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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. ...that's got to hurt. Hopefully things will heal up quickly.
  3. I can't see one... also, I think at the moment it's set so that anyone can see that posts have been deleted.
  4. Any kind of sharp implement tends to work, provided you're careful.
  5. Ah, that would make sense. I know someone called LJ, so I wondered if it was a name...
  6. My sister works in Zavvi... seems they have better bags than her branch does - she just gets blank white ones.
  7. Yeah, happy sandwich... after all, you created the phrase.
  8. Firstly, Japanese seiyuu are way better, because it's a massive industry and far more money is spent on voices... additionally, the animation is made to fit the Japanese speech. (though oddly enough it's almost always done beforehand) There are famous voice actors who are known for their quality - for instance, Mai Nakahara, Aya Hirano, and Horie Yui. Also, as other people have said, it was originally designed to have a Japanese soundtrack. However, you're right about the ridiculousness thing... there's a scene in Mai Otome where
  9. Ah yes, I remember now... they keep changing it.
  10. Not a great deal... stuff about how it's hard to be a director, and that other people only feel sorry for directors who are getting thinner - as he's getting fatter, they don't realise he's under stress.
  11. I probably prefer the first series. It's worth noting that large sections of Yakusamashi-hen (the first arc of the second series) were taken straight from earlier arcs - the baseball game was in Tatarigoroshi-hen (we only caught a little of it in the anime), and the whole scene with Kameda-kun was necessary to show you Keiichi's abilities to convince people. (read: MAGICIAN OF WORDS reality marble :wink:) The zombie oni game was pretty much identical to the 4th chapter of Onikakushi-hen, with added Shion. For comparsion, here is my translation of that part of Onikakushi-hen: http://www.sendspace.com/file/bs95wb This was silly to put in Onikakushi-hen, because the punishment games hint at what will happen later in the arc - go back and look at them again if you weren't aware of this. Here however, it does not. Additionally, the first episode of kai was an adaptation of the Demon's Script TIP which was shown after finished Tsumihoroboshi-hen. They added in adult Rena, so that they could flash back to a scene with Rika which they foolishly omitted from Tsumihoroboshi-hen.
  12. I'm pretty sure Science museum is paying for adults (not sure what counts as an adult), but the British museum is free. The Science museum is awesome though, as is the Natural History museum. Other cool places to go: Leicester square, Covent Garden, Oxford Street, Camden town. (some of these are cool just to look around)
  13. I started playing this today, seems pretty great. The control system is so much better than prime.
  14. Alright, now I have my Wii as well (Parcelforce gave it to me when I went and complained, even though they claimed they wouldn't), I've had a chance to play this, though I've only done the first star. It looks really great, and I actually find the whole gravity thing pretty intuitive.
  15. Sort of... each arc starts from the same point (mostly), but from then on, anything can happen. This sort of allows you to see things from all angles, and [is silenced]
  16. Yeah, lol, I wanted to complain to someone. Seriously, they're being utter cocks about it.
  17. Well I think MMORPGs are fairly massive, but they ain't too keen on any kind of FPS in Japan, so there's a lack of mouse + keyboard shooters. RTSes are also popular, but they're not a religion like they are in Korea. Anyway, can't wait to play this. I've just realised that the only other Mario game I've bought close to launch has been Sunshine, and by all accounts Galaxy should be way better.
  18. This was a long and strange year... At the start, I was working horribly hard for a load of January exams, practically all my A levels. ...that was softened by getting an offer from Cambridge. Then I had to finish my chemistry coursework, which I am convinced will the most horrible piece of work I'll ever have to do. By the time I handed it in, it was 92 pages long. Once that was finished, the pressure sort of... went. I had a grand total of two modules to study for in the summer, and didn't need much in either, but I still found it hard to relax. Revision was kind of frustrating, because I had a really long period where I felt I ought to be working but without much to do. Anyway, it all ended up well. So, after a long summer, I went to Cambridge. The work's totally different to school work - far harder, and lots more of it, but much more interesting. The place is also great, I really love it there, and can't wait to go back. Magdalene is definitely the best college. And one more thing: 2007 is the year I took up go. I love this game for it's depth and wonder, and I can't wait to get better at it.
  19. I'll put it in my profile, anyone who wants feel free to add me. (you might want to tell me who you are though ) Nah, Miyamoto's too happy and nice for that, it's got to be honest confusion. :wink:
  20. The book (translated from German) is way better if you ask me, but the film also shaped my childhood... I haven't seen it recently, so I can't really judge how good I think it is.
  21. Well, I finally have this game... pity I don't have my Wii yet, bloody Parcelforce.
  22. Well, it probably wouldn't be much good if you didn't like guitar music, but there's no need for you to know how to play a guitar or anything.
  23. There isn't a great deal that's been translated... my translation of the start of Onikakushi-hen that's floating on the interwebs needs proofreading, but I could send you a better one. The beginning of Minagoroshi-hen is well translated, but again only the very start has been done.
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