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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Well, there're parts that would take quite a while to sub, but I'd still expect it to be done by now.
  2. There are same two groups subbing, both are out for the first episode on animesuki. Enjoy.
  3. Did anyone see Clannad after story ep 1? Bit fillery, but that's to be expected. (I think it's an adaptation of a side arc of the game) I'm anticipating so much stuff in this season.
  4. Yeah, aspartame's the main complaint about diet coke, but the research surrounding it is extremely inconclusive. It's been accused of doing a great deal of bad things, including but not limited to cancer, but the accusations don't tend to hold up in research - sometimes you get vague correlations, other times you get nothing at all. Not to say that aspartame is good for you, but as I said, the jury's still out.
  5. My class actually cheered when our teacher first said that, and he was somewhat surprised. Yes, we were total geeks. I love maths... Anyway, I once made a chart of the number of 'u's in "dude" against google hits for the word, just for fun, but it turns out that language log beat me to it. As they say, there's some kind of resonance at higher values of u.
  6. Lear is a great play, enjoy the remainder. Regarding eggs: Actually, eggs tend to last longer than the sell by date, often more so than meat. The standard test is to put them in water, and the more the wide end sinks, the fresher they are. It's best not to eat eggs that float. The main problem with eating oldish eggs is that the whites tend to go a bit runny, which makes for untidy poached eggs and so on, but when boiled they're easier to shell. Also - you can't freeze uncooked (or indeed unshelled) eggs, as they'll crack, and in the former case could get infected. I can go into the science of all of this if anyone's interested, but basically: eating old eggs is generally okay. So hopefully you won't end up "damned, like an ill-roasted egg, all on one side."
  7. This. However, I think many of you are underestimating the intelligence of a 7 year old - this one, like many other probably just didn't care too much about the consequences of his actions, which is the problem that needs to be resolved. But that's part of growing up. Also, I think the situation is slightly twisted by our societal norms. I'd imagine, for instance, that people feed the crocodile meat, maybe even live animals. (this is definitely true in the case of many snakes, where you have to feed them live mice or similar) Is what the kid is doing really that different? Sure, the lizards are rare or whatever, but the kid doesn't care and neither does the crocodile. And neither does "nature", which is why things are rare in the first place. Are we to blame the crocodile for needing to eat meat? It still remains that this is needlessly destructive, but from our point of view only. Kids need to learn why it is we think like this by, as I said, growing up.
  8. There's an important distinction to make between a regional accent or dialect of a native speaker (and all native speakers have to have some sort of accent), and the foreign accent that non-native speakers have. I'm a native English speaker, and speak with received pronunciation, perhaps with a hint of Estuary. I'd say the English accent I like the sound of most is probably some form southern Irish, but I'm not really sure why. Not being native in any other languages, I presumably speak them with mostly English accents, and my Japanese accent is probably the least foreign. (though still pretty poor I'd imagine) Incidentally, I'm told I speak what little Mandarin I know with a Japanese accent, which I found funny. I'd guess it's the equivalent of "can", so: Cost keck a bow aggen a woe an y'ed it till thee bost it? Can (you) kick a ball against a wall and head it until you bust/destroy it? I like "y'ed".
  9. Finally back in Cambridge. So good to be here again - the holidays are too damn long.
  10. They taste extremely different to me, but then I can tell which supermarket apple juice comes from based on the taste. I actually prefer diet coke, which is why I drink it - I'm not bothered whether it's healthier or not. (The jury's still out, but based on the research I've read about, it seems the answer is "diet coke is probably healthier." But yeah, I'd drink diet coke whatever.)
  11. Well, I haven't got freshers' flu yet, but I do have pre-university man flu. I hope it will fight and destroy the disease-ridden freshers.
  12. I watched the Lucky Star OVA raw - 'twas pretty good, although being Lucky Star and all, I couldn't follow all of the language. I liked the way it was more adventurous than most of the regular episodes.
  13. Enjoy your birthday in all it's wibbley glory.
  14. Well done guys... including those who (eventually) counted everything up. Fixed. :wink:
  15. Hmm, got up about 4pm today, then played some Guitar Hero. (about to take on hard mode) I'm getting seriously bored at home now, can't wait until Friday when I go back to Cambridge... but I have a book on Japanese phonology that I should ideally finish before then. Spent most of Saturday reading What do you care what other people think? by Feynman - really interesting, and fun to read. Yes indeedy.
  16. Ah, many a birthday today. May they be happy for all.
  17. I think a lot of people feel like that at first - I know I did. Talk to people, do stuff, get to know the place, and soon that feeling will melt away.
  18. Ah, that'd explain things. I'm midway through it (Japanese import), 'tis great so far.
  19. Wait, what? I thought that wasn't supposed to be out here until October.
  20. Right, as of today all my non-uni friends are back (or starting) at their respective unis, and I'm not going back until a week tomorrow... oh well. I suppose I have a few bits to do before then, but I can't wait to get back.
  21. The timelines also seem to merge after the whole Charlie thing with Hiro in season 1, which doesn't make much sense.
  22. This is presumably just to draw attention to themselves, it's not the sort of thing that would work on a large scale, and most people would find it vaguely disgusting anyway. I think the complaints about drinking cow's milk are a bit silly - it's an aspect of our diet that's nearly as well established as meat eating, and there have been physiological changes to reflect this. For instance, providing they aren't lactose intolerant, people produce lactases (for general milk digestion) throughout life, rather than only when they are infants. (for digestion of mother's milk) This is not the case for other mammals, and lactose intolerance is more likely among oriental people, due to a later ancestral adoption of milk from other animals.
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