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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Satoko really is an evil little brat in the game... Here she is laughing and Keiichi after she purposefully set a trap to sprain Keiichi's waist... (I know, wtf?)
  2. Happy birthday to the statistician who has helped me with my homework on more than one occasion...
  3. I quite like the look of that... 7/10. Maybe I'd like it more if I liked Star Trek...
  4. Around long before red crosses on the internet.
  5. No... I'm terrible at drawing. She's a charater from a Japanese visual novel. Your avatar gets a 7/10 as its amusing... it seems vaguely familiar but I can't quite place it...
  6. I'll give it 8/10... nice to know that you saw the funny side...
  7. Veronica Mars. You all know why... (In case people don't realise, I don't actually like Veronica Mars)
  8. I did exactly the same thing a bit further up.
  9. Ah, you see when I said 2, I meant 4... I'm too used to writing numbered lists... But anyway, I've just realised that you're only allowed one answer per round.
  10. Yes, for the second time, happy birthday.
  11. Even though I used to be the ultimate Nintendo fanboy, I've gradually realised that that's a bad approach, and tried to avoid it. This is partly because people don't make fun of you, and partly because if you're more open-minded to all games, then you can come across absolute gems that aren't on your chosen console. For instance, once I would have felt guilty playing Final Fantasy, but now I embrace it, as I embrace all games I enjoy, whether they are made by Nintendo or not. I suppose a few scraps of fanboyism remain- I tend to side with Nintendo in disputes such as whether the wii controller is a good idea, and I sometimes feel like smashing Sony fanboys in the face. Maybe that's a good thing in some ways... Nevertheless, I ultimately think that fanboyism is bad, if only because being a fanboy blinds you from playing games that you might enjoy. After all, that's why you should play games- because you enjoy the game, not because you are a fan of the company.
  12. It says "Higurashi no naku koro ni", which is the name of an anime series. It also roughly translates as "when cicadas cry". My avatar is an animated gif, I should have been able to put it up myself but for some reason that didn't work so I had to ask Ashley to put it up for me. Your sig gets 6/10... the font doesn't really go with the background, and the sig has a slighly odd shape.
  13. I think someone said that and meant it on bash.org.
  14. 'twas on purpose. *mouthes* Gomen nasai *mouthes* Anyway, I like yours because of Harima, although I don't like the whole grainy thing... 7/10.
  15. I tap into my mana and play Osaka, which defeats you by pure amazingness, even if she has got worse stats...
  16. Hmm... interesting zombie things. Where does the picture come from? Anyway, it looks quite nice... 7/10.
  17. The only real "classic" I've seen is Akira, which didn't impress me in comparison to the manga... I've never been that interested in standard anime fare, but that doen't mean I think it's crap...
  18. I actually, I have now remembered the first real anime that I saw and loved: Mai-HiME. Do you think that would be any good for a beginner?
  19. I wasn't trying to imply it was bad... I've never seen it, there just seems to be a massive fanbase for it here. Actually maybe Higurashi isn't a good first, but I reckon that both Azumanga and Honey and Clover could get people hooked. I had to say Higurashi... I find it difficult to make a post without referring to it...
  20. Want kind of anime would you be interested in? If you like realistic, go for Honey & Clover. If you like funny, go for Azumanga Daioh. If you like weird as hell sort of murder mystery things, go for Higurashi. I'm sure others will try to force feed you EVA.
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