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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Hmm, turns out I'm more stable than I thought. Paranoid |||||| 30% Schizoid |||||| 26% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 62% Antisocial |||||||||||| 50% Borderline || 10% Histrionic |||||||||||| 46% Narcissistic |||||||||||| 46% Avoidant || 10% Dependent |||| 14% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||| 30% ...with a hint of antisocial narcissism. :wink: Hmm, methinks synaesthesia and generally being odd increased schizotypal.
  2. Salted Caramel chocolates (works surprisingly well) Orange Pralines Rocky Road Slab
  3. Coincidence there, me too... Anyhoo, I tried to get the orange box but went out too late and all the shops were just shutting.
  4. ...sorry to hear that. And like other people have said, there's no problem at all with making this kind of thread.
  5. Hmm, overslept and missed a couple of lectures, but I can copy up the notes. Bought some nice looking chocolate on a whim. Had a long shower, and the fire alarm went off the moment I had got dressed again, so that was a bit of luck. It turned off pretty soon afterwards, there are loads of false alarms. It turns out my computer can run Portal, so methinks a trip to buy the orange box will be in order later.
  6. HIV? Anything that kills you very quickly (like the Ebola virus) doesn't spread very well. Anyway, I think either humans will become extinct or evolve into a different species... however, the latter will take a very long time, whereas the former could happen suddenly.
  7. The book's pretty good, but it reads like a kids story rather than one aimed at adults... which is odd, because it is aimed at adults. But then Neil Gaiman is always like that.
  8. Hmm, today was fairly good. I thought I was going to have to do a 6 hour practical, but I got an email saying that it'd been changed to an online thingy that would only take two hours, and it actually took more like one. So I had plenty of time to do my mammoth amount of chemistry work, just finished it now. If I force myself to do my maths as well, then that just leaves 2 essays and 3 hours of lectures for the weekend. Hmm, mayhap one of these days I shall buy a Wii. I've still never played on one... I want Metroid and Super Paper Mario.
  9. This guy does Look Around You, so it's probably good. ...not that I have a TV.
  10. That's pretty much what people do in Japan... they use a "wash station" then soak in the bath. Yes, even for baths at home, or so I hear.
  11. I haven't read Enduring Love, but I have seen the film, which I thought was quite good, though not phenomenal.
  12. I heard that the film of Enduring Love is better than the book, what do you think? Anyway, I'm reading Atonement at the moment, I'd like to finish it before seeing the film. Pity I get no time to read...
  13. WE DON'T THINK THAT CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL. Anyway, I'm just back from lectures, and I've still got a practical and a supervision today... somewhere I need to fit in my maths and chemistry questions and 2 biology essays. ...so a day of work methinks. At least this logo made me lol. And on an unrelated note, it turns out me and fish were separated by a single friend on facebook.
  14. Have a look at the meat thread if you want to catch up on more drama...
  15. Wow, how is this not locked yet? Anyway, as a biology student, the amount of bollocks being help up as science in this thread (from both sides) has made me want to pull my eyes out and scream. Thankfully it's mostly been corrected by now. As for dynastygal... pity she couldn't cope with anyone questioning her key beliefs. Incidentally, though you may not believe it, she was on the list. And as for my attitude towards vegans, I think I'll use a Murakami quote. "Gays, lesbians, straights, feminists, fascist pigs, communists, Hare Krishnas - none of those bother me. I don't care what banner they raise. But what I can't stand are hollow people. When I'm with them I can't bear it, and end up saying things I shouldn't."
  16. Yeah, that's the reason why. When we said it was coming back, we were sure that it would be - it was only once it had been gone for a while that some staff changed their minds. So we're not lying to you, quite the opposite - you were only told it was coming back because we were being honest. There's still been no final decision, but it's looking less and less like it'll be coming back, and I can see why many staff members like the forum the way it is now. I'd still like it to return, but the current state of general chit-chat suggests that it's not nearly as important to the forum as I thought it was.
  17. Mm, do one over Christmas. Then I'd be able to contribute.
  18. ...I really need to stop going on these spending sprees. I blame the 6 hour practicals.
  19. I watch the odd dub for amusement purposes. ...then after about 5 minutes I claw out my ear drums. I don't really get the point of dubs unless they're for kids - if you're used to subs then you can read them and look at the picture at the same time thanks to unconcious saccadic eye motion.
  20. Well, like I said, it's only £1.40 here... but the damn machines give no change! I put in two pounds, and it wouldn't give it back. Now whoever uses it next will find they only have to pay 80p, thanks to my forced philanthropy. Oh, and drying costs 20p for 20 minutes... but my stuff was still a bit damp after I ran it for 40.
  21. I sort of like baths, but they take way too long and often give me a headache. I don't have a bath here, anyway...
  22. Dynastygal, do you know that Fresh is gay? I don't think he's trying to be condescending, apart from as a joke... And Fresh, enough.
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