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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Voices probably make as much as an impression on me as appearances do, but not really in any kind of sexual way. Still, both the voice itself and the way people use language (mainly semantically, syntactically, and phonologically) is very interesting to me.
  2. Oh, I love Kaufman too, and my girlfriend does even more so, hence us going to see it, but his latest doesn't make for terribly comfortable viewing - it's clearly intended as a statement rather than entertainment. In my opinion it contains a few too many elements, and central idea is a little too obviously explained, but it's otherwise good, and there are some brilliant bits. Nothing on Malkovich though.
  3. Congrats bluey, hi again nightwolf. Better than Synecdoche, New York, I'd imagine. But then it is Charlie Kaufman, you can kind of guess that already. Hmm, overslept fairly massively today, turned out I set my alarm to 8 pm by mistake. Still, on a bit of an unsolicited high, even though I have exams starting early next week.
  4. I don't see why the relationships have to be a bad thing just because they don't last - surely there's some value in most attachments, even when they're over? So while it's likely that those between younger teens probably aren't going to be everlasting, there's not necessarily a problem with this - indeed, maybe it's a good thing to learn the basics of a relationship with someone you aren't going to be with for the rest of your life. There are still many difficulties of course - though the "first time" issue is mostly a construct of society, it can still end up damaging people, and furthermore it's common to get an obsession with your first love that might prove difficult later on. And there's the issue of responsibility, and the age at which people can be trusted to be able to deal with relationships (which varies from person to person - I'm sure some people never actually reach this age). It's a thorny issue, but I feel that preventing younger people from having any kind of relationships at all, or possibly even merely advising against them, is likely to make things worse.
  5. So your women are branded? Sainsbury's sourdough oval: very nice and citrusy, and chewy too. Perhaps could do with a slightly cruchier crust, and a lower water content (holes too big). Still, I'll go with 8.5/10.
  6. Expats? From ex patria. Yesterday was goodtimes, seeing people and getting some work done now. Nothing has happened as yet today, however...
  7. Procrustination I sit with my life in my hands, all alone, helplessly twitching away from my mission: unfolding the memories I wish I could own. Things once had a shape; they've so easily flown. How did I come to be in this position? Just holding my life in my hands, all alone. Yet still I push on, clutching tight on my tome, my desires take form as a frame of ambition, I unfold all the memories I wish I could own. I sieve out my time into what can be known, stretching my soul as I tax my cognition, yet sit with my life in my hands, all alone. But I feel that I still have one way to atone: by ignoring the debris I'll let intuition unfold all the memories I wish I could own. Though now it's too late, and I work to the bone, seeking to please and ignoring nutrition, for I sit with my life in my hands. All alone, I fold out the memories I wish I could own.
  8. "Languages can certainly differ from each other in unpredictable ways, but the differences are not without limits." Discuss. My subject is so awesome. :awesome:
  9. I guess it's a kind of indie look... hmm, not for me, for aesthetic reasons and more importantly because I wouldn't be able to stand the feeling. But then I'm incredibly picky about the feel of clothes.
  10. Do any straight guys actually wear skinny jeans? One of my (female) friends keeps suggesting I wear them, but thankfully my girlfriend strongly disagrees. I'd hate to wear anything that tight.
  11. Hmm, fairly rubbishy day - didn't get to interact with anyone at all in real life. Damn exams, everyone's busy revising...
  12. I hate revision, but love exams themselves. There's no more work you can do, so you just have to take what comes and go for it, adrenaline and all. Fun stuff, and of course after each exam you're a little closer to being free.
  13. Agreed, although food, conversation, (and linguistics :p) are also good. That said, I've never had illegal drugs unless you count a bit of passive weed, and am not really bothered. Alcohol and even stuff like caffeine are great though.
  14. I've been to quite a few gigs, just not professional ones sadly, unless you count the BBC prom in the park when I was about 10 or something. There are quite a few bands I'd like to see live though, will get round to it some time or other.
  15. I probably can't due to minor leg problems and really bad balance. Hmm, would be interesting to see her do Shakespeare - the only Much Ado production I've seen is the film, which wasn't all that wonderful. I'm sure it's possible to make Shakespeare funny, but in some cases it must be really difficult...
  16. I have four exams in a couple of weeks (phonology and morphology, syntax, general linguistics, the structure of English). I need to be doing more work for them, but I was looking at the papers the other day and they look fun. Will be a release when they're over, however.
  17. I've never enjoyed any production of a Shakespearean comedy (the tragedies, by contrast, are awesome). Will probably be seeing As You Like It by the RSC this summer, however, which my girlfriend insists will be funny. Never been to America. Never been skiing/snowboarding, nor intend to do so. Never seen a professional band live. Never been to Germany. Never had a job.
  18. Hmm, got an Amazon parcel addressed to me containing The Housekeeper + The Professor by Yoko Ogawa today, which was quite cool. I imagine it's some kind of annoymous birthday present, though the choice of title and form my address was written in gives me a clue who it was. Will have to enquire further... :p Other than that, I spent most of today sleeping, watching Channel 4 catchup (yay for the Inbetweeners), and doing linguistics reading. Going out for a meal with some friends tonight, should be good.
  19. Thanks people - some of my friends crashed a linguistics gathering that I was at and brought me cake, which was fun. Twice, no less. Although the first time was a lot closer. :p If only there were something worth correcting in this post. Should be a full stop I suppose.
  20. Well I went to Subway, asked the guy for ranch sauce, and he proceeded to squirt a load of ketchup (which I can't stand) all over one end of the sub. When I corrected him, he just covered it up with ranch sauce as if that made things okay. I nearly asked him to make it all again, but it was only one end so I couldn't really be bothered. Then when I was eating it the ketchup dripped out and went all over my shirt. [/petty rant] Day wasn't too bad other than that. 3 hours of seminars/lectures, all fun.
  21. Can't recall any dreams about NE members, but I may have just forgotten them. I often have... odd dreams. My girlfriend has been known to provide "helpful" Freudian analyses.
  22. Alright, I guess I'll lock it for now - if other people are clamouring to say sensible things it can be reopened. Yeah, he was an admin, but these days he's a veteran.
  23. Provided you think it's best to leave, I wish you luck Jordan - just make sure it's not a decision you'll come to regret. Because whatever you percieve, there are a great many people on these boards that like and respect you, and would be happy to welcome you back should you wish to stay. And if anyone here genuinely dislikes you, then let them - who gives a fuck what they think, when you have your own pride and the support of everyone else? Anyway, do whatever you think best. And if you really do decide to leave, then I hope it has positive consequences for your life. Either way, it's been good.
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