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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I love the comments thing on nicovideo, it's such a great idea. Makes it really easy to troll though - go into a Fire Emblem video, and add the comment "ゼルダwwww" at a decent moment and watch the otaku fume.
  2. I can do the rumbling thing, I think it's just making internal sounds that your ear picks up on. I've read that this is actually a sound spontaneously emitted by your ear, though I'm not sure why. I'm guessing some sort of aural hiccup.
  3. No, but it's an interesting topic... ask me in 3 years and I might know.
  4. Pretty much - the monkey jump is an evil endgame move that I happen to worship.
  5. I think some people are misinterpreting this - it's not about actually having ideas, it's about a feeling that you should be able to come up with a brilliant idea that you can't actually get to.
  6. I ordered the best t-shirt ever created: And a load of other not quite as mind destroyingly awesome ones, this time from threadless.
  7. This reminds me of something I heard about a philosopher (I forget who) who woke up in the middle of the night with a brilliant idea that he thought would revolutionise philosophy forever. He quickly wrote it down, so that he wouldn't forget it, but when he came back to it in the morning, it read: "Higamous, hogamous, woman in monogamous, Hogamous, higamous, man is polygamous." Actually, I've had a similar experience with an experiment I was trying to design. In the night, I thought I'd come up with some kind of fluoresence photography method for quantitatively measuring the amount of oxygen in leaves, but it was just a load of bollocks.
  8. I suppose I'll add myself to the list, as I'll almost definitely be going. I'll be taking the Picadilly line from King's Cross to Hyde Park Corner sometime in the morning on the 5th.
  9. I know that I can't actually do anything, but somehow at a more fundamental level I feel that I can, and that motivates me.
  10. I get this feeling an awful lot. The feeling that somehow, in some as yet unknown way, I can do something, or create something... brilliant. How I would go about doing this is unclear, but I feel I'm almost able to craft the fabric of the universe into something that myself and others would revel in. I can invoke this feeling by thinking like this, and it's great. It doesn't seem to matter that I can't actually do this "thing", whatever it may be, and such thoughts give me infinite motivation to carry out other, less important tasks. Does anyone else get this, or is it just me being strange?
  11. St. Albans eh? Hmm, not been there much after leaving school, but used to go every day. Which bit were you in? As for me, I slept until 5pm... again.
  12. Heheh, I think I came up as a little too self content on that survey. Mind you, I don't have much time to play games these days...
  13. Have you ever tried anything? Nothing illegal, but have had alcohol, caffeine, paracetamol, codeine, ibuprofen, whatever they put in anaesthetic, antibiotics, including but not limited to amoxicillin, various other things. (yes I am being intentionally facetious) Never had nicotine. Taking anything now? Daily caffeine and the odd bit of alcohol. Why did you try them? In the case of these drugs, there are few reasons not to. Would you try them? I don't think I'd smoke or try illegal drugs. Are you addicted to anything? Possibly caffeine, but I highly doubt it. Were you addicted to anything? No.
  14. I think what it did well was nightime animation, it's one of the first instances of it being pulled off successfully. I also thought some of the hallucination and telekinesis scenes were clever. I didn't actually like it much though, partly because it's so nonsensical - I prefer the manga, where things are actually explained. (and that is also innovative, though in different ways) Still, it's not exactly my favourite type of show.
  15. "You did not select an option to vote for. Please press back to return to the poll and choose an option before voting." Hmm...
  16. Who the hell is going to appreciate the jokes in Lucky Star and also listen to the dub?
  17. Are you just trying to prove Godwin's law or something?
  18. I know, I think he might actually be able to talk given he really knows what he's doing when it comes to games.
  19. Nope, Greg Wallace and John Torrode. *resists making master chief joke*
  20. Hehe, nice quote from his girlfriend: "I couldn't believe it when he told me what happened, I was just wondering what had happened to my chips." Cool though. Anyway, I slept until 5pm today. ...and I'm still tired, even though I went to bed at 3am.
  21. He is indeed great. ...hell to understand in original Japanese though.
  22. I've fallen asleep in the cinema many times, and while sitting up in the car. I think the best time has to be during Phantom of the Opera though.
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