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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I read this thing in New Scientist that tells you how to work out the strength of your taste. What you need: Blue food colouring, a hole reinforcer, and possibly magnifying mirror. What you do: Put a drop of the food colouring on your tongue. If you look closely, you should see little pink thingies standing up from the blue. (these contain your tastebuds) You need to stick a hole reinforcer on the middle of your tongue, and count the number of pink thingies in the hole. If you have around 20, you are a normal taster. If you have 50 or more, you are a super taster. If you have less than 5, you are a non taster. When I tried this, I put far too much food colouring on my tongue and got it all over my hands and around my mouth as well... Luckily it's mostly come off now. You can probably do it without the blue food colouring if you are scared of this happening... Anyway, I come out as a super taster, which explains why I'm so picky about food. What be you?
  2. Yesterday, it took me five minutes to tranlate: 温度が高くなる場合がありますので注意ください。
  3. Where did you eat? And merry birthday.
  4. Buy the game like me, and die trying to translate it... Anyway, I finally have functional internet again, so I can download episodes 20 and 21.
  5. Happy birthdaymas to all who have a birthday. (today that is)
  6. I have just bought the original dougin games which the Higurashi anime is based on, and I'm going to try and translate them... Pray for me...
  7. Anyone want to play now? And if so, which wordlist?
  8. Who can dislike that which glows blue under UV light? (the quinine again...) Actually, I dislike it.
  9. It's also why some Americans call English people "Limeys"- English sailors used to suck limes to ward off scurvy.
  10. I think they have both at the moment.
  11. Revealing its true nature is a sin. But anyway, robots just aren't cool... I mean they're made by people or whatever.
  12. You know at my school they said gingerism was tantamount to racism... Anyway, no-one is playing now... boo.
  13. He also doesn't have a personality or voice until III.
  14. You see, they're everywhere! If a pirate came along, he'd be pwned.
  15. They damn well are... Can you see the ninja in my post? QED.
  16. I didn't much like 2 people drawing... So, anyone playing/want to play now?
  17. I don't know if I'm some uncultured fool, but I hadn't heard of most of the TV programs or movies...
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