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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I have the first volume of Cowboy Bebop in Japanese... I've so far translated "Ed! Oy, Ed! Are you listening?"... Yeah, I haven't spent much time on that...
  2. Unless you're taking the piss, you should know that English is as known in Japan as French is in England...
  3. If you are fluent in English, you don't really need to take it as an AS in order to help you teach it to others. If you do JET, you don't need any teaching qualifications either. (but you do need a bachelors degree )
  4. More precisely it's an equaliser... it effectively indicates that something is true. It's what you end most sentences with when speaking in the polite form (excluding gobi). Da has a similar meaning in the casual tense, although it is more emphatic than desu. It would be funny shouting it to someone because it would make no sense... it's a bit like running up to someone on the street and shouting "is".
  5. If you're trying to quote my spoiler, I'm talking about the very end of episode 8. You realise that the fith arc is an explanation of the second?
  6. But his long nose means he must be lying:
  7. The force lurks within the most unlikely individual.
  8. But this man is on the higher ground, so he has the avantage... It's all over.
  9. But Captain Jack looks cool when he gets eaten by it. Edit: Damn you cockroach!
  10. That would be truly funny. Apparently someone once said to a waitress (when talking about his food) "Ushi! Ushi! Ushi desu yo!" He meant to say oishii...
  11. I think there's also a chemical that tastes bitter to super tasters, detectable to normal tasters and non tasters can't taste it. They gave us paper soaked in it in biology once. Anyway, I think the characteristics vary, all it means is the number of tastebuds you have and thus how well you can taste.
  12. Zombies rise from the grave, and try to kill people.
  13. The plank gets pointed at with a thumb, and therefore owned.
  14. I nearly convinced my parents to take me to Japan next Summer, the functional word being nearly... They've decided against it... Anyway, I have watched all of Meakashi-hen now.
  15. One of those little circular stickers that you stick on holes made by hole punches to stop the paper ripping around that area.
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