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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. These are nice... If only I had more quality...
  2. I know how to say "three weeks ago", not that you care anymore- "il y a trois semaines".
  3. I'll give it 8.5/10... it's very good, and a clever idea, my only gripe being that mario is too defined... If you could genuinely make him out of the matrix code, then it would be an awesome sig.
  4. Does anyone else think that the new Bond looks like Will self? Will self: New Bond: I dunno, It's kind of subtle.
  5. Right: I'll start with the second question: 5x - 2y = 1 I 4x + 2y = 8 II I + II => 5x - 2y + 4x + 2y = 1 + 8 => 9x = 9 => x = 1 substitute into I: => 5 - 2y = 1 => -2y = 1 - 5 => -2y = -4 => 2y = 4 => y = 2 First question: x + 6y = 9 I 2x + 3y = 19 II 2(II) => 4x + 6y = 38 III III - I => 4x + 6y - (x + 6y) = 38 - 9 => 4x + 6y - x - 6y = 29 => 3x = 29 => x = 29/3 substitute into I: => 29/3 + 6y = 9 => 6y = -2/3 => y = -1/9 By the way, => means implies, and the roman numerals (eg. I, II, etc.) are numbering the equations so that I can refer to them.
  6. They made a wario ware style game for their gaming obsessed friends who were getting married.
  7. Yes, I get the same answers as you (but I doubled the second equation). For the second, you can just add the 2 equations: 9x = 9 x = 1 y = 2
  8. That's strange... isn't the sahel a band across Africa?
  9. The internet knows not of its existence... have you spelt it right?
  10. Just back from seeing it. I give it 8/10... 'twas good, but I prefer the ones with gadgets and stuff.
  11. So, have you already done question one? Anyway, question 1/2: y^2 + 4y + 9 = -3y -1 y^2 + 7y + 10 = 0 (y + 5)(y + 2) = 0 y = -5 or -2 As for the others, you just need to know that the general equation is ax^2 + bx + c = 0... I'm not going to plug values into the equation for you.
  12. I was under the impression that it has been released. 'tis not that good though.
  13. That would explain it... I thought your word was in hiragana...
  14. chiisai- small and I think you mean ookii - big.
  15. Hopefully. There's a chance though, as it's by the same director as Goldeneye.
  16. Hmm... I intend to see it on Friday... It might be a bit packed though...
  17. I've only ever been Id'd by a priest.
  18. The majority is below 18. but The majority of forum members are kids.
  19. I'm 17, but I joined up when I was 12...
  20. Right, now I get it, many thanks. Our course doesn't really use eigenvectors/values, they just got stuck on the end because someone thought that people doing further maths A2 should know what they are... So ultimately, we have to find them, and not much else. Oddly enough, I find this easier for 3x3 matrices...
  21. Ah, thanks. This whole eigen thing is confusing... What's amusing is that our maths teacher couldn't believe that we didn't understand it at first. Could you run it through for lamda = k? EDIT: Also, what does normalised mean?
  22. The question gives me the matix and asks me to find the eigenvalues using the characteristic equations and example eigenvectors. How did you solve? I was doing Ma = (lambda)a, where a is the eigenvector and lamda the corresponding eigenvalue. However, using this method, I get a corresponding eigenvector for when lambda = 2 as (2+k) _________________________________________________________________________(3 ) This is wrong- it disagrees with you and the answers.
  23. Right, I need help on this one: (in case my ascii treatment isn't obvious, M is a matrix) M = (k 3) ____(0 2) , where k is not equal to 2. By finding and solving the characteristic equation, I've found the eigenvalues to be k and 2. However, the problem comes in when I try to find a corresponding eigenvector to the eigenvalue k. I get: ka + 3b = ka 2b = kb So I think b has to equal 0, but how do I find the possible values of k?
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