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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I just had the most awesome idea, then realised that the Japanese had it before me. But anyway, it still stands - first shower, then bath. I think I'm bored enough to try this.
  2. Hmm, doesn't seem to be there on the wall, so I suppose it's crap on the camera. It does look like the ghostly remnants of a clock though.
  3. So, I feel like a 1am wash, and cannot decide which of the two to go for. I tend to be a shower man on most occasions, but maybe I should mix things up a bit. I could make this a poll, but I'm more interested in invdividual peoples' reasoning than the trend. Anyway, which do you people prefer in general, and why? I go for showers mostly through ease, but am a relatively recent convert - as a child I only ever had baths.
  4. What clock? It was more of a "oh shit, the camera is about to flash, do something that doesn't look stupid... damn" kind of pose. Anyway, I could do with reclaiming my fringe one of these days.
  5. So, in trying to change the subject/show how awesome my room is, I worked out how to use the timer on my camera and look like an idiot. (although I already knew how to do that second one)
  6. Personally I think it's all about episodes 20 and 22. Anyhoo, you should find it to be a great show Raining.
  7. To be honest, I really like that idea. (although of course, 'tis only 16 years for me) But then I love learning for its own sake. Regarding doing something you have a passion for: it took me a long time to find something I really loved doing, and it's great that I now have, but I fear that many people either don't have any real passions, or if they do, they're not academic ones. I don't think that should necessarily stop you going to university, provided you're doing something that you like some aspects of (well, this is presumably the case for the vast majority of uni-goers), but I think some people really don't suit higher education and would probably much prefer working. The government are making a mistake in trying to get 50% of people to go to university - far less than 50% of the population will actually get something worthwhile out of it.
  8. Hmm, forgot it was tomorrow. I think there's a display in Cambridge, so I'll probably go to that, although I missed it last year.
  9. NaNoWriMo. Anyway, stop moaning... I have *calculates* eight essays due in four weeks, with three of those due in around next Monday. Now get to the counting! :wink:
  10. Sounds like a pretty awesome day to me. I spent my day being tired and writing about phonetics.
  11. Well, the one on the left looks sedimentary, but the other two look metamorphic to me. Disclaimer: I know very little about rocks.
  12. Dear god, I don't think I'd be able to handle living with my parents, and I get on with them far better than many of my friends do theirs.
  13. By meaningful, what exactly do you mean? Something that has a direct effect on you? Because you're pretty meaningless, along with humanity in general and this planet. Doesn't stop everything being amazing though.
  14. The shake to spin thing in Mario Galaxy - not only does it hurt your wrist, but my god it's irritating when it doesn't work at the vital moment and causes you to die.
  15. Right now, I just find writing linguistics essays and reading about linguistics so unbelievably awesome that it's better than most other things I could be doing. Seriously.
  16. Guys please, the right/left brained person thing is actually complete rubbish, and even if it wasn't, such a test wouldn't determine anything.
  17. So 1/8th of the volume. If it is half the width, that is.
  18. Just did this yesterday actually, albeit with other people from my university, so not quite the same I suppose. Anyway, 'twas fine, and my sister does it all the time to go to random gigs and things. I think you'll find the vast majority of internet people are (at least roughly) what they seem.
  19. So, I went to an internet meet up, but not you guys - people at my university who use the student room. Was quite fun really, now I want to go to a NE meet even more. *wants another London one, or people should just come and visit me in Cambridge*
  20. Seriously, play ever17 - it's the only official translation of a non-porn visual novel there is. And it's really awesome. You technically can't buy it in England though, but various sites like J-box (and of course ebay) mean you can get hold of it if you want.
  21. Not quite that good at Japanese - I can translate it, but very slowly. I played it in Japanese and used the wiki translation for reference when I got stuck. Let's see - I've played Kyou's arc, Nagisa's arc, probably some other stuff, and after story proper. Anyway yeah, there's lots of good stuff to come. Edit: Actually, Clannad isn't the best starter visual novel, as it's so long and suchlike. Maybe try buying the official translation of Ever17 off ebay - if you can ignore the apparent lack of proofreading, it's a thing of brilliance. The last arc is so great. That'll give you something to do while you're waiting for the Clannad patch.
  22. Dammit, I had reading to do... Not that I'm any good at it or anything.
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