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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Done, put everything in the old thread to keep thing tidy. Has anyone seen the first episode of volume 4 yet?
  2. Everything looks so awesome here... I wish I had my camera.
  3. Season 3 went really downhill early on, but was picking up slightly before the break.
  4. Nope, but knowing Heroes they'll presumably be introducing more characters to make things unnecessarily complex.
  5. Oh wow, I've been working all day and only just looked out the window.
  6. I'd imagine so. I nearly got to watch it in Japan last summer actually, but my friends complained that they wouldn't be able to understand it and it would ruin the film for them, so we didn't see it in the end. We did watch a Miyazaki short in the Ghibli museum though, which was pretty awesome - it was about a guy growing a planet in a plant pot. And the disembodied heads from Spirited Away made an appearance.
  7. There's still plenty to argue about in most deterministic strategy games, although I suppose the arguments are usually more about whether you can change your move and so on.
  8. Clannad 16: Nice voice acting from the guy playing Tomoyo. Will be interesting to see how they do the following episodes.
  9. Hmm, auxiliaries ho! Though I'd rather sleep. They could have been being written earlier, but no...
  10. He got a response from Richard: Source. Funny, anyhoo.
  11. That's kind of what I wanted, but it breaks the meter a bit too much - "a perfect, normal ear" would be just right but doesn't quite fit properly.
  12. Well, the only difference is that there are cheesy rhymes, but at least that means it kind of works. The basic message is sort of common in fairytales and the like, that in not being special you are in fact special, but it's hell to think of an picture to match it. I guess you could do some array of weird ears making up a perfect standard ear or something, but that probably wouldn't work. Anyway, to procrastinate, I made a rhyming English translation: Child: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who has the prettiest ears of all? Mirror: Not him, with massive ears that flap, they blow about and start to clap, Not her, with all the earrings, there's near a hundred of the things, But you, yours are the prettiest ones, they're perfect, normal ears. Child: Thank you, That's what I wished to hear. Only managed an assonance with ears/hear, rather than oren/horen. Damn Dutch plural -en!
  13. Sounds pretty rubbish to me. Can you give it in Dutch, so I can see if there are any interesting metrical things or imagery? (if imagery is the right term to use for such a poem )
  14. I think I always lose weight when I'm at university, though I don't have any kind of measurement device. I definitely have since first coming.
  15. You missed out "see me." We could do with some actual content to stop this being the crappy innuendo thread...
  16. Hmm, these people have taken over our law faculty. While peaceful protesting is all very good, their demands are absurd, and apparently they've spray painted things and stopped lectures taking place.
  17. Er... I'd say that's somewhat over the line. One can of course never be as bad as Offerman used to be.
  18. Happy (belated) birthday and suchlike.
  19. That's no moon etc. It's a space station!
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