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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I find the interface for the Spanish colours one amusing, as it says "English:" then just has blocks of the colour in question, as if they look different in Spanish or something.
  2. 26/151 for Pokemon, 52/118 for elements, 21/38 Shakespeare plays (can't believe I missed King Lear), 7/8 taxonomic ranks (silly domain) 21/24 Greek alphabet. Also: Why the hell is there Oxford colleges but not Cambridge colleges? Now I should do some work...
  3. That's what I thought, before I started doing it... I like the principles, but the minutia of all the reactions get a little absurd, especially when you have to learn them all, and this is coming from someone who liked learning everything in detail for A-level biology. Out of the stuff I'm doing, I much prefer evolution, which is more about understanding and less about blind memorisation. Either way, as long as I do well enough in these upcoming exams (touch wood), I'm changing to linguistics next year.
  4. Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, beta-oxidation - done. Amino acid synthesis and transamination, nitrogen fixation and degradation, the Z-scheme, Calvin cycle, electron transport chain, glycogen synthesis and degradation, pentose phosphate pathway - still to do. Though it may not sound like it, I'm about halfway through metabolism, so things aren't going too badly. Yay for learning the Krebs cycle in 20 minutes.
  5. Dammit, another one? They don't alter my day in any way, it's annoying.
  6. "Help me Obi-Wan! You're my only hope." That is awesome, but no.
  7. Wow, I just wrote "Homo are the most prolific tools of all the genera." as the opening to an essay by mistake.
  8. I don't think my parents ever felt it necessary to tell me anything... I remember reading about it in a kid's medical book when I was about 5, and thinking there was no movement involved. A little later on I found a far more detailed book, that had diagrams of positions and things. All very amusing for me at the time. :wink:
  9. Anyhone watching Shion no Ou? Think Hikaru no Go, only with shogi, and murder mystery mixed in. And the main character is a small girl who never speaks.
  10. 1. You guys* are too prescriptive. 2. The study of language is descriptive. 3. These things vary between dialects. 4. The only reason one thing is "correct" and the other is "incorrect" is due to convention. 5. No one dialect is better than any other, it just so happens that formal English is the way it is. 6. If you are told you have made an error and you cannot see why it is wrong, then it is not an error in your dialect. 7. Any errors you do make will only be pedagogically, rather than generatively wrong. 8. This means you will still be understood. 9. If you construct a sentence that breaks the rules of generative grammar, bad things happen. 10. "I have could done that." is generatively wrong. 11. "I could of done that." is pedagogically wrong. 12. See the difference? 13. Nevertheless, it's a good idea to conform to certain standards in formal writing and various other situations. 14. Words such as "could" are known as modal auxilliaries; they modify the mood of a verb. 15. When combined with "have" (a different auxilliary verb), in formal English they: (i) come before the non-modal auxilliary verb** (ii) do not change. 16. "Of" is a variant form of "have" in some dialects, used when it combines with a modal auxilliary. 17. It results from the "'ve" contraction of have. 18. This doesn't mean we have to stop berating people for getting things wrong. :wink: 19. In before "witty" replies using numbers or somesuch. *Note how this could be "y'all" or "you" in some dialects. **This is why 10 sounds so strange.
  11. Every typographical and/or grammatical mistake I see annoys me somewhat, but I usually don't bother with corrections unless I actually can't understand the passage in question. Grammar nazis are brilliant though; I say we need more. Anyway, had a 3 hour chemistry mock today, wasn't too bad. Apart from the thermodynamics question of course. Yay the previous sentence contains no verb, but I wouldn't try to correct it if I were you...
  12. That's rubbish, both from a personal and an academic perspective. Sorry...
  13. Hmm, it sucks that Raef got fired. He was awesome.
  14. Yay for the return of Johelian! I'm a little belated in my response...
  15. It's treating the verb "to drink" as following the same pattern as "to eat", so you get a +en to the infinitive in the present perfect. This sort of thing happens all the time... a friend of mine mistakenly said "suck" as the past tense of "seek" the other day. The past tense of "catch" used to be "catched", but it followed "teached/taught" and changed to "caught".
  16. Seriously, they really do shift it that much. I have got full UMS on papers where I didn't answer over a third of the questions. (M2, and C4 wasn't much better, ever done June 2006 as a practice paper?)
  17. Is your theory so complicated that your brain would explode if you even began to understand it?
  18. Unified marking scheme. It's the value you actually get as a result, and comes about from variations statistical manipulations they carry out on the raw marks to make things fair. For instance, if the paper is particularly hard, they might shift all the marks up, or vice versa. It basically means that you can do well on a hard paper, even if you didn't answer loads of it, provided you did better than most people.
  19. You were getting As in the practice papers, right? I wouldn't worry too much then, UMS is your friend. I thought I'd failed my C4, but got 100 UMS.
  20. Is that the full price of a return? Seems a bit steep, but then again flights confuse me horribly. I still fail to see why Virgin Atlantic charge over twice as much for a single from Japan to England than for a return to Japan. Same class, plane, and everything...
  21. Classical conditioning in Pavlov's dogs? Anyway, lectures finally finished today, was a bit of an anticlimax. Working now, as I still have absurd amounts of work to do. And I have a mock on Friday, but no time to revise. Oh well... Next week sometime I suppose I'll try and apply the method of loci to metabolism.
  22. I read the orange tango essay. I don't like orange, so I was the wrong audience.
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