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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Yeah, they tend to stink like that. Did you cut open its stomach? There's normally some really smelly mush in there. Interesting though. Today was boring, as ever. I wish I was back in Cambridge, it's so much more interesting there.
  2. Take pitta bread. Cover with mozzarella. Add Pepperoni. Put under grill until pepperoni is browing and cheese is stringy. Best mini-pizza thing ever. I guess you could add tomato puree as well, but I've never tried.
  3. I know, sounds crazy... Baileys is nice enough on it's own if you ask me. That's right, I may drink whisky but I also drink Baileys. :wink:
  4. Dammit, I was going to post that! It sums up the legendary king.
  5. Nope, provided you're on the same place on the planet, weight = 9.8(roughly)*mass, always. So yes, drinks will get lighter as they lose their fizziness. It's probably also worth noting the the everyday definition of weight is actually scientifically known as mass. The CO2 dissolves by a series of reversible reactions: CO2(g) <=> CO2(l) CO2(l) + H2O(l) <=> H2CO3 H2CO3 + H2O(l) <=> HCO3-(aq) + H3O+(aq) So it's the carbonic anion, HCO3-, that causes part of the fizzy taste, and this is why flat drinks are sweeter - they lose acidity when carbon dioxide leaves the solution.
  6. Flink's thread on the staff board: Title: What is your favourite kitchen utensil? Content: Tell me now! I like forks.
  7. Go on then Flink, what would you like it to be? :wink:
  8. We know that Jesus' body ascended to heaven... but, he was Jewish, so there was one bit left behind. A church claimed to have this "bit", and I believe elasticity tests were performed on it to check the authenticity. However, said tests went sour when it split in two. True story. (so said one of my old RS teachers, who was both insane and a self-proclaimed liar)
  9. Whisky, with ice. For some reason people always ask if I want coke in it as well... I think whisky and coke is horrible. As for non-alcoholic drinks... apple juice and diet coke. As I've probably mentioned before, I prefer the taste of diet coke.
  10. My guess is Oxigen_Waste has been converted to orthodox Judaism. :wink:
  11. Wow, you have more perseverance than me... I couldn't stand it after about a minute.
  12. Incidentally, your buffalo strewn sentences shouldn't have any commas in them. Anyway, major thread drift...
  13. No they don't, Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo admire Buffalo buffalo.
  14. McMad, given that you decided to derail this thread with grammar fascism, you could have at least been a better nazi. Incidentally, I'm a grammar nazi deep down - I have to stop myself correcting grammar in posts. And the dash in the previous sentence is perfectly acceptable. Now, go and see if you can find out whether it should be an en dash or an em dash. :wink:
  15. Well, the wotaku/otaku distinction is what I gathered from kj1980 on animesuki. (a Japanese otaku) Anyway, the non-Japanese guy does sort of know he's an otaku, and I think he rather likes being thought of as such.
  16. The tube connecting the bladder to the penis. Anyway, I'm uncircumcised.
  17. You presumably know about the tie-up with serial killers and otaku in Japan, thanks to Tsutomu Miyazaki. This means the Japanese definition has, until very recently, been solely negative. However, lately otaku are becoming a little more accepted, and some now use the term as a badge of pride, though they spell it ヲタク rather than オタク. So I think yes, it is generally restricted to Japan - what Westerners often think the word means is incorrect - anime fan is probably a better term. I consider myself an anime fan, but not an otaku. However, there are a few instances of gaijin who live up to the Japanese definition of the word. I have one on aim, in fact. They tend to be fairly harmless perverts, much like Japanese otaku.
  18. Are you sure? I think it can be done, but you don't even have any infractions or anything, so there's no need for anyone to reduce your post count.
  19. Actually it means "He doubts she could have done what they claimed she did." But xkcd aside, it means "cool", or literally looking good, as it's a fusion of 格好 (looks) and いい (good). Which explains why it irregulary conjugates like いい, which is in turn explained because the old form of いい was よい. ...but geekiness aside, today was quite good. I spent most of it sleeping.
  20. I should probably point out that all the links are the same - they're referral links.
  21. Well, I don't have a television at uni, as I don't think a TV license is worth it. I haven't really missed it, in fact I hardly watched TV before I went.
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