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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Testing new camera myspace style and looking scary in the process ftw:
  2. Right, got my camera... video coming as soon as it's daytime, and I have an sd card and a few moments. I took a sample video, it makes me sound really posh. :wink: Edit: Made a quick preview showcasing my hardcore accent.
  3. And now I remember that the program never works properly on my laptop... Something to do with my default language for non-unicode programs being Japanese perhaps. Ah well, people are playing at the moment if anyone else wants to play.
  4. I feel like some iSketch, who's with me? For those who don't know this is a great online flash game that we play every now and then on here - basically one person has to sketch something, and everyone else has to guess what they're sketching. The game is here; registration is not necessary. (or indeed possible unless things have changed) I'll make an N-Europe room presently.
  5. Whooo else but QUAGMIRE! *cough* But yeah, this seems a step too far, though I do love Family Guy.
  6. Bought her these: I need to sort out some kind of card too... she's coming to visit tomorrow.
  7. Done it, hi again. Something about going to the library and sitting there forces me to do essays.
  8. I've been procrastinating all day, as I always seem to do most Saturdays. Right, I shall not come on this site again until I have written my essay - "Why are some male fish dutiful parents yet many male mammals are not?". See you guys then.
  9. They use a star cast, so all the characters are the retained, though they play different roles. Mind you, Mai isn't exactly an important character...
  10. Hmm, more important than penis size is Ego : Penis ratio.
  11. Much the same things I'm known for here methinks: Being geeky. Playing go. Liking random discussions that get heated. Knowing an abnormal amount of extremely useless facts. Not caring at all about fashion. Learning Japnese in my free time. Reading a lot of books. (got deemed an honourary English student for quoting an obscure line of Shakespeare and the first line of Northanger Abbey) Speaking in a slightly odd (and posh) way. Being a little socially inept.
  12. Man, I wish I had my own dungeon... not for fetish reasons, just for the sake of having a dungeon. If I were rich, I'd trick out my house with secret passageways behind bookcases and the like. Anyway, my day has been one of procrastination so far. I need to do this damn essay on why fish are better fathers than mammals.
  13. So turns out my camera got dispatched to the wrong address, so I won't be able to make a video until sometime next week.
  14. Cracking under stress wasn't a fast process, though the cliched metaphor seemed to suggest this. It was endless; every day he was a little more shattered. Take this instance: "They give us this food, and then expect us to eat it, even though they've run out of forks." "I know, but what can you do? Here, take mine, I've finished with it." He looked at the proffered implement, and took it. "Thanks." The following slience compelled him to do something. He looked down at the cutlery of his hand, and manipulated it towards his plate, piercing through the skin of a sausage. In that instant, that was all there was for him, until the stirring of his companion broke his concentration. "Anyway, how are you doing?" "Me? Oh, I'm fine I suppose."
  15. I can't promise that, but I can promise to go through the intermediates of the Krebs cycle.
  16. I was under the understanding that this was a thread for videos of rooms rather than stand up comedy. Anyway, mine should be informative.
  17. But at my back I always hear Time's wingèd chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lie Deserts of vast eternity. Thy beauty shall no more be found, Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound My echoing song: then worms shall try That long preserved virginity, And your quaint honour turn to dust, And into ashes all my lust: The grave's a fine and private place, But none, I think, do there embrace. Personally, I'm not terribly bothered... I think there are ecological arguments both ways - though creation adds to atmospheric carbon dioxide, burying takes up ground space. (it sounds odd I know, but I've heard this is a problem)
  18. When I was about 13, there was a guy in my class who was constantly joking around with our art teacher, saying "you know you want my babies". She just found it funny, I don't think he ever got in trouble.
  19. Today my supervisor crossed out a "that" in my essay and said it should have been a "which". I pointed out that this was in fact incorrect, because it was introducing a restrictive, rather than non-restrictive, relative clause. She didn't know what these were, but still maintained it should have been "which"... It's ironic really because nowadays either is considered correct anyway. Anyway, how is cool uncool? I thought that was the one constant. (other than swearwords)
  20. I hardly ever play games these days, or go to forums other than general chit-chat. I still sort of think of myself as a gamer though.
  21. I'd like to think I wouldn't be able to kill anyone. Could I actually? I doubt it.
  22. Fixed for you. Seriously, I hated those characters. Actually, there was one other nice character - the one with the otaku boyfriend who was very minor.
  23. I personally prefer dried noodles (once boiled), they don't tend to taste as eggy as straight to wok ones do. Talking of noodles, I recently bought this shirt from threadless:
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