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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. It made perfect sense once I got the reference, but it looked wrong without context.
  2. Ah, I don't mean a Hikaru no Go style one... even the tutee has to be pretty strong to learn like that. I mean a high handicap one with explanation of concepts.
  3. It's a great series, there were loads of nice bits. Anyhoo, if you make an account on KGS, I'll give you a teaching game sometime. Plus it's a nice place to play.
  4. Have you read the Hikaru no Go manga? That's by the same artist, it's great. Incidentally, are you another Hikaru no Go fan with no desire to play go? There are quite a few of those (Shorty included), it's odd... I only watched/read it because I played.
  5. I read the manga about a year ago... up to volume 9 or so, anyway. Very nice drawing.
  6. It's more that it suddenly went downhill in the last week or so. But don't worry, admins are on the case. :wink:
  7. It's the correct spelling of the name of the star, it seems the film name is spelt differently.
  8. ...wow, someone got out the wrong side of bed this morning.
  9. Never heard this before, but the song is awesome.
  10. People used to say Dante was the internet. Methinks he is far nicer than the internet.
  11. What I find interesting is the contrast with English fashions a few hundred years ago - pale was popular, for the same reasons as in Asia, and it was also fashionable to be somewhere between chubby and fat, as this again suggested wealth.
  12. Hi there, I hope you like it here. Incidentally, we've had welcome threads (and even boards) in the past and have decided they're a bad idea, however new member introduction threads are alright... so I'll make this thread your introduction thread.
  13. I did say no arguments, so this is getting locked, at least while people cool off. Sorry dynastygal, I'd like to welcome you in a better way. I hope you enjoy it here.
  14. I think I knew someone once who had parents with the same name... that was a bit odd.
  15. You're not allowed to flame people, it's been in the forum rules for years.
  16. I think I should add something here: Everyone needs to calm down. Think for a second before angrily hammering the post button.
  17. It was, it's not so much anymore, more of a heated discussion. In fact I love debating with people online, but that isn't really the purpose of this thread.
  18. On that note, perhaps we should end arguments at this point. If not then locky locky. :wink:
  19. Are you suggesting that disfigured people should put paper bags over their heads for the benefit of others?
  20. Well, it of course depends on your definition of the word. And if we're going by the televised thing, then go is indeed a sport. As I said before, I prefer other definitions.
  21. Well... they aren't. I mean, I also play those but I wouldn't really call them sports, just games. But I have a great deal of respect for games, electronic or otherwise. Edit: I don't want anyone suggesting that by omission I have no respect for sports. I respect them, I just don't like playing them.
  22. Hence the italicised "I"... you have no proof that I am "marginalised on the edge of society".
  23. ...wow, read my post again, not once did I attack sport. I merely pointed out that the idea of most of society's problems being caused by those who dislike sport is clearly wrong - most people like sport, therefore most crimes will be committed by people who like sport. I didn't imply any kind of causation to this correlation. And you still haven't answered my question - how do I degrade society by disliking sport? (Incidentally, people were saying how chess was a sport, this would also make go a sport, so under this definition I do like a sport. However, I would disagree and say that board games are in no way sports.)
  24. My amoeba burst when I drew off excess water with filter paper, so I had to go and get another.
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