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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Bleh, I'd rather sleep in my nice free bed at home. I could potentially come in the next day, too.
  2. I have actually done fuck all today, even though I've got an essay in for tomorrow. Damn procrastination... now I'll have to pull an all nighter or something. My essay title might as well be "Is English becoming Chinese?" i.e. I'm evaluating whether English is becoming an isolating language.
  3. In which case I would expcet you to at least pay for my accommodation, so I'm still not on the list.
  4. I'm living with my girlfriend next year, relatively unavoidably. I think things will work out okay whether or not we're still together though. *touch wood*
  5. Yep, was just pointing out that I was trying to do this.
  6. Corrected. Mine was actually right - effect is a verb meaning something like "bring about a change," as well as its more common use as a noun. :wink:
  7. Surely the main reason people get drunk is because it removes inhibitions to varying degrees, be they social or otherwise. Which of course makes socialising easier, or at least is supposed to.
  8. Note that it takes me a maximum of an hour to get to Hyde Park, so I won't need to stay the night.
  9. I only realised this today, when I tried to watch one and it told me it "wasn't available in my country." It seems pretty unreasonable to me, though of course there are still proxys that work with flash. Maybe he was trying to effect your annoyance.
  10. I'm pretty sure I've had NE dreams before, but unfortunately I can't recall any of them. I don't think there was anything that funny, anyway.
  11. I read either if I want to bore myself. I jest - I've never actually read any Woolf, and while I don't find Austen all that fun to actually read, I quite enjoy analysing it. And although it can be a bit 2-dimensional, there are some great sarcastic one-liners. :wink:
  12. Gah, I've actually been hung over for 3 days now. I'm still in favour of alcohol, however...
  13. It's actually crazy. I know people who don't even use the internet who know about over 9000...
  14. But if we use semantic feature theory, then both are fine, Sapir-Whorf or no. (and I hope you mean weak form, because strong form is yuck) :wink:
  15. Anywho is a corruption of anyhow, and while it's primarily a spoken form, when written down, I believe anyhoo is a slightly more common spelling (and the form I prefer). The other's pretty common as well though. [/random aside] Last night was fairly insane - it started with cooking 7 bowls of mushroom ramen, and escalated from there.
  16. Same here, although in my case I think it was just because it was an awful lot of cake to eat in one go.
  17. გილოცავ დაბადების დღეს! Or if you're like me and don't speak Georgian, happy birthday!
  18. I'd love one of those caterpillars, though possibly not enough to buy one. Doesn't stop them being awesome though, along with the book.
  19. Yeah, I suppose so, although I'd imagine it results from the description to some extent - "skanky horrible yuck colour" probably has those olivey connotations. It'd be interesting to see what people would put if you just asked for "least favourite colour." I'm sorry for leading to your being upsettings, but my dreams shall go forward nonetheless, if ever I can be bothered to realise them. Re: my lexicon - I don't feel it's particularly pr0, more filled with linguistics jargon and the like.
  20. Well, "typing monkey" is usually just a narrative hook to explain random typing, where each letter press is an independent trial, with probability evenly distributed across all the keys. Of course if this isn't the case, the conclusion doesn't necessarily follow, although assuming there is a chance that each key will be pressed, an infinite sequence will still contain any given finite sequence of letters. Note that while these idealized "monkeys" couldn't literally exist, neither can a infinite period of time, so trying to equate the problem with an exact reality is meaningless. Furthermore, I don't know where you get the 98% statistic from, but it definitely isn't the case for monkeys. The most closely related species to Homo sapiens is the chimpanzee (an ape, rather than a monkey), which shares 95% of our DNA base pairs. And DNA similarity doesn't have much to do with intelligence, which is a pretty undefinable term anyway.
  21. I mean in terms of looking at the results; I don't see what's so odd about people choosing similar colours based on similar descriptions.
  22. Just the one proper episode actually, called "A tiny palm," which should be interesting. Then there are two more, both of which are bonus episode type things - the first is called "Events of one year ago" so will probably be a sort of prequel thing adapted from one of the light novels, and I'm betting the second will be like episode 24 from season one, only covering the Kyou/Ryou arc.
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