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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Hm... 6.5/10. It's quite well done and all, I just don't much like the style. Perhaps a slightly thicker border...
  2. What, like a Jordan avatar on a t-shirt?
  3. Many of us read books. Everyone should read Ghostwritten by David Mitchell.
  4. I suppose I have to write something as well...
  5. A list of posters I have on my wall: ...yeah. But I do have (not hung up) a massive Sephiroth and Cloud wall scroll from advent children. What I really want is anime posters. Anyone know where to get them?
  6. A test, for self-declared maths people: Prove that the set of points for which: arg(z-1) = arg(z+1) + (pi/4) is a part of the set of points for which: |z-i| = sqrt(2) and indicate which part on an argand diagram. This took me too long...
  7. Sorry Bard... 3/10, as your avatar just looks like a black square.
  8. potassium + oxygen -> potassium oxide calcium + oxygen -> calcium oxide Although this question may be easy, I could do with another maths help thread... I'd help others and Odwin and KingJoe would help me... (any other maths people?)
  9. That reminds me of something. What ratings do you think various anime shows would be? Elfen Lied is presumably already an 18... I think Higurashi would be an 18, for obvious reasons. The Mai series', probably 12 or 15 (the whole Sergay thing might up otome). Honey and clover probably PG.
  10. In England it is legal to drink provided you are above 5. However, there are all kind of extra fallbacks and stuff.
  11. 9.5/10... excellent. I don't think I've rated this yet... only thing you might want to consider is experimenting with brighter borders (obviously change the sig as well).
  12. Hmm... 6/10. I'd give it a 7 or 8, but it looks too pixelated.
  13. Anyway, every thread deserves to have Sara posted in it... :wink:
  14. No, as I said, Sara is from a visual novel, and as Phoenix Wright is a visual novel and people have posted characters from that, then I think she's acceptable.
  15. Raine is teh win... but if visual novels count (I'm guessing they do, seeing as phoenix wright practically is one), then I'll have to go for Matsunaga Sara.
  16. If you'd waited a bit Dieter, you'd have seen me come in successfully for the first time... I've been in before, but it never worked.
  17. He was sentenced by a Baghdad court- America weren't involved. Plus they don't hang people in America any more...
  18. I like this place now. I've been here ages, through all "the CE days" etc., and I admit that was good, and afterwards the forums went through a bad patch, but now, I like them... and the Meaningless post thread...
  19. Do you think it'll be changed then? ...I'm sick of having threads marked as read that I've never even seen.
  20. Google says: did you mean "you're". Sorry man, that's a joke... I just had to do it.
  21. It's the only torrent site I use. Click anime, then series, then go to "higurashi no naku koro ni" ( ), click "episode one", download the torrent from scarywater by clicking on it. Easy! And now you have higurashi episode 1...
  22. The middle one is teh win, but yours is good too.
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