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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I'm with Flink and Shorty - I find myself procrastinating an awful lot, even though I love my subject, so if you're doing work you dislike it's going to be difficult indeed. I tend to find the only real solution is to excercise some willpower and make yourself do it, ensuring you promise yourself (short) breaks.
  2. Well, I can test this one, because you can turn it on and off with a restart. *goes away to test* Edit: It works fine, just asks you to choose a font (which you can set in the menu). And anything still in Japanese comes up as nonsense. So providing the game lets you install it, you can apply the patch and then you'll be fine. Incidentally, it's kind of beta right now, and is a bit complicated to set up, but nothing too hard.
  3. Erm, I wouldn't know, not having a Japanese free platform (plus as I do linguistics my computer has like 10 different languages and all sorts of crazy fonts installed), but you could always try. If not, you might be able to download the necessary Japanese font files from somewhere on the internets. Also, there are two levels - one is having Japanese fonts installed, which you probably already have if you can see kana and so on, and the second is setting the default language for non-unicode programs to be Japanese. This second one might require your windows cd.
  4. Yep, there's there's a voice patch for the old version, and a new version that comes with voices and has a larger resolution and a few more cgs (which is what I have).
  5. Right, after ironing out the above difficulties, I got it working. Maybe people like the Villan will now be interested in getting the game:
  6. Dammit, I accidentally deleted a vital (tiny) file from the Clannad game when testing the patch and now can't play it. And if I ask people for the file, they accuse me of pirating the game, and I can't reinstall it as the disk (which I bought legally) is at home.
  7. But ultimately, a haiku only works in, its native language. In my opinion anyway. For a start the phonological timing is messed up in English, and secondly Japanese tends to use fewer syllables (or rather, moras) to express meaning. Of course technically they're only called haiku if they're about nature, but meh.
  8. Right. I had halfway hall today, which unsurprisingly represents the halfway point in my time as an undergraduate. It was fun enough for me still to be very pissed as I type. Only a year and a half to go now...
  9. Happy birthday, may you have many further years of American teen tv analysis to come.
  10. No, things that I can't really mention without major spoilers. There's also potential for more stuff like the Tomoyo chapter - in particular, Kyou's arc, some stuff to do with Ryou, and various other arcs like Akio's and Sanae's. It's less likely any of these will get done, but I suppose they may be.
  11. Yeah, it seems more clear that she was being racist now.
  12. Nothing as major as after story. There are some other little... things though, which had better be in this season (they almost definitely will be).
  13. Hmm, what with Mr. Astley (sadly) not being a member of this forum, I don't think this is really worthy of a thread. But I'll leave it up and locked, in tribute to the man.
  14. They don't seem to have hit Cambridge, either. Or at least, not Sainsbury's, which the only accessible supermarket here.
  15. Oddly enough, I think it's considered to be nowadays. Which is somewhat over the top. Anyway, I'm with Geoffrey Pullum on this.
  16. 7 more to complete the series (not counting the one that aired in the last few hours), although they'll probably have the last as a DVD only episode. It's doubtful they'll do anything more than that, as they've covered most of the other arcs already. And now I've seen that episode. I loved the effect with the music, but don't like the way they're still keeping the ED, despite the fancy transition. Content-wise, it was very nicely done. And sad.
  17. Ultimately, evolution shouldn't have much to do with religious belief, although I suppose some people see it as supporting an atheistic position. The only people who don't believe in evolution are those who don't fully understand it or refuse to accept it.
  18. The atheism posters annoyed me, and these ones annoy me more. But like fish says, such things aren't exactly uncommon. A better poster: "Do you think there's a God? Make sure you're completely happy with whatever you believe."
  19. Yeah, wasn't too bad I suppose. I hope they're going somewhere with this storyline, rather than making things up as they go along.
  20. It's melting here too, but the forecast says more snow for Thursday and Friday. Someone built a snow penis on King's backs, and the police made them knock it down. Some of my friends apparently made one too, but that isn't standing either because one of them tripped over into it.
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