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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I'm not sure to be honest. We'll have to ask the normal people.
  2. I know what you mean. Do you see days like a sort of metaphysical calendar in your head?
  3. Cool electroplankton thing, but it could do with a border and a nicer font. 6.5/10.
  4. Well that particular test doesn't work for me, because I don't literally see the numbers as being that colour. For the record, however, 5 is brown and 2 is blue.
  5. Well I find Mcj orange, and Fields green. Supergrunch (the word itself) is orange. DCK is a string of different things as it is all capitals. I found out a few years ago, when there were programs about it on TV. I also found out that my sister has it as well, and my dad has it a little bit. As for the anal retentive thing, I wouldn't consider myself like that but then I don't think many people would... Edit: Thinking about it, being an ENTP would suggest that I'm the opposite...
  6. Messages have to be at least 10 characters long or the forum won't let you post them.
  7. Mid blue. There we go, I even made the text the right colour...
  8. More like the second. If you think about cheese you know it's yellow... if I think about Monday I know it's blue.
  9. Dark green... I think. We're going to have to start compiling lists at this rate.
  10. Well Jordan, you are blue for me... And being a marshmallow, you are pink...
  11. I really like Princess Mononoke. By the way, Ghibli can get you hooked on anime. You buy spirited away because it looks interesting, and the next thing you know you're translating a doujin visual novel from Japanese...
  12. Yellow. By the way, other synaesthetes will probably disagree totally with all these colours.
  13. It must have been octarine- was it a fluorescent greenish-yellow purple? :wink:
  14. Could be. But what most people think is taste is actually olfaction, which is done by the nose. All the tongue does is distinguish between sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami (savoury). Letty, do you agree that synaethesia is nothing like this picture (taken from wikipedia): Anyway, Shino, you are light blue, and the word "n-europe" is orange.
  15. I had a dream last night about my school. I was trying to coordinate the movement of a herd of dinosaurs from the Biology labs to the Chemistry labs, but I failed in my task, and the dinosaurs escaped. They ran into town, and took over Greggs and used the cookers there to cook and eat anyone that came in.
  16. No, it's not irritatimg... it's quite fun really- it gives you another dimension to look at things with. Apparently some people find it annoying though- on the BBC program there was a barman who experienced really strong tastes whenever he read or heard words, so he sometimes couldn't concentrate when driving and got annoyed when he had a customer called Derek, because it always made him taste earwax. Yes, that does mean that you have mild synaesthesia. It can be more subtle than you'd think. Plus, lots of people assume everyone else has it, and only find out when they ask people things like "what colour are Mondays for you?" and get confused looks back. I think there was a guy on TV who was synaesthetic, and had memorised pi to thousands of decimal places. He said that he saw it as a landscape, and if one of the digits was wrong, it looked like a gaping hole. There was also a woman who said that a Canadian accent was oranger than an American accent. I know what she means. Look at the FAQ I posted earlier- that explains it.
  17. Basically my synaesthesia mainly manifests itself quite mildly, with things like associating days of the week with colours and so forth. I'm always very sure of the colour, and have got into arguments with other synaesthetes (such as my sister- it appears to be genetic to some degree) about this sort of thing. I occasionally show signs of having it more strongly- for instance, I taste paper cuts, and on one occasion smelt the atomosphere of a room. There's a children's book about synaethesia called Mondays are Red (despite the fact that they are blue ) which explains it. I think theres a chapter called "strawberries smell like circles", and I kind of know what it means... the author, however, is not synaesthetic. EDIT: This BBC page has quite a lot on synaesthesia, and there are links to tests down the side.
  18. It looks like a rip to me- hardly anything official is region free, and there's more than one movie per disc.
  19. That formula annoys me. I once thought it was the area of the circle, and got a question wrong as a result.
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