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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I often find myself sitting with one leg crossed over the other, and have at times been lampooned for this postion, as people claim that only girls should sit like this. Indeed, some go as far as saying that it shouldn't be possible for physical reasons. Clearly anyone unable to sit like this has something fundamentally wrong with their anatomy, and I have noticed other guys in this position, though they tend to be middle aged or older. What's your view? Are you able to sit like this, and if so do you find it comfortable?
  2. Anyway, I think here is a suitable point to end the discussion. [locked] Send further enquiries to PO box no. 21141454.
  3. Hello there, hope you like it here. Ignore the crap right now, someone just vomited and it's being swept under the carpet.
  4. It's no moon, it's a space station! Seriously though guys, people get banned for breaking rules.
  5. Stupid thread. [locked] Do it again and I'll come round to your house and make scary noises, it being in Cambridge and all. Seriously, if you want to talk about something, make it explicit in the first post.
  6. Time to dispell myth #2967. People who are "deaf" are not unable to hear, it just means that they can't hear as well as other people. So you get different degrees of deafness, and "true" deafness, i.e. where you can't hear at all, is extremely rare indeed. This means that most deaf people have some capacity for understanding language, both from the sounds they can pick up and from lip reading. People who are deaf from birth can only mimic what they actually hear, and this is why deaf speech can sound odd - for instance, it may be missing high frequency sounds such as the "f" and "s" consonants. As most deaf people can understand language, they do not need to learn sign language. Indeed, if they were to learn sign language, then how would they become fluent if outside a signing community? - Parents, say, will at best be able to pidgin-sign. There are, however, some people who are unable to get by on spoken languages, and here it is always a good idea to teach them some language, because unless you learn a language (including sign language, which has all the characteristics of language, including but not limited to babbling in children) before the age of around 3, you will never be able to fully grasp the concept of language, and won't be able to learn any others. This has a collary: if you teach a child sign language before the age of 3, they will later have the ability to learn other languages such as English. This could become possible for them in the future if they have a cochlear implant, effectively a bionic ear where electrodes are implanted in the cochlea and transduct sound into electrical impulses which pass along the cochlear nerve. Of course, becoming deafened is very different to being deaf from birth. In this former case, you will be able to fully understand langauge, and the chances are that you will be able to make use of devices such as hearing aids to interpret the the auditory world around you. Anyway, got a bit sidetracked there... I'm supposed to be doing evolution essays, I suppose this is a form of procrastination.
  7. I'm still waiting for someone to make a decent anime adaptation of a classic novel. And no, RomeoXJuliet really does not count, and even if it did, it would be an adaptation of a play.
  8. I was split between rain and milk, and went for milk. I also like dark, but am not keen on white. That said, I don't think chocolate is the epitome of all that is good with the world, unlike many.
  9. *starts up the university of NE* *becomes chancellor*
  10. That's called "el orgasmo" in Spain. It's fun asking for one... Ah well, could still be fun... I'll have to try it some time. I'm actually fairly obsessed with apple juice - I can tell which supermarket it comes from simply by tasting it.
  11. I'm actually pretty useless at physics past GCSE level. (I didn't do A-level, and did it for a couple of weeks at uni before giving it up) Anyway, today I bought a load of stuff: (just watched it, was great) (I love the song Hysteria) (got it in a deal thing with the Muse album. I've seen and liked most of series one, hopefully this should be good) (read it before of course, but wanted my own copy) (been looking for this for a while, it's supposed to be really good - the author got the Nobel prize for literature) (I like Alan Bennett, and got this free in 3 for 2) (looked like a good general introduction to the field, which I will probably change to next year) Anyway, getting all that made me feel better about not doing my evil evolution essays. I don't think I should really be allowed near Heffers or Borders.
  12. I'm a real mixture of both. I enjoy being by myself - I like reading, watching things, and thinking, but I also crave human interaction and external extertainment all the time. When I'm with people I don't know, I act very withdrawn and shy, but I act very outgoing when around those I do know. I love talking about random things, but I'm useless at small talk and my favourite conversations tend to focus on detailed, obscure topics. I like all of these qualitites apart from finding it difficult to meet new people... and also I'd like to be better at at least faking small talk. Most tests I have done define me as an extrovert, so I suppose I should vote for that.
  13. I've known for years that I've been longsighted, but I think now I need glasses - I can't read text in dim light, and today I couldn't tell the difference between norrmal and white eye mutant drosophila. Will get some cheap reading glasses. I actually sort of like glasses. Edit: Zonules, what the hell? I always learnt that as "suspensory ligament". Hmm, I suppose zonule is the specific term for them...
  14. I'm going to go with apple juice. I don't like cider because it's too dry. *has crazy thoughts about adding spirits to apple juice* ...I must try that some time.
  15. Hmm, must learn some Chinese some time, I fail to see how it works.
  16. でも漢字がまだ勉強しませんみたいwwwww *stops acting like a 2chan user*
  17. My dad always says brandy is the one thing that prevents him from sleeping. As for me, I don't really have any trouble sleeping, but only because I'm so busy all the time. I can quite literally sleep whenever...
  18. Well, this is in comparison to say, Japanese. I pick up a book in French and can use my knowledge of derivatives and English words to work out a large amount of it. My mum can speak semi-fluently in sign language, because she teaches deaf children. However, the vast majority of deaf children don't actually use sign langauge, and she doesn't use it all that much. Also, Japanesepod101 is indeed good. Additonally: would also like to learn Arabic.
  19. Hmm, tonight was amusing. My friend came to my room and played Wii sports. I don't think he ever really knew what a Wii did before, he seemed fairly astounded. And he didn't really get the thing about not having to make massive movements.
  20. I have learnt Japanese to the level where I can just about read some books, and hold some conversations. Am always studying it and trying to improve. Other than that, I've learnt French and Spanish to GCSE level, and can just about read things in French, mostly because it's so similar to English. I also know some Latin and German. In the future, I would like to study ancient Greek, Korean, Chinese, Hindi, Russian, Hebrew, [insert more langauges]. I would like to be able to understand as many writing systems as possible. I want to change to linguistics next year.
  21. I slept until 1pm. This was not in the plan - missed a lecture, handed some work in late. (which I ironically did in time) Ah well, Italian formal hall should be fun tonight.
  22. OW, I'd like to see you make one argument that doesn't involve ad homimnems and/or "it's better because I say it is and I know what I'm talking about".
  23. I asked a chef I know... he suggested fried zucchini.
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