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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Lol, with a metaphor that only works in one of the languages (unless it works in Portuguese, which I doubt). Serifu in that context means line, as in, "that's my line!"
  2. 日本語を話してほしいなら、君はもっと努力すべきだ。 Seriously though guys, don't use random romanized Japanese words unless you want to come across as some sort of crazed fanboy. :wink:
  3. My hobbies include modding on N-europe and telling people when to stick to the topic. My only real hobby is go, everything else is just a big academic nebula. Or well, to quote my facebook: I suppose you could add playing hide and seek to that list.
  4. Lol, that's exactly what my parents told me. I think I had a moment when I remembered them saying it after being in the know, and realised how amusing it was.
  5. Just was, intransitively. Like "To be or not to be," or "I think therefore I am."
  6. I posted about it earlier, but my post was consumed in the great delete. Was a nice episode as always - I think Villan will like it for a certain scene. Anyway, apparently all 24 episodes will be on TV, so there's no waiting for a DVD special this time round. Giving them 5 more episodes to conclude, which seems ample to me. Not long now, should be good.
  7. Hum. Did some photocopying in the university library this morning, which is a gargantuan and labyrinthine building holding every book published in the UK in the last 500 years. I've had little sleep, but have got multiple essays to write as ever. Brunch first, methinks.
  8. Was a nice walk to the library today: The library was, as ever, of more questionable niceness. I sort of like it though, at least for its size if nothing else:
  9. Second lot of people should turn the subs off or stop pretending they know Japanese. You really can't covert the "original meaning" of something in Japanese into English much of the time, as you just end up with something nonsensical or absurd as above - the same is true for translation between any two languages that differ this greatly.
  10. Well, I'd argue translating an idiom literally when it isn't present in the target language is still bad translation.
  11. Lol, did you get that from the youtube video sounding off about anime fansubs? is the one. I found the guy a bit annoying, but he makes some fair points.
  12. That's absurd. I have a feeling my university will actively ignore this law.
  13. Best pitta bread concoction that I've come up with: toast a plain white pitta lightly, then open it up carefully and fill it with pepperoni and mozzarella, then return it to the toaster for a bit. 'tis nice.
  14. Ah yes, seems there's an xbox one already. I have the wii version though, only having a wii - didn't realise the microphones needed a controller, that's annoying. Thanks anyway.
  15. You can, but I was wondering if it was worth trying to find an official one, or if there's no real difference.
  16. Grumph. Procrastinate, etc. Have got to write an essay and sort out my house for next year. Does anyone know if you can get an official Guitar Hero microphone on its own, or do you have to buy a 3rd party one? And is there even any difference?
  17. Oh mai gah, I've spent all day writing and only eaten at lunchtime. Was a fun essay though, longest one I've written I think.
  18. Lolz, nice approach. I really don't like mechanics much as I can never get the answer right - it caused me to change from physics last year, actually. Pure and higher level statistics always seemed so much more straightforward. (and interesting, come to that...)
  19. Of language? When you intend to offend someone in no uncertain way I suppose. But that's still legal, as it should be - pretty much all illegal instances are more than just linguistic, and may not be linguistic at all.
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