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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Clannad 14 was good as always, although maybe a tad rushed. Good to see they're leaving lots of space for what's to come though.
  2. That's -19 Celsius, pretty crazy. It never gets that cold here.
  3. Well, he openly says he uses nothing supernatural. I think the majority of his success stems from being extremely good at misdirection, although of course he has other skills. Such as this beautiful handshake induction at 4:08:
  4. It seems the official term for them is multi-mitts, as here. Personally I think finglemitts is far better.
  5. Exactly, I doubt the type of game has much to do with it really. I'm sure he'd have done the same if he were addicted to something with no violence whatsover.
  6. Lol, I keep reading CSS as cascading style sheet. I was trying to look up the syntactic perversions of myspace CSS the other day and ended up finding their page, which just confused me.
  7. Ye gods! Just realised the 4th season of Marimite has started airing, just when I don't have time to watch it. I love that anime.
  8. Eenuh, you're responsible for Flink actually coming to this one. Jayseven was unable to tempt him to St. Albans, so I couldn't meet the great Flinkyness.
  9. Wasn't she supposed to be from Cork? As far as I'm aware, nobody from Cork sounds much like that...
  10. At A-level? Just the four I said, so science and maths. Yay, Cantor's diagonal proof is awesome. The little university level maths I know of is really awesome, I've always been one for rigourous proofs. When I have some spare time I must read some more about analysis and group theory. I get the impression that A-level maths (and that includes further) is probably a better preparation for science or engineering than for mathematics. Good luck with making your offer, the uncertainty is hell at this point. Chemistry's a right bastard, in my opinion it was worse than maths and further maths put together. If you work at it enough though, things should come out ok. And then I can abuse you for being at the other place. :wink: It really is. University chemistry is a lot better, as they do away with all the industry rubbish and concentrate on the science, which means you get interesting principles rather than nonsense to memorise. I'm still not a fan of periodicity though. Hmm, might split this off into a different thread as we're kind of way off topic. Maths? I have some fun puzzles.
  11. Meh, flying on your own isn't too bad. It was somewhat irksome though when I did it to Japan, which was an 12 hour flight, and then my friend was a day late at the other end, and I got asked loads of questions by a couple of monolingual police officers while I was waiting for him. They were just a bit bored, I think. Anyhoo! I shall of course attend this if I'm free, as it's easy for me to get to London whether I'm in Cambridge or Hertfordshire. I might try and organise a mini-meet at Cambridge sometime actually - Haggis was interested, if no-one else.
  12. If you find C2 easier than S1 (like I did), then yes. S2 and 3 are less like bullshit and more like actual maths - you learn where (some of the) hypothesis tests come from, meaning they make more sense, and deal with statistical functions and things. Although I think the good stuff like moment-generating functions are in S4 or aren't in the A-level at all. I ended up doing biology, chemistry, and double maths, and am now doing a degree in linguistics. I'd have liked to do English literature, but our school only let us do four A-levels (I'd also have liked to do physics, japanese, philosophy, and classics come to that, but more than 5 would just be insanity).
  13. C3 and 4 can be tricky, but are usually reasonable enough - I thought the hardest A-level modules were M3, DE and FP3. S gets easier the higher you go, oddly enough...
  14. A-level maths is where it starts to be actually interesting - I don't think many people like maths until things like calculus are introduced, but yeah, the subject is by no means for everyone. Still, lots of people who think they're awful at it could actually be good if they were properly taught. Anyway, GCSE maths is something of an oxymoron.
  15. Yeah, all 3 of those characters have cool abilities that they haven't really done that much with. Still, with this fugitives thing I doubt we'll be seeing much intentional usage of powers.
  16. There are 3 sisters, I suppose they could revive Jessica or introduce the 3rd. Frankly though, I'd rather they abandoned them completely, their characters and plots have always been awful.
  17. You realise that's where the quadratic equation comes from? I think it's partly that plain text isn't exactly the best format for mathematical exposition, and books tend to simplify and/or present things better. If you avoid quite tricks earlier on (like "move it over to the other side and change the sign"), things will seem more straighfoward as stuff gets more advanced.
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Ine is pronounced ['i:nə] - i: as in bee, n as in not, and ə as in above, with stress on the first syllable. Eenuh is a way of rendering this pronunciation in English spelling.
  19. Apparently it's currently the coldest it's been in England for 10 years, and I'm certainly feeling the effects. Having only just come back to my room, the walls and so on are all icy cold, and as such my heater isn't doing much good right now. Are other people having similar experiences? And do they have any warmth related tips?
  20. Blarg, my heater is failing to keep up with the frozen waves lapping through this room. I'm also hungry, and they only sell crappy burgers at this time of night. Crappy burgers it is then.
  21. It's not exactly folklore, but the treatment of the giant spider things in Harry Potter (I think it was book 2) is ever so slightly more consistent with the characterisation of Kamaji.
  22. Sounds like a plan, now I just have to convince myself to get off the internet...
  23. Eenuh, do I do more work on my essays, or start packing for going to Cambridge tomorrow?
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