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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. You might be thinking of Omario. (was he italian?)
  2. What Einstein proposed was that time was a fourth dimension, rather than the fourth dimension. Gravity is also an example of a fourth dimension- all masses cause a "dip" into spacetime in the direction of the fourth dimension, thus drawing other masses towards them. And the fourth dimension can be worked out simply by extrapolation: 1D- side to side, 2D- side to side, backward and forwards, 3D- side to side, backwards and forwards, up and down, 4D- backwards and forwards, up and down, and an additional direction.
  3. Ah, but is that just by mass? And Sarka's_girly, I think your cousin is a little confused... The multiverse consists of infinite parallel universes, so the dimension set up can be different in every one, leading to infinite variation in number of dimensions. And time isn't the fourth/tenth dimension, it is a potential dimension. Also, you shouldn't be able to represent a 4D cube in 2D, in the the same way that you can't represent an 3D cube in 1D. You can make a 3D net of a 4D cube, and you might be able to represent a 4D cube in 3D.
  4. That's right, if you look at his profile it says he lives in London, and falco was American.
  5. Us who inhabited the old forums are a dying breed... Edit: In fact, I think this thread existed there.
  6. I'm now wondering how many people actually know who Edge is/was, and how many are just spamming...
  7. Wow, I had no idea that Aimless was Edge...! Are there any other old members hiding under different personas?
  8. There is an EU directive stating that the speed of an escalator must be within 2% of the speed of the handrail.
  9. So is this conclusive proof that God is black? (and male...)
  10. Though if you're to listen to Miyazaki, he says that it isn't anime. I always read the "oli" bit as oil for years... I only noticed that it was actually oli the other day.
  11. My name is basically random: it came out of nowhere. I am the overlord of grunchie (another creation made up by me), and nothing more.
  12. http://objection.4camp.net/go.php?n=96301 For an explanation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_baculum
  13. How is sex a hobby?
  14. Maybe the hot weather will bring new flesh...
  15. What I do: Play computer games (obviously). Learn Japanese. Read stuff about Biology. Read fiction. Play go (the board game). Watch anime. Read manga. There's probably more that I can't think of... the Japan obsession is probably obvious.
  16. Snap! Although now I post a bit more.
  17. Is that a reference to look around you?
  18. Ah yes... I've still got 6 weeks of holiday left (I broke up a week ago). Yet I have much to do in these holidays: write my personal statement, read various books on biology, and learn more Japanese... There's probably other stuff as well.
  19. The main reason is because that's what people have always called it. Often the names are approximations (so that the country name can be pronounced in the alien language), but this is by no means a hard and fast rule; look at Germany, Japan etc.
  20. By "one of them" he means one person... Kel I think? (forgive me if I have sinned )
  21. Apparently Pimsleur, not that I've ever really used it. If you want to get a decent experience though, watch Japanese TV (not anime, the language is unnatural) or listen to Japanese radio.
  22. QFT Azumanga > all sci-fi anime In fact, Azumanga = Mai HiME = School Rumble > all other anime.
  23. Cowboy Bebop's alright, but I prefer Samurai Champloo.
  24. I suppose it doesn't matter which chav you attack- they're all the same. Some people here might have heard this before, but me and Surrealist once got attacked by chavs. Some guy a couple of years younger than me came up behind us and randomly started smacking me, so Surrealist was like "what the fuck are you doing?" then some massive guy came and said "are you starting on my mate?" We basically said no and walked away, but then the massive guy nutted Surrealist in the back of the head, knocking him over... A bit later on we called the police, and they got warnings or something.
  25. Never heard of them. Do you use them with or without coco pops?
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