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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. They've just changed it (for no real reason). P1 - P4 have changed to C1 - C4. I think that's about it. Did you have pure coursework?
  2. This summer I'm taking M2, S2, C3, C4. Already done S1, M1, C1, C2. Next Jan: S3, M3, FP1, FP2... C3 and C4 aren't that bad, but I always find pure a lot easier than applied.
  3. Have fun with Speaman's rank...
  4. Which module? (assuming you're doing a-levels) I'm doing stats 2 in about 3 weeks.
  5. I think Mr. Odwin is a statistician... I'm doing double maths A-level, so I'm no help with fourier tranformations yet. (I do know what they are, but that's about where it stops)
  6. There was a case of H7 in Norfolk but no H5N1.
  7. That's like my sister; she automatically "dislikes" all Japanese food, simply because she thinks they eat raw fish or something. And no, she won't listen to me when I complain.
  8. Anything sounds much better in Japanese. [/end Wapanesity] Anyway, I shall be purchasing advent children... I haven't actually seen it yet, and I have played FF7, so I should hopefully enjoy it.
  9. American dad season 1. And if I were you, I wouldn't bother buying the family guy movie; it's about as good as a normal episode (so still very funny), but I'd only watch it once.
  10. It you mean "'I haven't eaten ramen" it's: Watashi wa ramen o tabemasen deshita. But the "watashi wa" is optional. As for Japanese vegetarians, don't expect them to be like western ones- I think some of them eat pork or something, and Japanese people may find it odd if you eat no meat at all.
  11. No. It's noodle soup with meat and other bits (like nori). Instant noodles is instant ramen.
  12. That last name is just his name in katakana; if you were writing it phonetically, you would use hiragana like so: みやもと しげる (note that in japanese it goes family name, then given name). The kanji is 宮本 茂. Which means the following: 宮(miya)= shinto shrine/constellations/palace 本(moto)= source/root 茂(shigeru)= overgrown/to be thick or luxuriant. These don't fit together to make a whole meaning; the kanji just make up separate elements of the name (people don't think about the meanings of names most of the time- most people on here probably have names with roots in latin or other ancient languages). I think anyone on here at all interested in written Japanese should learn the kana (the phonetic alphabets, hiragana and katakana). I'll teach them if enough people show interest. N.B. All the spaces I have used are to make the understanding easier; written Japanese usually doesn't have spaces.
  13. I'd like something about Mashiro's past; after all, she is the most developed "child" character.
  14. I agree with you there, the show wasn't really serious enough for you to care that much about the characters; the only death with any impact was Aoi, and then she turned out to be alive... You know, the other day, I watched some HiME episodes, and I couldn't belive how much younger the characters looked, especially Shizuru.
  15. The best is glass bottle, followed by plastic, followed by can, followed by stuff you get in resuarants (they mix the syrup concentrate with water themselves, and it often tastes horrible).
  16. I totally agree- it's not as sweet because they don't fill it full of sugar. (they fill it full of crap instead! )
  17. Pubic hair is used to produce pheromones; the sweat produced is more milky, and it gets trapped in the hair and rotted by bacteria, which (supposedly) attracts members of the opposite sex. The same is true for armpit hair. And yes, Japanese wavebirds would work on a PAL system.
  18. They only put that clause there because of Offerman... Anyway... Happy Birthday Jordan!
  19. I disagree with you there, forwards time travel is very possible indeed and has been both mathematically proved and tested. (knowing special relativity you must know the twins paradox?) Backwards time travel, however, is much more theoretical, and it seems that it is impossible to travel further back in time than the exact time that the time machine was invented. The basic theory is to use a wormhole (black hole joined to white hole, joins to unconnected parts of the universe through the forth dimension) and twins paradox one end of it so that end is in the future. Go back through the wormhole and you are going back in time. Another proposed method, and a much more recent one, is to create a circle of light. As light is the same as time on a quantum level (I think) the loop is also a loop in time, which you can move around and thus move in time. This still has the same limitation as the other method, and you have to slow down the light (which can be done, with Einstein-Bose condensate). The advantage of this method is that there's no problem with negative energy.
  20. If we're to believe the crisp makers, it's because the grooves hold the flavour more... But it's lies- all lies! Yes.
  21. Why do triangle sandwiches taste better than square ones?
  22. I've found a good way of practising Japanese; talk in Japanese to everyone you know, whether they like it or not. I said "sou desu ne" so much to my friend he eventually said it himself without thinking about it.
  23. HiME is worth watching for the series as a whole, and otome is (apparently) worth watching for the ending.
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