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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Happy birthday, with exclamation marks abound.
  2. *grumble grumble* inorganic *grumble grumble*
  3. It's the females that choose, I'm afraid. Males will have sex with anything. (read: ardent)
  4. Hmm, so I slept until 8pm today, after going to bed at about 6am. Now I feel like going to bed again... I'm so insanely bored at home. Seeing friends early next month, but I can't wait until I go back to uni. It's annoying when all your friends either live miles away or go miles away on holidays/gap years etc.
  5. If you mean the aquatic ape theory, that's widely thought to be rubbish these days.
  6. I only drink with friends, and this occasionally means drinking to get drunk. I don't really see a problem with it to be honest. I totally agree with this - the following were all posted when I was hammered: I can type fine...
  7. Can't see myself forgetting this place... I generally remember even most insignificant things about the past, and as somewhere I've spent over 5 years, CE/RE/NE is certainly significant.
  8. The movie is just plain bad, it changes the story and characters completely, and the animation is awful. (it's by a different animation studio) The one thing is does manage to do is horribly spoil people waiting for after story. As for the length of after story... well, I can see it fitting 24 episodes, but they might only do 12, or some OVAs. Of course I'd like the first option, and it's probably the most likely - after story is extremely long, and goes until Okazaki is 25. Regarding your second spolier, if I were you, I'd try to forget, and watch on. I think everyone's going to like after story.
  9. Happy birthday King_V, thanks for providing us with an amusing thread.
  10. FOR GOD'S SAKE DON'T WATCH IT! It'll ruin after story, and is generally awful anyway.
  11. Don't think you'd need a translator there, he's fluent in English. Anyway... god knows who I'd take. I can imagine Noam Chomsky being an awful dinner party guest though.
  12. Jesus, if my friends follow that x thing, there's some worrying stuff going on... It works more accurately for me if you inverse everything.
  13. Talking of Clannad, episode 24 is out now, and it covers the Tomoyo arc. (in a different world) Was nicely done, but I've never been that much of a fan of that arc.
  14. There are tons of possible explanations for this, but the simplest argument is that there's no evolutionary reason for them to all be the same length. The only character that humans have that exhibits any kind of similarity is bilateralism, which has a multitude of uses. Additionally, it's entirely possible that the pinky is somewhat vestigial - the 1:2:5 bone structure of the vertebrate limb has been the same since just after lobe-finned fish, and there's no real need for it to change. No way - for a start, any significant changes would take a good deal more time than 10 000 years, and the rate of cultural evolution is so much greater than standard evolution that things won't really happen like that anyway. Think about it: does having a little finger make you less likely to have children? If not, then it's staying. Oh, and we don't only use a small percentage of our brain's capacity, that's a complete urban legend.
  15. Well, right now, absolutely nothing, but last term: 10-11: Biology of cells lecture. 11-5: Chemistry practical. (only on every other Monday) 6-7: Evolution and behaviour supervision. And a rough guess for next year: 4-5: Phonology and Morphology lecture.
  16. I reckon the SNES is in the top few. 2D gaming at its best, that stands the test of time. (and I never owned one, so I don't think my brain is addled by nostalgia)
  17. - Talking to other people. - Beethoven's Archduke Trio. - Burnt Norton. - Nabokov. - Phonology. - Evolutionary arms races.
  18. I forgive pretty much everybody... I currently hold no grudges at all - at least, none I can think of. Hmm, not sure if that's a good thing or not.
  19. This guy just won youtube, but yeah, he's going to get bullied so much for this, and he seems dangerously obsessed with Halo.
  20. Hmm, I guess I might do this, but some of you may consider my music taste godawful. I may consider this amusing. I don't know, try and convince me to do this if you're bothered. Also, anyone sending anything close to this should be infracted.
  21. I forgot to say in my previous post: this poll would be far more amusing if we could see who voted for what. :wink:
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