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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Firstly: Don't make any judgements about subjects based on the A-level courses, as in general they're at best not entirely representative of the subject, and at worse, awful. Biology is actually pretty diverse, with branches differing greatly from one another. For instance, evolution is in general qualitative, and is more about ideas, principles, and their applications in living organisms than about endless facts. You're right about aspects of molecular biology and biochemistry being full of learning, but that's because when you learn such things, you're not the one applying the science. Someone else has gone and performed the necessary experiments to produce the information you have to learn, and if carrying out such procedures isn't science, I don't know what is. Anyway, your idea of "best science" seems to be based on which you want to do the most, which isn't really the most objective way to judge things. Perhaps you could consider a more scientific approach.
  2. Right, I probably make most of my interests abundantly clear, but here goes: Linguistics - Yay for language and the study of it. I spend a lot of time on this. Japanese - Fun language, lovely syntax. Would also like to learn (or in some cases get better at) other languages, notably French, Spanish, German, Mandarin, Korean, Icelandic, Sanskrit, Latin, Ancient Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, Esperanto. Evolution - Also yay. This gets really fun, I love arms races and evolutionary genetics. Also keen on some anthropological aspects of human evolution. Science in general - Good too. I'm more focused on the biology side of things, but find some other aspects interesting, notably the Schrodinger equation and some of the mathematical treatments of thermodynamics. Am also somewhat interested in a few bits of physics I've picked up here and there. Maths - Good and pure. Don't know that much, but am interested in logically rigorous proofs and symmetry theory. Reading - Good stuff, be it fiction or non-fiction. I read various authors, but am keen on Nabokov and Murakami. Would like to read more Kafka, along with various other classics. Anime (and manga, visual novels etc.) - Some of this is great, though I tend to like more niche shows. Favourites are Welcome to the NHK, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, and CLANNAD. I wish the whole porn factor (including fan service) was less prevalent, as it just cheapens things. The CLANNAD game knows how to do things properly. Go - Black stones + White stones = endless fun, though preferably a board should be involved. Once you get to a certain strength this game grabs you and refuses to let go. Hmm, I count around 100 currently in my room, most of which I am currently reading... then there're probably 500 odd left in my room at home, and around the house. (yeah, it's bascially just a room full of book stacks) Anyway, well past time for me to shut up I think.
  3. You should have said hi, I live a few hundred meters from that place... never been there though.
  4. Man, I'd say Newton's third law is more well known than Le Chatelier's principle, making it less nerdy, but anyway. Nerdy would be a mathematically rigorous treatment of equilibrium. (G = -RT ln(K) anyone? )
  5. It's usually referred to as seppuku in Japanese, as the term harakiri is somewhat rude, though for some reason the colloquial form stuck in English.
  6. If I'm right about the above typo, then yeah, these people bore me. Fixed. Anyway, not a lot makes me seriously angry, apart from a few things relating to linguistics and evolution. People who argue about these things with flawed reasoning and start getting unpleasant can be very annoying indeed.
  7. So, do we eat it, or accept it as our new lord and master? Anyway, it's probably just a result of a random mutation in some kind of developmental control gene, like sonic hedgehog or brachyury or somesuch.
  8. It's the son of the devil! Mother of gods, it's the devil cow! Something about after idiots, but too drunk to work it out... Extremely doubtful - even if fertilised that would result in a miscarriage of some sort. Unpaired chromosomes and the resulting problems are not good.
  9. Man, me and my friend just got kicked out of a club for trying to set the menus on fire and use them to light the candles that had gone out. The bouncers there have no concept of fire; they are perpetuators of the second law of thermodynamics or somesuch. Either way, I am no longer at said club.
  10. They do it by force here - some time at the start of the year, they go into your room while you're away and PAT test everything they can find. This includes hunting through your cupboards...
  11. Ooh, I have a video! All thanks to my sister putting her thumb over the microphone...
  12. Last night I was in the pub with a couple of friends, and this crazy Australian guy in a suit sat down with us and started telling us his life story. Then he tried to claim he liked to pretend to be dumb, but it didn't really work. Ah, random drunk people...
  13. Lol at pentapeptides, what are five amino acids joined together going to do that'll be fundamentally different to four or six?
  14. I'm pretty sure it's not frowned upon at all in Japan, and marriages between cousins are common.
  15. Happy birthday to ye all.
  16. I return, now with no more exams. Spent the rest of the day pissing about on punts and things. Did I miss much?
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