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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. You can't actually die from holding your breath - you just pass out and start breathing again. Anyway, I find the best way to get rid of hiccups is to drink a cold glass of water slowly and surely but without stopping.
  2. Wow, a second person who agrees with me!
  3. Yes. I hate such things... I get my exercise walking to lectures. (no really, in term time I walk several miles a day)
  4. 1 Do you play videogames? [Y/N] 2 In your own words, please describe your definition of a 'gamer' Someone who plays games more than the average person. (a casual gamer is still a gamer) 3 Would you consider yourself any of the following: [multi] - Hardcore gamer - Casual gamer - Console gamer [only playing games consoles as opposed to using a PC] - Handheld gamer [only playing handheld consoles like the Game Boy] - PC gamer - Competitive gamer - Retro gamer [only playing games/consoles deemed 'retro'] - Import gamer [importing games from Japan/America] - Power gamer [mix of competitive and hardcore] - Cyberathelete [playing for money] 4 Describe your use of videogames? [multi] - Recreational - Relaxation - Escapism - Just for the sake of it - Social interaction - Social activity - Competition 5 How much time do you spend playing video games? - Less than an hour a day - 1-2 hours - 3-4 hours - 5+ - Once a week - Once a fortnight - Once a month 6 What is/are your preferred genre/s? [multi] - Adventure - FPS - RTS - RPG - Puzzle - Platformers - Multiplayer games - MMORPG - Sports - Racing - Simulation - Fighting - Fantasy - Sci-fi - Party games - Music - Other: Turn-based strategy 7 Where do you mainly play videogames? My room. 8 What consoles do you own? - Microsoft Xbox - Microsoft Xbox 360 - Nintendo Wii - Nintendo DS - Nintendo Gamecube - Sony Playstation 2 - Sony Playstation 3 - Sony PSP - PC - Other: N64 9 Do you engage in other forms of media, if so what are they? [multi] - TV - Film - Books - I don't - Other: music, visual novels 10 What is/are your preferred genre/s? [multi] - Action adventure - Sci-fi - Fantasy - Historical - Religious - Horror / Thriller - Classical - Documentary - Reality - Comedy - Entertainment - Crime / Detective - Mystery - Other: whatever you call media depicting real life 11 Are you male or female? [M/F] 12 How old are you? 10-16 17-21 22-30 30+ 13 What is your ethnic background? - Caucasian - Black / African American - Mixed race - Asian - Other [please specify]
  5. Not really, more like straight reading - I believe there is one choice (maybe a second) in all 8 arcs, and it's very inconsequential. There are however character sprites (amateurly drawn ones), sound effects, and music. Thankfully, unlike most visual novels, there's no porn. Anyhoo, here's a picture of part of Onikakushi-hen (the first arc): If you want to see particular scenes, just ask.
  6. The face recognition thing says I look like Charisma Carpenter, Mike Tyson and Ralph Lauren. ...sure.
  7. To be fair, I have only seen 5 episodes on Bebop - I liked the first and the fith, but wasn't so keen on the other 3. I don't have much desire to watch any more, however. As for Champloo, I've seen a lot of that, and really don't like it much. But they get props for including go in one episode.
  8. Damn you, correcting that was my job! Anyhoo: 10 What is/are your preferred genre/s [multi choice] - Action adventure - Sci-fi - Fantasy - Historical - Religious - Horror / Thriller - Classical - Documentary - Reality - Comedy - Entertainment - Crime / Detective - Mystery - Other: Whatever you call depictions of real life. 11 Are you male or female? Male Female 12 How old are you? 10-16 17-21 22-30 30+ 13 What is your ethnic background? - Caucasian - Black / African American - Mixed race - Asian - Other [please specify] Edit: Fixed the "caucasions".
  9. Bleh, I found Bebop to be all style and no content... same for Champloo. *awaits flames*
  10. I've been given about £5 too much change in a shop before, and by the time I realised it was too late to go back. But then I patronise that shop an awful lot, and I'm sure they've over-charged me before. Other than that, I've found £2 on the floor and taken it before. Oh Noes! I wouldn't actually steal something.
  11. "Any man who worries about the end of the world will witness his own personal destruction first." - Kageyama Toshiro
  12. I'd buy Wii go. Come on Yamauchi, use your 5 dan Nintendo shareholding authority.
  13. Just done the second bowser level... one of the best bits of platforming I've ever played.
  14. Sounds like you have bad subs... this is what good subs look like: (episode 22 of Mai-HiME + hair coloured subs = win)
  15. Tammet is a high-functioning synaesthetic autistic savant, so I was dicounting him seeing as we're talking about a football manager. He's nevertheless very interesting - he has an autobiography entitled Born on a Blue Day that's a good read... I picked it up because I have synaesthesia. I think he's also fluent in several other languages, like Lithuanian, but he learns in a totally different way to most people - for instance, he sees pi as a landscape.
  16. Same for me... Anyway, it depends on your situation and ability. If you're already multi-lingual in other European languages, and have a girft for language, then one month is probably within the realms of possibility. But the same wouldn't be true for say, someone who only spoke Arabic, even if they were intelligent.
  17. Well, I just saw episode 24 of Higurashi... make sure you watch after the credits, there's an interesting bit there. And the crazy thing is that a 3rd series has been announced, which is very strange, because the story's over now. If they use source material, then I hope they cover Saikoroshi-hen. (a "perfect" world, set after Matsuribayashi-hen) I suppose they could try some of the manga-only arcs like Onisarashi-hen (all about Natsumi), Yoigoshi-hen (set in present day, after the gas disaster), or Utsutsukowashi-hen. (covering some of Shion's time at her boarding school) Or they could try PS2 exclusive arcs - Taraimawashi-hen and it's solution, Tsukiotoshi-hen (variations on Meakashi-hen) and Miotsukushi-hen. (the supposed "true" ending to the series, said to be less happy but more meaningful) But I don't see how they could link these arcs to make a coherent story, so maybe the content will be mostly new.
  18. Happy belated birthday! ...lately, I keep just missing these threads.
  19. I have some informal exams in January, so I'll need to revise everything I covered last term. Which is four full files worth.
  20. Ah yes, all the way north out of the town. Haven't been there yet, but I think I know some people there.
  21. Cool, do you know what the venue was? And I go past the Eagle all the time, but I don't think I've ever been in. Anyway, today I saw a load of my relatives. Was sort of fun, but it really tired me out.
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