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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. It's a brilliant show, I've seen many episodes multiple times and have it all on DVD. But yep, has been around for a while.
  2. Steak with chilli and rosemary potato wedgey things: And it is actually all fairly pepper doused, though it's hard to tell.
  3. I'll be sceptically watching this, but I doubt he'll actually use hypnotic techniques. Should be entertaining all the same, whatever he ends up doing.
  4. Nope, both "dank u" and "bedankt" are Dutch versions of thank you. Why Ashley put two for Dutch, I don't know...
  5. Fish: What about SOAS? Also, I think St. Andrews only ranks like that for some subjects, and you're similarly doing places like Warwick down (e.g. for Maths).
  6. The vast majority of Derren Brown's stuff is misdirection, showmanship, and traditional magic (including mentalism), coupled with a little psychology here and there. He actually openly says this at the start of every show, but then manages to misdirect people into thinking he's doing all his stuff with fancy psychology - Rummy has it right. Still, I find him an entertaining performer. Although the lottery show was a bit rubbishy as it was so lacking in substance.
  7. Uncle Supergrunch is here! Native in: English (RP). Thank god I get this one for free. Reasonable at: Japanese, although my written could do with work. Okayish at: French, Spanish. Know only fragments of: German, Finnish, Icelandic, Russian, Ancient Greek, Middle English, Old English. Used to be decent at, but have now forgotten: Latin. Know only linguistic points about: Various things, from Turkish to Dyirbal. And personally I think the British system for language learning is pretty awful. The focus seems to be on helping people to be tourists, which is all very well if you want to be a walking phrasebook, but not very good if you actually want to speak the language. There's no decent way to get good at a language without an in-depth look at the grammar (and/or immersion), which people shy away from because it tends to be difficult and unrewarding at first. But then starting to learn languages always is hard, yet very rewarding once you get any good.
  8. While semantics can resolve some issues that aren't themselves strictly linguistic, it isn't really going to get anywhere in this type of argument, due to the variable usage of these kind of terms. Unless of course you're just interested in the semantics of the word "normal."
  9. Try searching with "fiber" (the American spelling) rather than "fibre."
  10. I came across a nice petition today. If you've never heard of Turing, suffice to say that without him, it's possible computers wouldn't exist.
  11. Lol at this, but I'm going to lock it so as not to confuse people.
  12. If my computer is on, I'll probably be on, unless there's not going to be any chance of me responding to anything. But I'm not as omnipresent as people like Twozzok or Dyson because I turn my computer on and off a lot as it's a laptop.
  13. Yukata. Also, yay, someone who's put it on the right way (left over right) for once. You do look a bit odd though.
  14. Ones attached to domains that you own or ones from work/university/whatever I guess. Anyway. Topic.
  15. Guys, this thread is about penises and so on. Stay on topic. (for what it's worth, I think gmail has slightly better connotations that hotmail, but real emails for the win)
  16. Happy (slightly belated) birthday!
  17. Lol, that isn't actually the message I sent. They're automated, and I gave no reason (although said when I locked the thread that it was for general advertising). I now realise you weren't advertising per se, but it was still an odd thread that didn't inspire much discussion, so the lock stands. Time to lock again methinks.
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