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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I'm the closest I come to being depressed right now, which is minorly irritated. Too many essays, I wish I had a chance to write them all as some of them are really fun. Ah well, the term's nearly over now, I have Christmas to sleep.
  2. Here's a test then: Edit: Nope, it should be widescreen.
  3. Erm, this is pretty much advertising, so no. Also, your choice of title doesn't really endear me to this thread. [locked]
  4. Hmm, still uncanny valley for me.
  5. Wow, this robot thing is... odd. Its arms freak me out a bit. And slighty worse if you understand what she's saying. I have to say her reaction to the dinosaur at the end cracked me up though.
  6. I love the way this guy (rightly) gets a mention thread every year.
  7. Suggestion: we start again, saving this as both a psd and a jpeg or whatever. The quality's awful now.
  8. Lol, well you're part of a partially spoiled minority. It'll still be awesome.
  9. Yes, I can see where you're both coming from, I'm just pointing out that its probably an empty threat. After all, you get in trouble for fabrication too.
  10. This must really suck, but I'm afraid I can't really offer much advice as your situation is totally alien to me. One thing I will say is not to take the threat of her telling the police you raped her seriously - without a lot of evidence, nothing like that will hold up.
  11. Happy belated birthday to you guys.
  12. Right, I saw Clannad after story 8, and am pleased for three reasons: the Kanon reference (the jam if you haven't seen Kanon), the seeding of the main arc, and best of all, it seems that after story proper starts next week.
  13. Well I'm almost willing to forgive made up rubbish if the story is good (it's not like the concept of the show makes any scientific sense), but when it isn't the pseudoscience stands out as yet another weapon in their arsenal of storyline ruiners. Especially if it's inconsistent - it's one thing making up magic-like sci-fi concepts, but it's quite another to come up with ideas that are inconsistent and so can't really be analysed. It means that you're just expected to sit back and wait for the next shitty plot twist to be revealed, without there being any reasoning behind what's going on.
  14. Send it to me if you like - never studied (modern) Greek in my life, but I like analysing languages from scratch. I may not be able to tell you much though.
  15. So, when I woke up today I found I had no voice... not too useful when you're studying linguistics.
  16. I like the way you vary your line length to create effect Coolness. Anyway, this thread has inspired me to write some more poems - here's one I wrote just now: A cellophane world, a bubble of falsehoods, a suture of freedom is yet to be sewn. Ideas are in fluction; a mental chaotic, an unfettered struggle of knowing and known. It's here that we take up our hunt for a meaning, well, something that helps to explain. We cower beneath mountains of untruths and demons that scream black with a painful refrain. So how then to open this passage of theory, that slowly should bring us to fragments of light? First let's start by donning a lens of constriction, thus filt'ring the darkness to one colour of night. And now though we see less, we see in more depth; the weavings and flailings are ours to survey. What once was disorder is stripped to the bone - one element dancing a solo display. And hence we can leap to an island of reason, a fraction of fury is tamed by our hand. The sphere remains in a tangle of discord, but now we see beauty, for we understand.
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