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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Sorry, it's best to be safe though, it's common in students so I'm always getting warnings about it. I hope you're okay... Anyway, finally finished my chemistry... that took several hours.
  2. The tiredness and the neck are the main things, and the meningitis jab only protects you from one form of the disease.
  3. ...you might want to check with a doctor that you don't have meningitis.
  4. François, Duc de La Rochefoucauld, Maxims. ...google ftw. :wink:
  5. I couldn't see what it was at all, I've just seen Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. :wink:
  6. My chemistry practical went a bit haywire when my solution turned into glue - it turned out I'd added concentrated rather than dilute acid, causing some kind of polymerisation to occur. So yeah, I got 0% yield...
  7. I believe my uncle investigated this problem in depth. He first put a pressure pad beneath his matress that caused the alarm to sound as long as he was in the bed. However, this caused him to get out of bed, rip out the pad, throw it out the window, and go back to bed. So he adapted the system a little, chaining the pad to the bed. Then he had to hide the key somewhere that he wouldn't be able to get to without waking up properly along the way.
  8. That'd be really annoying. How long do you have to do social work for if you choose thaT? I think that's what I'd go for, especially as I have flat feet so wouldn't be allowed to join the army. (thank God...)
  9. AVG Free. Now, shouldn't that have been in tech talk? Anyway, had a long talk about Japanese linguistics with someone half Japanese today.
  10. So have I... Anyway, forum name: Bloopers all the way! Real name had no matches, but unquoted I get a picture of my great, great, great grandfather:
  11. Looks like the time has finally come for me to get a Wii.
  12. ...more like everyone thinks you're Fields.
  13. Firstly, italics ensure lovely dramatic stress.
  14. I don't think you noticed the italics in my post... or you intentionally ignorned them.
  15. I really don't. I don't think you're Ant, either. Or The_Ganondorf. Or motion.
  16. Well today was alright. Spent a few hours worshipping an oxygen electrode in the lab and left early because the rest was just writing. Later I took a leaf out of Ashley's book, and bought one of those Nero chocolate milkshake things. It was pretty nice, but not quite as orgasmic as he suggested. Anyway, I then discovered the Chzo Mythos, and started playing 5 days a stranger. It's brilliant for an amateur game, and is my sort of thing. (the guy who makes them is the same guy who does the zero punctuation game reviews)
  17. There's no point theatening him. Anyway, I agree with his decision, and all the other staff are probably playing galaxy.
  18. Happy birthday Moogle! Happy birthday Moogle! etc.
  19. Sounds interesting. We had a great lecture of plant defence mechanisms today, I'm really liking evolution at the moment.
  20. Having a meal, I haven't eaten anything since er... lunchtime.
  21. My sister sent me something about this a while back: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/10/26/nsex126.xml This is the best bit of the article:
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