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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. So, what happens to acetyl fluoride when it reacts with BF3? The resulting salt has carbon-13 NMR peaks at 7.5 and 150.3 ppm, and a strong IR absorption at 2297/cm. So obviously acetyl fluoride loses it's fluorine to BF3, but what does it turn into? The oxygen is surely still there, to shift one of the carbons so much, and clearly the peak at 7.5 means there is a methyl group or something similarly unshifted. But I have no idea what to make of the IR data - 2297 suggests some kind of triple bond, but surely that can't be right? If anyone can explain this, thanks.
  2. Provided you aren't scared of dogs, they won't go crazy on you unless they're trained to, or you do something stupid like hitting them, shouting at them, or trying to stare them down. So yeah, trying to hit dogs is stupid, whether or not you consider it cruel.
  3. Happy birthday to Jayseven! And to LD4000, whoever you may be.
  4. I'd probably sell books... as for a name, how about: Grunch's WORDS OF INTEREST
  5. That looks pretty nice... but aren't they going to be illegal soon?
  6. Bear in mind this was the top maths set of 5, so they were all supposed to be clever. I don't agree with it though, it seems a bit over the top. Actually, I had that teacher later on for A level... he was pretty awful at teaching (i.e. he sat there and let us do anything) but he was very good at statistics - I remember him proving the central limit theorem and showing us about the chi-squared decomposition theorem.
  7. When I moved to secondary school, one other guy from my primary school went to the same school as me... in fact it was Surrealist, he's an inactive member here. Anyway, I got put in the middle maths set and he got put in the top set, even though I got twice what he'd got on the entrance maths exam... so yeah, they mixed us up. I had great fun in the middle set (the teacher was a legend who introduced me to go) but I'm not sure Surrealist enjoyed the top set so much - the teacher made them sit in order of how well they were doing, and he was always last. As for class clowns... thy can be very annoying, but they're sometimes hilarious. I've witnessed many legendary moments - if I recall any I'll be sure to post them.
  8. *was already watching episode 15 in another window when I came across this* Awesome. :wink:
  9. Cool, where'd you go? And that reminds me, I'll be going back at the end of next week... got to get some revision done before then.
  10. I think the rules are in place to stop people getting into edit wars with mods over thread titles. I'm not sure how likely this is, but it's a fairly commonplace measure.
  11. I remember nearly fainting when I had a blood test after fasting, I think it was from a lack of blood sugar. ...that's all I can think of, though I occasionally get that thing where you feel dizzy standing up after sitting down for a long time.
  12. Many a birthday pass by, but few of them are of arab_freak. Happy birthday! (that includes Union James)
  13. Just be pleased you don't have collections any more. ...just found out I have mine on the 15th and 16th.
  14. As far as I'm aware, the only fictional thing that has ever made me cry is Planetarian. And I mean real crying, once during the star show and once at the end. Loads of things make me a get a bit teary eyed though. Edit: PM me if you're interested in reading Planetarian in English.
  15. Going to university. 'twas definitely a good change.
  16. We have a homework help thread. [locked]
  17. I don't make resolutions, but there is something I'd very much like to happen this year. More on that if it actually occurs.
  18. Well yeah, but in the vast majority of cases, it adds nothing to the story. Take something like Tsukihime - "Now we must save the world, but first must come the obligatory sex scene to satisfy the otaku!" But yeah, I'd rather not have it even if it was a valid part of the story. (as in School Days)
  19. As far as I know, there's no english translation, but you can watch some of the endings on youtube and it's pretty obvious what's going on. Anyway, are you aware it's a porn game? That kind of puts me off getting it, porn in visual novels always seems so pointless.
  20. God that's a point, you made me remember a worse habit - not getting up in time. I hate it when I miss a whole lecture through oversleeping.
  21. I fail to see any scientific reason for not picking your nose, and eating the spoils is merely helping things along - snot constantly drips down the back of your throat into your stomach, where the hydrochloric acid destroys any pathogens that may be present. So pick away! (unless of course, you're in public ) Incidentally, I bite my nails in a controlled way, and haven't had to use scissors for years. So I don't consider this a bad habit. So what is my worst habit? ...hmm, I have a few. I'll go with not bothering/forgetting to shave for days/weeks.
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