17. So, is anyone else watching Higurashi no no naku koro ni? Its pretty good... but also confusing... And before anyone complains, the red "na" is part of the title.
  18. Someone called me a dweeb the other day. I forgot about them... Actually it annoyed him because I found it funny.
  19. I think I got mononoke for £8 from play.
  20. Surely that would be better than using two different lies that contradict one another?
  21. If anyone wants to analyse their geekiness, take the following test (without lying :wink: ): http://www.innergeek.us/geek-test.html I got 41.8146%, making me a "major geek" and something like 5th geekiest on animesuki.
  22. Meh... I'm snobby enough to already have it on dvd. What really pisses me off is when the dvds don't let you do Japanese without English subs. Tanuki, 狸 (actually racoon dog, not racoon). If Laputa is like Skies of Arcadia, then I must watch it.
  23. I just saw a bit of mononoke on film four, and realised that of course everything is dubbed... I'm not watching it now...
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