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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Interesting... one of the Alice books? (I'm guessing Wonderland) I like it, but could do with a border and being a bit sharper - 7/10.
  2. This is funny and sad at the same time... The people complaining seem terrified of the consequences of anyone having access to something that may cause them to question their beliefs. Isn't the ability to overcome temptation a desirable quality? Also, can anyone point out where evolution is promoted in HDM?
  3. Heheh, I think the effect is worse if you watch all the episodes back to back. It started getting ridiculous after a while.
  4. So, I watched most of School Days today, to finish it off. Nice ending, but I have to say the show has the most unpleasant cast I have ever come across. I haven't been as angry at a fictional (or come to that, a real) person as much as Itou Makoto for a long, long time. And the rest of the cast are hardly better. Out of the 12 characters listed on wikipedia (i.e. those that are in the anime), only Katsura Kokoro and and Nanami Kanroji are not horrible people. Just 2 out of 12! And they're only very minor characters...
  5. I really dislike the books... sorry to any fans! Anyway, the films aren't too bad, I liked the second most.
  6. Well that's fun, turns out he actually wants £250... I'll have to get a Wii some other way, that's way too much of a rip off.
  7. And they asked me for ID... I mean, what the hell? I've never been ID'd before, even for buying alcohol...
  8. 1. Man with an insect face! 2. A blowfly. 3. Two people with Mario Sunshine style backpacks fighting one another. 4. A catwalk.
  9. 'tis 5E5868. ...wrong board though, probably... not sure what the correct one is.
  10. 1. A gate guarded by two phoenix. 2. The molecular orbital of a cool-looking molecule. 3. The Gloamglozer. (of Edge Chronicles fame) Mr. Rorschach, can I go now? I meant home, not to the mental hospital...
  11. Yep, I've read all three books a while back... what else do you think they did wrong? Maybe I've forgotten some vital storyline points that they missed out.
  12. Well, I'm back from seeing the golden compass. It was pretty good, and gets a 7, but I had two big problems with it: 1. The Magesterium should be the church. 2. The film should go up to the end of the book.
  13. Scoreboard updated... watch this space for more rounds in the near future.
  14. It's from one of my sister's friends, he doesn't want it any more. Anyway, that's cool. I thought you might need a registration card or somesuch, but it seems not.
  15. So yeah, I can get a second hand Wii for £150, which sounds like a pretty good deal. I was just wondering if there are any reasons I shouldn't buy one - for instance, does all the online malarkey and Wii channels and so on work on a second hand one? And are there any other reasons that make buying a Wii second hand a bad idea? Sorry to be so lacking in knowledge in such matters, but hopefully with your support I shall be playing Mario Galaxy soon!
  16. I had to have general anaesthetic a year or so ago, to expose my lower eye teeth. I could have had local, but that would've meant that I'd have had to sit still for 45 minutes and any movement could have caused permanent nerve damage, so I went for the general. It wasn't too bad, but the anaesthetic did make me feel ill for about a week afterwards, though I think such a reaction is fairly rare.
  17. I saw 300 last night... I give it 6/10 - it was fairly good. The makeup was overdone, it just made things look more cg, and I think the storyline about the queen wasn't really necessary. Otherwise good.
  18. Hmm, I have so much revision to do this holiday... 4 fat files worth. Anyway, today was alright. I slept for most of it, only finished getting up recently. I'd still rather be at university.
  19. I'm pretty sure I said that "Yagami" -> "I'm a gay" thing a while back - one of my friends introduced me to the series after saying that. Which makes it amusing when Konata talks about how great it would be to shake hands with Aya Hirano. :wink: Anyway, episode 22 of Higurashi is awesome... all we need now are subs.
  20. So I caught up on Higurashi... what I could understand of the RAW for episode 22 was fairly godly. And I started School Days, seen the first two episodes so far. It's a little too cheesy for me at the moment, but I'm well aware that'll change. I really liked the way the logo shattered when the first episode opened.
  21. Yes unknown person Supergrunch loves everyone and everything.
  22. The brain is really tiny and hard to find, as you have to break through the skull and all, and once you get to it, it's very liquidy. Did you strip the skin off the tail? If you do that you get to see how all the bones articulate together.
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