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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Hehe, people can be silly. Incidentally, if you read the article correctly it says she doesn't have a maths GCSE, but she should still understand negative numbers. On a similar vein, you'd be amazed how many people don't get the concept of zero, and think it must be either positive or negative. Edit: Wow, look what the article itself does when talking about literacy: Blarg, that should have been proofread...
  2. Frankly, I think the number of possible things to do has a greater order of infinity than the amount of time an immortal lives for, so you could never do everything, especially as the world would keep changing.
  3. It was discussed, I know that much... to be honest, this should really be in the funny things thread, but it is leekspin... Good point, now I remember there really was a whole thread. [lockage] (spinning for 28:56 )
  4. I know of this, it is brilliance. I'm listening to other music right now, but I've had it going for an hour or two straight in the past. :wink:
  5. No - what it's saying is that the epithelial cells of a human oesophagus are able to change cell type, to intestinal goblet cells. This is not a desirable condition in it's own right (it can cause conditions like heartburn), and it also makes the sufferer more likely to contract a form of cancer with an 80% mortality rate, probably because the gene silencing in the nucleus is messed about with when the cell changes type, which could cause genetic errors. Anyway, I do not think I'd like to be immortal... I wouldn't want things to go on forever.
  6. Sounds awesome. :wink: Also, yeah, how did this chemistry coursework thing happen?
  7. A chimera is where you have two or more populations of cells that are genetically different from one another - you can even get chimeras as a result of blood vessels connecting fraternal twins. So in fact, the 2 headed dog would be unlikely to be a chimera as it would be a form of identical (rather than frateral - the genetic information would be the same) siamese twin, i.e. all the cells would have the same genetic information. However, the controversial ones are those containing genetic information from two (or more) different animals, such as when embryonic cells of one animal are implanted into those of another. Such experiments have actually been going on for quite a while, but it's when human cells or DNA is involved (such as in the incident a few months ago) that you get more people questioning whether the experiments are ethical.
  8. For some nice chemistry, have a look at 4f atomic orbitals. As for chimeras, I think that research into that area could be very fruitful indeed. This doesn't necessarily mean that it should be given the go ahead though, but I think that the sorts of experiments being proposed at the moment are probably acceptable.
  9. I'm not sure my geekery could be contained in one thread, but go for it. :wink:
  10. Sounds like a good idea... *googles* Here we go... I might try this when I get home. Amaretto ice cream could be nice too.
  11. So adapted ion channels and/or evolutionary scaffolding are right out the window then?
  12. Actually, there's a martial art involving studying how to do that.
  13. Hmm, I'm reading about Masi Oka... the guy is a total legend.
  14. Incidentally, today has so far been awesome. I slept until 2pm, and then bought a nice panini. I suppose I'd better do some work now...
  15. Hmm, I have a load of stuff from when I was younger, though I did try to sell my rather small pokemon card collection on ebay a couple of years ago. I sold about half of it and made about £10.
  16. To be honest, it's all about the straight piece.
  17. Hmm, has everyone just had half term? I've still got 4 weeks to go until I get a break...
  18. Well I voted for L-block, it'd be great if he(?) won. As stolen from a guy I know: Do it for Phoenix, who lost earlier!
  19. WinD are the best, but take way too long... I'd say hauu~ are probably the next best, and they tend to come out very quickly. However, apparently the ones for the latest episode won't be out for a couple of days because the guy doing them has exams.
  20. I think they usually chop them up just beforehand... see Oldboy for a gruesome exception. Incidentally, octopodes are thought to be the most intelligent invertebrates, so some people think it's unfair to eat them.
  21. Went up to 10000 to see what it'd say when the counter ran out. "You have collected 10000 grains of rice. Wow! Now THAT is impressive!" Then the counter starts again, only with 10000 added to the number at the bottom. Anyway, cool game thingy, and a nice idea. I couldn't get higher than vocab level 42.
  22. Hi there Flinky, nice to see you back. Congrats on getting through the past year or so.
  23. Supergrunch isn't here right now. And I'm telling you to keep this on topic, or else. :wink: What I meant was - it's a different different person each time.
  24. Frankly, I see a different person every time I look in the mirror.
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